Through a lot and long experience, I got the emphasis of what I need to learn, that :
things aren't always like what they seem they are.
Take for example :
Kemaren ini gw buy some clothes from woolen mitten-nya Dedenya Gill (Gladys). For more info of woolen mitten, find them on facebook, like them, and start buying !! *aji mumpung dot kom*
for one reason or another, gua mo cancel one of them cos I feel I couldn't fit
gua udah minta Gill buat bawa satu aja, the one that I think I could fit.
but when the clothes finally arrive, dua duanya mendarat dengan mulus di SG
so I opened them, and guess what ? I LOVEEEE the one that I think I can't fit (and I fit into it well), and I totally need to squeeze myself to the other one that I thought I could fit.
Ga ba bi bu, langsung gua pake itu baju the next day and I'm smiling all day long, bahkan sampe maksa Depot temenin gua jalan2 sekitar SG supaya gua ga langsung pulang rumah. Why ? Coz I feel pretty wearing the top I dont want to go home directly :P hohoho *biasa cewek*
But I learn something that I've learnt before, and relearnt again that day. Something very valuable. Never judge anything/one by its face value.
Kl gua ngotot bilang Gill bawa satu aja, I'll end up with beautiful blue top that I cant wait to wear again soon.
And then all the memories seems like coming into remembrance, anything that's related to this lesson.
Things, aren't always what they really seem. No Europe holiday is not something that's so painful after all. In fact, no holiday at all might also be a good thing if I look deeper into the matter. Wait, I don't need to look deeper, I KNOW far too well that no Europe holiday this year might probably be the BEST thing ever happen to me.
Friends that I cant seem to get along then, might not always be a friend that I worth giving up right away. For the record, I did give up on her, but somehow, God knows why, she didn't. And look at where we are now....I'm talking about Kiyoko. More on her next time.
Whatever things are in this world :
when they seem good outside, they might be rotten inside (we all have that person in our life whose words and action are so much contradicting to each other. puke blood !!!)
when they seem useless, they might be gold (look at Pst. Bill Wilson)
So as things aren't always what they seem, let's be wise and pray for Godly wisdom and guidance that we may see, hear, and do the truth, and nothing else.....but the truth.
Lastly : in HIM we trust :)
bombie {=^o^=}
the loved one