Friday, February 19, 2010

serem ga seh ?

Beneran gua cukup serem sama comment2 aneh yg nongol di blog gua recently. Udah gua delete btw. Jg sama follower gua yg tiba2 dari 2, jadi 7, yg lokasinya Amrik semua pula :P dapet darimanaaaaaaaaaa lagi dia orang ? lagian apa dia orang ngerti Indo jg gt ? gubraxxxxx

Belon lg gua bingung : di facebook, ini ada alat auto add gitu bukan seh ? kdg gua heran ada request yg dr lgt ujung mana, kenal aja kagak, tiba2 nge-add, terus udah gua ignore, eh bisa dicoba lagi add ?!?!?! okie bisa jadi gua yg norak, ga-tek abish, tapi buat gua Facebook suppose to work like Friendster. If you're not my friend, don add me. Tp apparently ga gt yah ?

adoh, mulai kerasa kena harrassed sama teknologi neh heran si El blog nya kl mo comment harus dapet approval dr blog owner dulu. Ikutan ah !

Anyway, CNY is over now. Semenjak gua dtg ke SG, budaya CNY celebration yg kuat mulai nempel di fikiran :) Somehow taon tuh belon kerasa beneran mulai kl CNY belon berakhir. Kayak when I celebrate the international New Year, I still keep the holiday mood as we are still looking forward for another holiday : CNY !! But when CNY is over, everything feels like just start to jreng jreng !! RUN !

En frankly speaking, it doesn't help that the CNY is now in February !! Somehow gua just finally realize : udah 2 bulan dari taon 2010 itu lewat gitu aja....udah 2 bulan !! secepet ini !! en dlm 10 bln lg: udah christmas lagi.....

Gua ngerasa kayak baru kemaren gua finish Naboeng *btw : on the record : gua masih ngimpi doing Naboeng. After 6 mths over, en BTW it was all nitemares :P ehheheehhe* en so krn br selesai, gua kyk giving myself time to relax, breathe, makan seenaknya gendutin body. Ga sadar kl sekarang itu tuh udah 5 months over, en body udah balik ke keadaan gendut semula

Naboeng kedua yg tadinya seems so far : April 2011, jd tiba2 di depan mata !!!!

Serem ga seh ? atau ini cuman gara gara kita di SG ? ngr yg ga kenal ampun dalam hal time race ? In just a short while, time lapse and crash.... atau ini gejala udah mau tua ? haha

en it doesn't help the fact that gua dlm keadaan yg krg stabil right now ! Kurang stabil dlm arti, somehow suddenly *dgn smkn deketnya gua ke umur 30*, I wanted sth more !! Gmn yah ? I wanted everyday to be fruitfull ! a meaningfull life to do !! bukan mslh reward doang, krn jujur ga ada gunanya duit byk but being stuck.

Tp at the same time, gua takut bgt sm resiko dari my eagerness of doing en achieving more of those yg bkl berarti more challenge and time consumed. Actually loe liat those around my age, they have settle down, en by saying so I saw a slower pace of life. Commitment steps in.

But seriously, there's just got to be more in life than this !!! en somehow I cant settle down till I find the answer.

ini bukan yg disebut beban ? atau ambisi ? atau..... mid life crisis ? HAHA :p

ga tau deh...mari skl lg BERDOA !!

bombie {=^o^=}


Pinkbuble said...

ah ngaco lu bomb..umur 20+ bukan mid life crisis laaaah! huhahhahaha..and again, kenapa? blog lu tuh buat gw mikir banget...^*

bombie {=^o^=} said...

Hahahaha... Jgn dipikirin lah El..... Btw happy belated bday yah ....

Pinkbuble said...

iyaaa..makasi, gw uda balik loh..*bukannya sms aja yak?*

Waktu gw celebrate beday..tau ga ada group sapa??

Group YRC segambreng di TA pancious..ya olloooo...

|0|0... said...

helo..salam kenal. gw dpt link blog lu dr tmptnya el. so ini bukan komen aneh hahaa..salam kenal yah :)
tertarik ajah ama postingan yg ini, he2..cos i think u're not be honest, i'm thinking the same thing..*curcol*,kyknya wktu cepet bgt, pengen do more stuffs tp agak2 hmm.. seram..
i believe there's somethin more to life, eventho i'm still trying to figure it out. so if u find it, please let me kno jg. kita bertukar pendapat he3..