Then, I just got my results last Saturday.... dengan hati yg deg datang ke Novena, pikir telat (harusnya jam 11.45), taunya nunggu sampe jam 12.45 baru masuk...
JRENG JRENG !!! dan inilah hasilnya
1> The obvious : beginilah kata dokter gua..... tanpa ba bi or bu :
erm..... a bit overweight ya... (thank you for putting the word abit comforting)
2> No Cholesterol problem in anyway.... YAY !!!
3> High bilirubin. Apapun itu artinya...
4> No hepatitis A antibody. Need to take injection.
5> On blood's diagnosis, Doctornya bilang my red blood cell jauh lbh banyak banding my white blood. Banyak bener (lewat bates). Also, I have Thelamisia ..... ga tau deh gimana spellnya... katanya ini seh genetic. Intinya cell darah merah gua kecil2.
Gua tanya gimana benerinnya ? Apa concernnya ?
Answer : no cure, no concern unless I'm getting married. Intinya kl calon suami gw ada Thelamicia jg, baru ini concerning... this is more into baby's forming problem...
In conclusion : sbelon gua pacaran, gw perlu minta medical report calon pacar gua...
That's all !!! In any case : saya senang cholesterol saya rendahhhhh !!!!! In the world where I always have excess from the rest of the normal Asian bodies (excess weight, height, fat, etc etc)....I finally have something less than the rest !!! YAY !!! Though emang cholesterol ga pernah jadi terlalu masalah for my family members, still... senang :) Thank you God !! hoho
yah..kl ada A B C or D for weight report...... I guess it's safe to say that I am B.
b : bombie {=^o^=}