Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Medical Raport

Tersebutlah March 24 yg lalu I opened up my bday celebration with nothing less than medical check up on nothing less than Saturday morning at 8.45 AM !!!! Gw pikir gua bakalan naek taxi ke Novena for such an early appointment....amazingly gw berhasil bangun early enough to reach there via MRT hoho #bangga

Then, I just got my results last Saturday.... dengan hati yg deg degan...gw datang ke Novena, pikir telat (harusnya jam 11.45), taunya nunggu sampe jam 12.45 baru masuk... 

JRENG JRENG !!! dan inilah hasilnya
1> The obvious : beginilah kata dokter gua..... tanpa ba bi or bu : 
erm..... a bit overweight ya... (thank you for putting the word abit Doc....how comforting)
2> No Cholesterol problem in anyway.... YAY !!! 
3> High bilirubin. Apapun itu artinya... 
4> No hepatitis A antibody. Need to take injection.
5> On blood's diagnosis, Doctornya bilang my red blood cell jauh lbh banyak banding my white blood. Banyak bener (lewat bates). Also,  I have Thelamisia ..... ga tau deh gimana spellnya... katanya ini seh genetic. Intinya cell darah merah gua kecil2. 

Gua tanya gimana benerinnya ? Apa concernnya ? 
Answer : no cure, no concern unless I'm getting married. Intinya kl calon suami gw ada Thelamicia jg, baru ini concerning... this is more into baby's forming problem... 

In conclusion : sbelon gua pacaran, gw perlu minta medical report calon pacar gua... 

That's all !!! In any case : saya senang cholesterol saya rendahhhhh !!!!! In the world where I always have excess from the rest of the normal Asian bodies (excess weight, height, fat, etc etc)....I finally have something less than the rest !!! YAY !!! Though emang cholesterol ga pernah jadi terlalu masalah for my family members, still... senang :) Thank you God  !! hoho

yah..kl ada A B C or D for weight report...... I guess it's safe to say that I am B. 

b : bombie {=^o^=}

Monday, April 23, 2012


At YRC 21st of April kemaren, TLG news tayangin one special edition on girl's Power. Intinya the guys of TLG direkamin, wishing thank to girls of TLG. Dimulai dari what's their impression on TLG women, and then went on to thank TLG women
At first I wonder why ada special TLG news like this. Gua ampe mikir ini gara2 Godly men, perhaps one of the topic diajarin how to appreciate women. Atau malah the first topic langsung diajarin soal women appreciation ? haha ....Just my random guess....till I realize kalo 21 April kemaren is Kartini's day, and probably the reason for the very special TLG news edition. 
Speaking on which, Ibu Kartini, it's pathetic how hard she has fought women's cause then, only for me to find now in 2012 I still have to continue her fight. Mungkin bedanya cuman satu. The world didn't even give the chance to women then to enrich their knowledge and life then, than they do now. Counting on how much politicians and women playing the big picture in the windows of the world. 

But no, that doesn't stop the world of 2012 from looking into a woman, Indonesian Chinese especially, who is 31, single, totally available, and not very eager to quickly join the celebration of maternity her friends are having.... as a handicapped !
Despite her fight, her strive to learn new things every year, her joy of freedom of unlimited possibilities, her passion to be happy and happier every single coming year...... Nope. None of the above is relevant to what a 30 sth Indonesian Chinese woman should do and should be. 
Hmph....pathetic isn't it ? 

Dear Ibu Kartini, 
We were born on different span of season. Of very much contradicting race, family background, believes, upbringing, religion, and everything else you can name. You might be surprised that so long after your passing, I'm still here continuing your fight. Funny how our path cross, and how the world hasn't changed that much. 
Whatever it is, here's my salute for standing up strongly for your cause, pioneering the road I can understand to walk, and making it way much easier for me now, than it was for you then. I cant even imagine how difficult it was then. Thank you Dear Ibu !! 

the girl who wish to carve her own path of life
bombie {=^o^=}

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


yg udah jelas banget for sure... 
gw... males nge-blog... 
#duh #soobvious

Tapi waktu gua nonton The Vow on last good Friday, kebayang kl misalnya kita suddenly amnesia !! Then there's one question asking, do you keep a journal / diary / blog ? 

NAH !!! Karena itu ngeblog itu penting...
so sesusah semalesh apapun gw nge-blog...let me just update the events that have gone unwritten in between March 17 to now... 

Which is safe to say .... 
nothing much happen ... 

except : Gempa di Aceh, drama di BCS PW mailist, my cousin "Superstars" wedding, and...OH ! me turning 31, and many rounds of eating and eating and eating and eating again.... Barosa, Mozza, Chef Novena (Nuradi family), Mad for garlic, Kim Chis, Soju, Pinot, Sauvignon Blanc...ini kok jadi makanan semua ?? 

Oh yah : a new group in my life has arrived : MBS : Mari Berjogging Sama2 ....di sekitar MBS : Marina Bay Sands......bersama MBS : Melissa Bombie Surya... 
Members (so far): Iot, Ieie, Dedie, Andreie (habib), Lorenie Amandie ...en bombie.... semua yg ie ie aja dah....thats why kadang2 Jenie ikut.. 
Been 3 weeks kita lari bareng every wednesday.... since then my running capacity udah nambah :P Thank God :) 

Another great news :Eric & Wynne's boy is here :) Hellow Ethan Jake Frans :) Visiting time soon !!

Sekian dulu deh my life update ..... after liatin facebook postingannya Denny yg bilangin kurang tidur itu ga baek.....I will repent and sleep more..... 

Anyway : in case I got insomnia...I should remember all these ....especially the FOOD :P hehehehe :P 
Last random thought : April itu.... cepet banget seh berlalu ? Tangan gw masih kebiasaan nulis bulan maret...April udah mo abish.... 

Ya sutra... 

bombie {=^o^=}

Sunday, April 1, 2012


It's April 
And i thought March gonna be a blood bathe for me thus the posting of Philippians 4:13 
But it seems to me now that from this month onwards the "iceberg ahead" warning sign is signalling LOUD en CLEAR 

Still... Is anything too hard for God ? 
This is just a training 

 For our final battle, hasn't even begun !! HWAITINK !!! 

On another note : I have completed my dental visit, medical check up visit, and skin doctor visit !! Yeah baby, u're not getting any younger, so ya better watch out :) 

 yg pasrah : bombie {=^o^=}