Monday, December 31, 2012

#31-Dec-2012 #home #newyear2013cathphrase

A year ago, the Dragon Ball minus their Chief Rimbo, are at hongkong !! We ate Dim Sum, then proceed to eat tsui wah (Chan brothers da bao ing yung kee)...before proceeding to walk near the harbor to watch fireworks !! By 2 AM...we're back at Regal I Club, praying for the new 2012. Any good guess would have said that I will not survive 2012 if not for that prayer that evening :) Thank you Tanto Su.... *a year of Hongkong in remembrance*

Yup, by the time I'm writing this, it's Monday December 31' 2012. Waktu menunjukkan pukul 15.03PM Jakarta Time WIB. Bertempat di kediaman babe dan nyak aye, aye tutup blog aye di 2012 yang asli dikit bener postingannya....ibarat rupiah  yang agak2 jatoh taon ini.....begitu pula jumlah postingan aye di taon 2012.

(gaya bahasa berita presenter) 
Jadi pemirsa, telah sekian lama semenjak saya menulis postingan saya yang terakhir, yaitu di bulan lalu di November 2012. Sejak dari itu, beberapa hal (tepatnya banyak sekali hal) telah berlangsung, di antaranya sebagai berikut :

1> Acara thanksgiving dadakan yang berlangsung di kediaman saya di Singapura bersama para personil gokil dari keluarga Royals dan bintang tamu Bern Yeremia

2> Dinner and dance kantor saya yang bertepat tanggal 29 November 2012 lalu di Novotel Clarke Quay, dimana saya sekali lagi ditarik di menit terakhir untuk ikut berpartisipasi menjadi penari latar dan tentunya group kami hanya berhasil mendapat posisi ketiga karena ketidaksiapan kami

3> berlanjut dengan acara Natal dan YRC service yang terakhir dari TLG ministry yang berlangsung pada tanggal 1 Desember lalu, yang dapat saya katakan berlangsung dengan luar biasa mulus dan lancar berkat anugrah yang luar biasa dari Yesus Kristus yang maha mulia. Sungguh sebuah kerjasama yang sangat baik dari the 2 homeboy Yohanes Wijaya dan Glenn Chua beserta para panitia yang ada !! Great job guys !! 

4> Dan tentunya kita tidak dapat melupakan pernikahan yang telah ditunggu tunggu banyak pihak selama 6 tahun terakhir ini, yaitu di tanggal 8 Desember yang lalu, bertempat di CHIJMES Singapore, saudara Willy Kurniawan mempersunting belahan jiwanya : saudari Yoanalita Sulaiman Lai dalam acara pernikahan yang luar biasa kudus, suci, hangat dan sangat berkesan bagi semua undangan yang hadir. Berkat yang melimpah dan luar biasa kita doakan untuk pasangan rumah tangga yang baru ini.

5> Sejak hari itu jugalah, hadir adik saya berserta ipar saya di Singapura, dan dimulailah minggu kami yang dipenuhi dengan acara makan, makan dan makan lagi. Di hari minggu 9 Desember, kami makan malam di Spruce tanglin. Tak lupa saya menumpang berenang di hari minggu dan nge gym di hari senin, di MBS hotel yang mereka tinggali selama 2 hari tersebut. Dan puncaknya, di hari Jumat tanggal 14 Desember, pergilah kami untuk no bar (nonton bareng) Hobbit di IMAX 3D Lido, bersama dengan sepupu2 yang lain, sebelum kami makan di Bangkok Jam di Shaw building. Dan di hari Sabtu tanggal 15 Desember, kami menjalani program yang bernama "The ultimate garden experience", sebuah program yang di design khusus bagi adik dan ipar saya, oleh sepupu saya Margie dan suaminya. Program ini diawali dengan makan siang di Summer Pavilion Ritz Carlton hotel, lalu kami beralih ke garden by the Bay, berjalan sambil menikmati indahnya tanaman2 langka dan hiasan yang bertemakan Natal, sebelum akhirnya kami mengakhiri hari tersebut dengan makan malam yang sungguh nikmat di salah satu restoran jepang yang spi di daerah Robertson Quay yang bernama "Satchuma". Suatu hari, saya pasti akan kembali ke tempat ini dan tentunya, saya akan mengajak satu atau dua dari para pemirsa yang beruntung :) What an "Ultimate Garden Experience" !!

(sampai disini saja saya akan berbahasa presenter, karena sungguh sangat melelahkan berbicara sedemikian rupa) 

So those are my December "adventures". Call it adventure so it can sound abit fun, when actually...really...surviving such an attack of events on every weekends with tough weekdays during end of the year period, added with all the commitments that one have which are: 
1> writing appraisal for what I thought should be 5 people, which turns out to be 6 ppl #braindrainingexercise
2> writing MC script for the wedding
3> choreoing for TLG flash mob
4> supervising TLG Christmas preparation
5> that point where I was dragged to participate in DnD again...
6> And.....even.... the supposedly fun Christmas gift shopping that is......totally not fun at all to drain your brain thinking for gifts to 20-30 people)

These list of works are .....seriously my friend : it is TOTALLY OBVIOUSLY......BLEHHHH  !!! YUCKS !! OWEEEEKKKKKK !!!

To reach December 22' 2012 when I finally about to fly home (and still burdened with some thoughts on whether I should stay for flash mob).... felt like I have conquered the challenge to win some gold medals to stay that long in Singapore !!

heh .... yup... I'm whining...whining for the last few horrible weeks of 2012 where I went home from office at 8-9 PM daily.....  THANK GOD it is soon to be over !! Coz no no no no.... December is nightmare in Banking world !! 

And in actual... if I may... I wish to whine, complain, and curcol some more on 2012. How has it been for you my friend ? Other than finding my love for running, the unexpected surprised holiday trip to London, the family trips, TLG Danz and all the sweeties of 2012 (not many honestly)...this year has been....hmph... 

It has been a year when I'm forced to push the boundaries of my understanding and my behavior of being a mature adult!!

It has been a year when I'm fully agreeing with what Pak Niko says : 
Kalau saudara mau dipromosikan oleh Tuhan, saudara harus mau di proses habis habisan !!

It has been a year when tears have served no particular purpose nor symbolize any meaningful message when they flow. It has been a year full of personal hardships that craft some deep imprints in my weak and fragile heart. It has been a year, where words spoken could no longer save one out from the agony of wandering living. It has been a year, when I finally take my stand against conformity and make my feelings known, with a big bang action that's called : walking away !!

It has been a year.....where I just raise my hands up....and eat in all demands thrown directly right to my direction...without a word....without a fight..and complete what were asked out of me !! It has been a year of surrendering !!

It has been a year....where I gave up on my own undertanding....and gave a good fight on my faith that "God works in all things to bring the goodness to the people He loves" to press on 

Eventually : God wins !! Faith Wins !! Love wins !!
I do not walk out the same !!

I am healed, which mean to say that I was once hurt !! I'm saved, which says I was once lost !! I'm freed, yes I was imprisoned ! 

And in such a tough year, I found TLG Danz reaching it's new height, new calling, new purpose ! Found my boss finally giving me the high mark for my office work. Found friends that are worth keeping and fighting for...and found my way back to Blessed !

What  a year of contrast !!  And how contrasting it has been compared to the super sweeties best of the best 2011 !!

I'm glad you are over 2012 !! Thank  you for all the lesson and hardships !! Thank you for forcing me to grow !!  Thank you for making me sure that "He will be with me till the end of time. He shall never leave me nor forsake me in times of need" 

For now..... Au revoir !! Adios !! GOODBYE 2012 !!!! You've been mostly bad...God has been always good :)

Gillian Sastra pernah berkata : loe active yah kl nge blog di indo ?? Yet gw dah pulang dari tanggal 22 Desember kemaren en baru di tanggal 31 Desember ini gw blogging !!

Why ? Karena dari tanggal 22 Desember kemaren: hari bersejarah buat Mas Ceka yg udah umur sa chap sekarang, dan hari yg bakal memorable for many ppl soalnya muacet en buanjir dimana mana....sampe tanggal 29 Desember tinggal di rumah DD gw. 

Rumah DD gw ada internet jelas...wifi pun ada....PC jg ada... Tapi bener kata pepatah : There's no place like home. Inti cerita gw seharusnya dipulangin kampung sunrise di tanggal 26 Desember kemaren. Tp krn kehebatan mak gw yg decided to bongkar gudang di musim liburan ini....bokap dgn niat baek suruh gw netep di rumah dede gw ajah di Permata Buana. 

Honestly rumah dede gw mah ....kayak resort bintang 10...banding rumah my mom. Dikarenakan kehebatan mom yg suka bener numpuk "harta" (rongsokan)...jadilah rumah gw makin hari makin sumpek !! Yah puji Tuhan gw ga tinggal lama di sini. Kl iyah mah udah kosong itu gudang gw loakin semua and ... my mom probably will be having heart attack with my action !

So yah.... rencana ditelantarkan di rumah dd gw sampe gw pulang besok ke SG !! Dari pertama gw bete when I heard that, sampe gw terima the decision and get myself to the idea that I'll be at this beautiful home till I go back to Singapore, sampe akhirnya gw pun finally change my mind en decided to balik lagi ke rumah sendiri begitu chance arrive !!

Yup...rumah dede gw seh fantastic !! Rapih bersih baru nicely decorated, much food and the latest added Kinect games, kosong melompong luas buat gw jejogetan and nonton felem sampe pagi !! But it's not my home.... it's her home!!

So gitu gw pulang sampe rumah, rongsokan pun menyambut gw dengan karaokenya yang very high decibel !! I don't love them...but every single corner of this place is my home !! My home !! Dalam segala kebobrokannya, kegelapannya, keramean gang-nya taman ratu, and sempit berantakannya...this is the place where I grow up...and tidur makan selonjor joget2 karaoke ngakak nangis kentut boker seenak jidat :)

I love my sister's home...but my Mom and Dad are not there!! Some more gw jg ga enak lah gangguin dede gw and her hubby terus. Felt like their life have to stop because I'm there...and I don't want that to happen. Gw sendiri udah berasa so helpless waktu di rumah dede gw en kita ga ada transport keluar....felt like I've lost my independence and control...and I'm freaking out..

In the end.....Home is where the people you love gathers !! And now I'm happy to be back home..... di tengah my super humble (sumpek) home :) (kedengeran my mom voice : Jiee mo pepaya ga ??? Maoooooo *happy pepaya girl *)

I know Gillian Sastra yg seneng bener pulang indo (as written in her blog) will agree with me.hoho

I'm reminded too....that no matter how great our "temporary resort" we have in this world..... our home is in heaven !! We need to remind our self to go home to the right home :) Because home is where our loved one gathers ! Heaven...that is :)


It's new year tomorrow. Biasanya kl new year banyak orang yg demen bikin resolution. Didn't know why, gw ga sempet bikin serious resolution di taon 2012. And ini bukan taon petama I miss making such :P HAHAHAH:) Believe it or not, in those year where I didn't have any resolution..... I really achieve much less than those year where I made them

So...di sisa waktu yg terakhir akan menyusun resolution yg rapih, realistis....dan biarlah resolution ini penuh urapan:) ahhaha :) 

Sambil meng-quote 3 catch phrase from 3 random friends yg gw quote dari twitter fb atau dunia elektronik laennya (lupa dari mana euy)

Somewhere in Da Chan's blog/ twitter :
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”-- Bill Gates

From Lily Ratnawati's FB: When you stop chasing the wrong thing, you give the right thing a chance to catch you.
* even though lagi agak alergi sama kata catch gara2 nonton running men... hahahahahahha ... I still love this phrases*

From Elliot's thumb:
"I'm bad and that's good. I will never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me" Wreck it Ralph

These catchphrases will be my engine to start 2013.
Are you ready world of 2013 ? Here we come !!

bombie 31Dec2012 {=^o^=}