Saturday, June 16, 2012

new profession

This posting is in green... Green is for cleannn :) 
Thank you buat my hozmates Depotz yg berhasil menemukan spesialisasi gua dalam hal blogging, dia nyaranin gua buat blog review soal : 
Muahahauehauhueuahueau :) Pertama2 gw ketawa berat... setelah dipikir pikir.... eh why not ? hauehauhahuehuah ....dia ngeliat begitu berapi apinya gw...dan mata gw...tiap kali gw show alat bebersih rumah gw yg baru :P 

Tapi biar clear disini...kl saya bukanlah cleaning service ataupun bergerak di layanan jasa bebersih. Gw juga tidak menyediakan jasa bebersih gratis, unless orang2 itu special buat gw en ada occasion yg special :) jadi jangan tiba2 gw terima tawaran job bersih2 rumah yak.....pushing gw... 
En jangan ketawa !! Fenny Lo pernah dengan sangat happynya nawarin "Bie, kl loe don't mind terima 50 dollar buat bantuin gantiin jadwal piket gw seh rela deh Bie 50 dollar kl buat loe seh" 

Tentu saja gw tolak dengan halus. Bukan masalah apa, tapi gw lagi ga butuh duit saat itu :) aueauhueha ....kl gw pengangguran fren ---> akan gua lakukan dengan senang hati :) Cuman harga gw udah naek sekarang :P Yah namanya jg inflasi !! Itu Fenny dulu bilang gitu di taon 2006-an teman2.... beda taon beda harga dunks ? Nah...kl sekarang ada yg berani bayar 80 - 100 for 4 hours of cleaning by me, sini gua bersihkan !! DP 50 % upfront yah :) Cuman terima cash, or internet banking langsung to my account :) Cheque jg boleh lah.... no nets or credit card :) HAHA :P *wuih peluang bisnis*.... bagi yg berminat contact gw....nanti gw kirimkan resume bersih2 gua... :) HOHOHOHO :) 

Nah, kalian pasti mikir kl gw rajin bebersih !! ... Salah besar :P Siapa seh yg rajin bersih2 ? hauehuah :) Gw seh bersih2 karena emang gw lagi jadwal piket. En krn emang udah gw commit to myself nyapu ngepel kamar seminggu sekali... itu commitment...bukan masalah rajin....hanya masalah commitment yg Thank God dalam 12 taon gw di SG, plg lama kamar gua ga di sapu pel dalam 2 minggu itu ga lewat dalam itungan 5 jari. Tp sekali lg, itu hanyalah commitment 

Karena ga rajin itulah, gw bener2 demen kl bisa ketemu alat2 mutahir yg bikin bebersih itu jadi ga se-dreadful itu. Dan kl gw udah ngerasain khasiat alat itu, the next I do is : explain secara detail ke orang lain soal kecanggihan itu alat, ala salesman :P Depot suruh gua sign up jadi salesman nya magic clean :P Tp iyah dong, barang bagush harus dishare2 ...betul ? 

Anyway you do agree with me kl bebersih itu .... dreadful kan ? (mendengar sejuta mahluk yg baca blog gw angkat paduan suara yg indah bener saying "agreeeeeeeeee") Sutuju...bebersih itu .... blueh :P karena itulah benda2 yg mutahir itu ibaratnya kl kayak ngelahirin anak...mereka itu epidural lah ..... nah ... yg ga tau epidural itu apa, google ajah :) jangan nanya gw :) Gw cuman tau Lydia Sistasi swears by that, and Wynne langsung bilang "I'm in heaven" gitu pake epidural :) 

Tp........ berasa ga seh kepuasan yg didapetin wkt rumah bersih itu ....apalagi kl batu sampe bunyi nyitttt nyitttt gitu .... en kinclong.... kl gw bilang seh ngalahin capeknya bebersih. Nah persis bener kan kayak beranak ? Sekali anaknya nongol....nyesss ... semua sakit ilang :)  

En prinsip gw, kl emang harus gw kerjain..... mari kerjain dgn segenap hati jiwa dan raga2.... daripada setengah setengah :) Ikutin prinsipnya Giulanna Rancic : go big or go home 

Di tengah2 kehidupan gw yg mana vision gw agak2 blur, ga gede ga kecil.... clueless cukup kekeuh to do things that I have to do ....perfectly :P Mungkin mimpi gw ga besar, ga jelas malah kadang2....but on things that I stumble upon as something that I can't runaway from, it could be something that I don't necessarily love doing but I have to do it...yah ... must as well do it whole heartedly lah .... :) nanggung gitu loh .... 

so ...nantikan posting gua soal si alat pel mujarab yg so far gua udah punya 2 biji :P the latest one is the improved version dari yg sebelon nya.... heheheh *excited !!*

yg mo hire me, silahkan comment ;)  

bombie {=^o^=}

Sunday, June 10, 2012

to begin with wants

This is a very belated post. Meant for Jenita, somewhere in May 2012. I only manage to post it today June 10' 2012. Here we go : 

I for once never a girl who know surely what I really really want
waktu kecil bokap pernah bilang sama gua and dede gua.....
anak papa payah neh .....pada ga tau mo jadi apa gedenya.....liat ajah dibawa jadi apa nantinya :P 
hehe.... I agree with him... 

gw bener bingung gw monya tuh apa kl udah gede nanti.....
and yang jadi masalah sekarang : kl udah gede nanti ...udah tiba.. 
it's no longer kalo....and no longer nanti... it's here....and now... gua gede sekarang

So I understand fully how your feeling is Jenita  :P ..... as clueless as you sometimes......and I know this feeling sucks... 

But imagine you... have 10 more years than me... :)'re still better girl :) 

And if somehow my life can be a testimony or a blessing with this "no purpose driven" life that I've been living......then this is a tips or two that I once read in my colleagues's wallpaper

Courage Jenita, do not stumble
Though your part be dark as night
There's a star to guide the humble
Trust in God and do the right

Let the road be rough and dreary
and it ends far out of sight
Foot it bravely strong or weary
Trust in God and do the right

Perish policy and cunning
Perish all that fears the light
Whether losing whether winning
Trust in God and do the right

This is not the whole passage. I cut them short, putting the one that I think will fit the most. 

I know purpose & vision is truly needed for a life well lived. But when we seems not to have it all the time, we just need to remember and trust in good faith that we have been trusted unto the best hands. The Lord of the universe, upon whom relies our purpose of creation. 

Not everybody born to know what they are born for from the moment they understand A B C. I am not born that way and I learned to question my purpose of creation sometimes, and accept to learn a life led by creator one day at one time, the other time :)

And what better, than having our life align with His wants ? 

Jia You Jen :) Not knowing doesn't means not doing :)

bombie {=^o^=}