Wednesday, September 29, 2010

wad evaaaaaa

seriously.... I give up

only one word for them:


i could not care less

Sunday, September 26, 2010


So the real answer is:

on November 16 this year
I will be watching

at Staples Centre LA



He's ssssssoooo good that i got to LA on time
i was screaming when I saw the schedule
thot i might miss them
but no.. I got it just right

buat yg nitip heart and soulnya to the show
i will surely deliver them at my best to the dancers

senank !!!!

Karena ga ada yg nebak dgn bener
ga ada winner dl ya
tp semua peserta will get hadiah hiburan tetep
otre? Hehehehe

thanks u all for guessing

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

guess guess guess


YAY !!!



bingung ?
guess wad I got ....guess wad I got?

Wad ? haoehaohe :)


I'm gonna let u guess..
post ur comment..

only 1 clue : I am star struckly... EXCITED !!!!!!
so blessed ..... I just have to say to you.... that I am ...

EXCITED !!! ahohaeoa

okie lah another clue :
it's def - ly : not about work :) hahaha
*nenek gondrong jg tau....*

guess guess guess !!!!!

winner : you'll get one free item from NY or LA :)
*free Item of my choice lah hoh :) tenang... will do my best to give according to ur liking*


silahkan post jawaban anda di column comment.
Keputusan blogger adalah mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat
pemenang akan diumumkan di postingan selanjutnya
kuis akan ditutup ketika postingan selanjutnya dipublikasikan

selamat menebak dan somoga beruntung !!


bombie {=^o^=}

Sunday, September 12, 2010

God is....

it's been a good week ....
even though Papa has to go to hospital
he went out fast .....
and the public holiday .... I have to say...
really really really really really helps :)

and I know where it all came from.
answered prayer

Tuhan itu....
unbelievable :)
unpredictable :)
indescribable :)
amazink....dah !!

tell u guyz more on that later
but anyway : HERE COMES NEW WEEK !!

selamat berjuang semuanya ....
bentar lagi gajian...
yay yay yay !!!!!

btw btw :
ini ada yg ga beres sama blogspot ga seh ?
El... di laptop & bie-phone gua....gua masih ga bisa liat postingan loe yg si lace itu sama sekali...its like as if postingan itu kagak ada...
terus barusan when I checked my bie-phone, perasaan wilkur ada update blognya..
eh when I check my laptop... ga ada ...

aneh ?!?!?!
dengan semangat orang Singapore ...ane mo nanya : gimana caranya complain ke blogspot ? hoaheoahohe :)

bombie {=^o^=}

Thursday, September 9, 2010

10 SEP 2010 liburrrrrrrrr

bokap udah keluar dari hospital :) yay yay yay !! en si nyokap suaranya seneng banget di telpon :)
hoahoehao :) thank God :)

anyway : wedding season is back :)
bingung jg how to describe my feeling ..... yah...kl loe udah 29 and have been attending wedding for the last couple of 8 years....
udah bingung jg seh feelingnya gimana :) definitely ga se-excited when I was 22 ....
but .....but...

it's a WEDDING !!
there's always gonna a good reason to be joyful and stay in cheers :)

I was thinking that day..
the word wedding starts with W
double u (UU)
and similar way like as marriage
it starts with the word M
which is a double U upside down

My conclusion:
Funny... even the English word implies this
That it always takes the two of U to make a wedding and marriage works :)
and the 2 of U, be it straight up or upside down....
got to loose yourself, join hands and blends in, to make the right W or M :)

so to all of you who are stepping into a beautiful W and M..
happy blending :)
and relax..... as long as you are someone that I love...
I will always be excited and happy for the good news and to help you on your great day :)
it's His love and yours that count !!
*and off course....I'll still be excited for your life after that --> but this don't translate to baby sitting.... hohohoho....we got baby sitting department : Gillian Sastra & El Diona*

signing off from serangoon singapore
have a PEACEFUL holiday everyone :)
feels like xmas in this beautiful september :)

bombie {=^o^=}

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

a lil prayer request

what a year...
yup... u know i've been talking about how "great" my year has been

dan baru gua sadar tadi pagi ....
ternyata bukan cuman gua doang..
but my family too...
cumannya aja gua ga berasa sampe dede gua toeng --> point

so here's the latest news :
Bokap gua .... diopname hari Minggu kemaren....

tenang tenang....nothing very serious
kecapean semua gejala penyakit keluar... dari hati, ginjal, sampe prostatenya.... sampe2 keluar masalah baru... jantungnya deg degan..

and as you have known..
May kemaren Dede gua demam berdarah..
Nyokap bokap jaga si Dede...
gua pulang Indo bantu2 jaga dikit...

After Dede gua sembuh... (opname seminggu)
Nyokap gua... jatoh di Pasar bulan July kemaren...
Jatohnya lumayan wow aduhay...sampe hari pertama di gips
hari2 selanjutnya bengkak ga karuan... sampe seminggu bengkaknya

gua ga sempet liat kayak gimana....tapi konon kata my auntie, agak seperti kaki gajah...
wohow yah ? ...gitulah...
dia sampe ga bisa nyetir close to a month..

and because of that... since dia perlu mobile bener kemana mana...maklum wanita sibux sekalee.....
bokap yg sibux anterin dia kemana mana...
en jadilah bokap kecapean..
yg mana kata dia sendiri benernya lagi ga beres prostatnya
his has been a recurring problem dari dulu.
hepat-b, lever, en ginjal... kok kayaknya semuanya ada masalah yah ? hm.....

so anyway..... di bulan yg kudus ini kata tetangga2 kita...
giliran bokap gua yg masuk rumah sakit...

en entah darimana dateng this impression
ieie gua bilang ke dede gua : Ieie waktu terakhir kali ketemu lissa di singapore jg dia keliatan capek tuh....kayak sakit...*doeng !!! tolak tolak*

yah.... gitulah...
great.... what me & my family face this just great...
let me summarise this : other than my beautiful birthday celebracion...en my cousin's & lots of best friends engagement and weddings, nothing has worked well in my life this 2010....... so far ....
*biar gua add that clause : so far... which means...I'm open for a better 2010....please ??*

just to be clear : in my life history..... I will never miss 2010...

you know what I think we need?..

I think we need full salvation
To fall completely upon me & my family
it's His show time...

it's Your show time Lord

coz I really am very tired..
and tears can't even fall out to relieve me up
coz this heart has cooled down to frozen
from all the pains of life that bites me down

or is this what they call maturity ?
your heart just seems to be expecting the worst out of life
so when you hear some bad news..
I'm just no longer....frightened up
coz it's been my meal....since I grow up

But I ain't sitting here and give up
on this game called life rescue
so here's my heart & my family I offer up
I put my trust, and our everything...unto You

lissa {=^o^=}

*titip doa juga for lots of my friends around me too yg juga nitip doa ke gua about bokap & nyokap mereka yg jg dilanda beberapa kendala kesehatan...
it really seems to be the topic this year... health

and you know what ? it's worth more than that diamonds & golds & maserati & that Orchard Road condo & that Hermes Birkin & that Europe holiday that we've worked so so hard to get one..

take care people
be healthy, live healthy, eat healthy
ditch that old chang kee ...
or KFC --->oooopss ...maap Gill :) auehuahue :) gua jg guilty kok :)
or bha-bhi.... :) hee hee


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

me en my bo liaou wicked family :)

In case ada yg ga ngerti artinya bo liaou : it means : nothing better to do :)

Gua suka banyak email thread di office
mulai dari email thread temen2 office...sampe branch out ke luar2 close friends

one of the latest thread gua yg ada is my family, that is gua dede gua, cousin gua margaret, and cousin gua Kaoru.

Napa cousin2 yg lain ga diikut sertakan ? well mostly, lets just say we are the most random group representing 3 closest sisters among 12 siblings since mereka anak nomor 3,4 dan 5 :) since me, Ret & Ru are in Singapore, we tend to be closer nowadays. While me & my sis are always one package all in, take it or leave it. Harga Pas ! hehe :)

gw & dd off course represents our mom, Kaoru represent the oldest auntie among the 3, and Margaret represent the middle auntie :)

Apa yg bisa dingomongin sesama keluarga ? palagi kl bukan GOSSIP !! hehehe :) dari cousin yg mana yg udah pacaran, sampe udah tunangan, kawin, hamil, sampe auntie uncle mana yg cerai, sakit, jahat, baek, mata duitan, mata keranjang, mata es es be :)

Anyway : recently Margaret introduce us to newsletter style of writing. Since mostly kita gossip, jadi kita email dgn gaya gossip column style, telling your stand on certain issue, gossipy way :)

contoh :

ElRip is finally engaged
After their long wait and journey for the last couple of years, the latest K7 sweethearts have finally reached a new stage in their love journey. Yes, they are....engaged. I read the exciting news from Pinkbuble's blogspot and my heart's thrilled with joy and laughter. They surely have been waiting for this day to come, just like many of us.... and I'm glad they complete all the procession successfully. With helps from El closest friends in Jakarta and many blessings from relatives and family members, I wish them heartiest congratulations and all the best for their wedding preparation.

What will they do next ? When's the D-day ? Who gets to be invited ? Korea for prewed foto and Maldives for honeymoon ? Sookee, Bvlgary or Tiffanny ? Where will they live ? Singapore, Jakarta, or Kiwiland ? Follow their latest news on pinkbuble blogspot :)

This news is brought to you by : lissabombie {=^o^=}

*disclaimer : postingan di atas hanyalah sekedar menggambarkan style email dari keluarga penulis recently. Segala spekulasi, prediksi, presentasi, komisi dan komposisi yg tidak dipastikan faktanya di narasumber pinkbuble blogspot, hanyalah imajinasi penulis belaka. Jikalau ditemukan kesamaan nama, tempat, dan waktu dari artikel di atas, itu memang disengaja. Namun demikian, penulis tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap apa yg diketik di atas. Untuk konfirmasi berita lebih lanjut, harap hubungi narasumber secara langsung. Terima kasih*

hohohohohoho :)
ever since Margaret use this new style of writing, gua find it interesting to write in such a way :) it shows that : ga gampang jadi columnist.....palagi jadi carrie bradshaw. It's hard to keep the readers interested :) heheheh :) and so..... dalam keisengan gua, soon gua compose a new posting with that "gossipy column style"

hee hee hee :) anyone want to try ?
it's fun .... and who knows ? there's a reporter blood inside of you !!!!

oh btw : El..
adoh maap....gua ga bisa foto rambut keriting gua now....coz baru aja jadi meduza since gua iseng sisir pake sisir sikat :P.. besok yah kl cakepan... masih jelek neh....
gua foto besok :) uhuy !!

oh: for the rest :
yesh.....gua udah keritink :) hohohoh

bombie {=^o^=}