Saturday, January 8, 2011

pesan babe di taon baru buat ane

Jeremiah 29:7

7 And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the LORD for it; for in its peace you will have peace.

7 Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.

when I got this as my new year verse, tell me, what is it telling ?
Coz it took me sometimes to even understand the whole verse in English (suddenly gua kayak ga ngerti English gitu).... even more the application of it to my life..

so now : am I being captive in : Sing ? ct ? I'm in exile ? (atau since gereja assume kl kita semua org indo di sg....jadi kita kayak in exile ....jadi ayat ini cocok..?)--> btw gua ga berasa in exile or captive... happy gua disini :P heee :P

so yah... come come interpret for me.. kl masih gagal dimengerti...nanti gua ambil ayat baru yg lebih nyambung .....hahahhha

bombie {=^o^=}

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hallo 2011


first blog...
hee !!!

1> di taon ini.... gua...
30 !!!!

argh!!!... u noe wad hit the hardest ? is when u just dont realize that time move so fast that u're so not ready for the fact that a decade has gone again....

dari 10 an ke 20 an seh exciting yah? it's the moment when you are wondering... *buat cewek* .. kira kira gua married kapan yah dalam sepuluh taon ke depan ? bakal kerja jadi apa yah gua ? seberapa kaya yah gua by the time gua 30 ? berapa anak gua yah ? sapa yg bakal jadi suami gua yah ?

and for those who is not near 30 anytime : let me tell you how the end part of being 29 feels for a woman who is hopeless romantic (at least I was even though not so really now), and still fighting singly.....without pretty much clear conception on what's coming next...
it's pretty much horrible .... HAHHAHHAAH :)

dan...karena itulah bisa gua bilang kl Tuhan itu baek...that we are not in the know of what will happen in the future....coz if we knew...sometimes we just wont be able to swallow the bitter...or the sweet ....God given destiny ...

bayangin kl waktu umur 17 gua tau kl gua belon married at this age..
wuih... males idup kali... I wont even take chances on love...and learn how powerful love is

but now that I'm getting closer to the end of my 20 ies ....well....even though I say it's horrible ... you cant ignore some fact that : I have my freedom :) to do anything I want... at anytime, to be anywhere, and do any whatsoever things I can only imagine doing..... I'm not forced to mature instantly...

and the best is : there is not much question now about : what will happen to me ? what will I be ? what will I achieve ? who's gonna be the one ? is it him ? is it her ? *nah loh...*

really...things pretty much painted upfront.. and.... it does leave you with some comfortable feeling knowing that life will just go on :) ....

let's just say it's a mixed feeling.... haha :) I call it a horribly great feeling to enter 30 ies !
so with that : my number 1 point is : BRING ON MY 30 IES !!
I will....try to be ready... HAHAHAHA :) or at least I will pretend to be ready... and if it all still doesnt work... I will go into denial hybernation state upon which I'll say that I'm forever 29 and act like one.... HUH !! beat that !! hahaha :)

2> di taon 2011 ini...gua...
menantikan bonus gua yg udah gua nanti2kan penuh harap since my horrible 2010.... yg bikin gua bertahan skian lama di kerjaan yg makin hari makin susah ini.....yg pretty much has brought me to my deepest darkest despair... dualem duah !!

yah...cepatlah datang bon bon.... gua menanti.. mo beli rumah neh...

3> di taon 2011 ini....gua...
udah bikin resolusi yg setelah gua kaji ulang....agak2 boring and kurang challenging en...karena itulah, yg gua tentunya percaya ini bimbingan tangan Tuhan yg luar biasa... gua mendapat pencerahan to draft a new some impossible challenging resolution yg selalu gua pend tiap taon

let's make things interesting this year...
let's be game :) heee :).... so I'll rewrite my resolution soon :)
coz I've traced back...and never has I seen God being unfaithful in keeping His promises to those who love Him..... it's clearly shown in these little reso notes that I myself might not even take it seriously.... but He does

so...LETS !! hee...
mari ane kasih bocoran....menurut gua salah satu resolusi yg terbaik a girl can do is I believe :
to make resolution that by the end of the year ..... you will not make a new resolution again.....about your weight !!! to achieve that... u better fulfill the reso THIS YEAR !! HAHA !!


ya udah... 2011 ..welcome to my life :)
I dont know what will happen...
I can only know.. u and I are meant to meet each other :) may I complete you 2011, and may you...complete me :)

TADA !!!

sekilas cerita dari my short trip gua di indo ..... hehehe :)
gua pulang kali ini bikin orang rumah repottttt abis..
I dont know why ...gua agak2 .. blur this time round... I kept forgetting where I kept my stuff...and at the same time gua paranoid kl ga ketemu...

jadinya orang satu rumah heboh....bantuin cari barang gua...
dimulai dari : Iphone... gua pikir ketinggalan di rumah....taonya ketinggalan di mobil Leo (co dd gua) ....and thank God dia ketutupan bantal or majalah it's safe..
tapi orang rumah gua udah heboh nyarinya... haha

terus .... agak mengecil barangnya... cincin gua...
ini sampe pake balik ranjang gua.... bongkar semua laci...sampe my mom kebagian kibasa tangan gua yg giat membuang semua barang tumpukan dia ...yg off course for her ...berharga (contoh biji manggis....biji jeruk dari taon 2000 berapa ....) yg di mata gua bokap en dede....sorry to say.......useless.

sampe gua kemimpi mimpi sepanjang malem.... that I found the ring....
en after 1.5 day searching.....berhasil gua temukan...di kantong tas gua sendiri :P heee heee :P

and then the next challenge buat orang rumah gua...: the toughest one > HARD LENS gua !! ahahhah :P... yg warnanya jernih..diameter ga lebih dari 8MM ....yg loncat keluar dari mata gua... yg harganya jauh lebih mahal dari cincin....tapi ga semahal Iphone...

cuman: cari ini...pretty much impossible dah di tengah2 ruang makan gua...
yg betul lah hasilnya : nihil !!.. yg ini ...sampe nyokap, bokap, mbak, dede gua ...semua nungging guling2 di kolong meja makan, lemari es tempat piring... every corner dah...

masih nihil...
well... emang nasib gua udah harus ganti seh...emang setaon sekali gantinya....cuman gua pikir nanti aja CNY baru bikin baru... hahaha :P... fate says other things.

en... sebelon gua naek pesawat... masih lagi2 satu rumah nyari kaos abu2 gua yg udah dgn tenangnya gua lupakan dari pikiran gua..

gua ampir ketinggalan 5 potong baju..
5 !! that's.... historical..

sekian oleh2 dari liburan gua yg cukup challenging buat keluarga gua kali ini....semuanya jadi sherlock holmes pake senter :P haha..... cukup berkesan :)

bombie {=^o^=}