Monday, September 19, 2011

Finding Princess

is not easy..

yup... it's not easy to find this princess...
for to find her ...

I have....lost a lot of hours of my life for practice practice and practice....and then some more practice
not to mention wasting time doing something I'm totally not good at : making Hip Hop music....*alamak*
alot of sleeping time for it's practically making me sleepless.....
literally lost my DKNY watch and my Esprit umbrella *mourning badly for them now*

and the best :
I have lost my power to hold my tears of frustration... and for the first time ever in the musical history...I cried before the time came for me to cry.......

I don't know why is it so hard to find this princess....

perhaps though
it was probably that hard for Him to find me then ....
that He lost His life....

for me to finally found mine....

I guess...... for all that we've lost..
we will finally find ..... princess
and it will worth every sacrifices

and when we remember that....
we'll be......EXCITED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bombie {=^o^=}

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


This year, I'm surrounded by many newborns of my girls
Mulai dr Lie Mei, Lydia, and recently Dian. Joining the crowd, Soyfan and Zoe's baby.

Today gw br buka lagi bengawan solo voucher dr Lydia and sioe hong. Br gw liat the amazing things of these babies.
You know how I love numbers right ? So these babies have chosen the best set of numbers that I can easily remember :

Allyson (Lyhong) :born on 11.02.2011
Keith (Fondi) : born on 2.9 at 4.29 PM
Anya (Sof Zoe) : born on 4.9.11 at 11.49 AM

Babies... U guys are cool !! Hehehehe
( ga tau gw born jam berapa... Coz my parents jg ga tau... HAHAHAHAH)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

dear blog

banyak banget yg mo gua kasih tau you oh my dear blog....
esp setelah baca ulang postingan2 dulu...
aih blog....andai kau tahu apa yg sudah terjadi sepanjang taun ini....
eh...wait...u actually know the most blog... banding yg lain

the year that I thought will be pretty boring...not bad...but not so "happening"
turns to be a WOW WOW year....

sabar yah blog....tunggu musical selesai I ceritain .... coz musical jg mungkin jadi another wow wow story sendiri blog......

makanya......banyak dah blog.... dikau bisa bosen dengerinnya

blog menjawab : hoaaaaahemmmmm skrg aja dah ngantuk non....

bombie menjawab : okie deh blog...tidur dulu sana... nanti udah seger baru I ceritain :P
I cuman mo bilang ini ajah blog :

TUHAN ITU BAEK !!! Amen blog ?

blog : Amen non !! tidur...bsk repot non...

bombie : okie blog... btw.. I kok jadi bikin dialogue gini yah blog ? apa musical mendatang I jadi script writer aja yah blog ?

blog : ASHTAGA NON !! ngimpiin aja itu pikiran sambil tidur Non !! ngidam seh yang nggak nggak........ udah malem banget ini Non.... bobo non...bobo...

bombie : haih...ya udah deh blogg.....niteeeee.......laper ini padahal blog...bisa masakin Indomie ga blog ? Si Nchep baru makan Indomie tuh blog....lapeeerrr


bombie : haihsss.... okie dah ....malemmmmmmmmmm

*I iseng {=^o^=}*

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Let it go yow

At this point of time
I dont need another matters of heart to disrupt my stable life

Friday, September 2, 2011

most HAPPENING month !!

So here's what I have on my plate this September :
*please slip me in your prayer once you are done reading this ??? thank youuuuu*

1> as expected, as seen it coming, as excited as I can be, TLG will have MUSICAL DRAMA peformance : Finding Princess on October 1'st 2011. So that's a guarantee that September will be a FULLY PACKED practice life.

2> On top of that, my office : after inhabiting in 7th floor for like almost close to 15 years ++, decided to move it's presence to a higher floor : 10th. And of ALL month they can do so, they choose to do it when ? September !! On the last week of September to be exact, where all my adrenaline's is running high for musical. When I actually plan to take leave during the week.

3> then...before I know it, and even I cant figure out well till now what and how it happen so fast, or I still cant believe it to be exact, I entered myself into a long term commitment. The way I see it now : I'm stepping into GOD'S promise land (and I still smile....all the time).....

yup.....guess what :

I'VE BOUGHT MY HOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA......*still cant believe it*

there I say it, my public announcement....

thanks to David who insist on bringing me to Euhabitat show flat, who got me thinking...hard...till I went sleepless....and in 2 days time, decided to buy it.
Nah Lydia : udah kejawab kan ur question ? hhhehehe :)

anyway all the joy aside, the time that I need to think about bank's loan, the paperwork and procedure is A LOTTT.... and all need to be settled by when ? September 16 !!! Tadaaaaaaaa

4> and...thanks to my silly idea to forced Kiyoko to join the talent time in the bank, I got myself involved too by promising a duet with her.....
I told her to join just to make the boss happy to make up in participants number, join for fun. As she has won IPB Idol in 12 May 2005 before, she first believed that she's banned to join. Then, when I convince her that she can join, she become soooo excited and switch gear to competitive mode !! I don't like to loose : that's what she says ----> but I just join for funnnnnnnn {'--____--'} just do it like Karaoke mode can we ?

so there you go..... only 4 things.....but 4 major things indeed, esp the Musical and the property part..... my CRAZIEST MONTH in my life where I make VERY FAST decision in buying home, joining talent time (for the first time in my life), doing another musical with bigger expectation and move my seat again when I just did that less than 1 year ago :P ....

they say life begins at 30 ? or wait.. is it 40 ?
hahahha :) anyway : it seems like my life just began again :)

And it's great !! haha *tertawa penuh arti *


scarred, excited, terrified, surrendered bombie {=^o^=}