Saturday, April 27, 2013

Melan melin melancholi-cing

It's raining outside my window pain 
On one Sunday morning plain 
As April coming to an end 
With 2013 rushing it's game 

I lagi nangkring di meja makan, di ruang recently new extended room gara2 AC jebhol
Nungguin ujan berenti dikit, while bentar lagi siap2 going to Bible Camp games trial... 

Though ini ujan kayak ga mo corporate ini...masih pouring ajeh :P 


Bible Camp 
Setelah gw itung2 ini bible camp gw yg ke 13 di Taon ini :P 
2013, bible camp ke 13 :P 
haha, ironis emang kl di dengerin: one 32 year old adult is still here going to Youth Bible Camp 

Tp ga ironis kl dirasain oleh the 32 year old adult here 
yg msh ngerasain berkat Tuhan yg luar biasa @ each BBC :P hehe :) 

anyway lagi 
ini ceritanya lagi posting melan aja.. 
Ujan bikin hati jadi melan melon getoloh bok 
En I had a damn good sleep today :) Thanks to UJAN :) 

hhh....2013 so far has been something yg....full of surprises
Dr Surprises yg enak....sampe yg super ga enak... poll.. 
banyak ga enaknya seh ..... 
andai gw bisa cerita semua masalah misah misuh hati gw di bulan ulang taon kemaren...
or insiden april ini.... 
(benernya bisa...cuman dengerin Live kan lbh enak banding baca misah misuh hati gw yg seliweran, kayak benang kabel belibet) 

Intinya ... I harus banyak belajar to humble myself... 
And more than anything... emang cuma Tuhan satu satunya pembela umat Nya 
Luar biasa dah Babe God !! 

Penutup dari posting ngalor melan ini 
I cuman mo Thank God for a great partner in TLG Danz 
Miss Sexoy Gillian Sastra
who makes me learn that: 
It's a must for one to have a strong praying partner in any area ministry of life 
Tuhan cinta kl ciptaan-Nya bersekutu
Not just to agree 
but to agree to dis-agree to move on to find common agreement 
to lean on each other's strength 
and cover each other weaknesses
all in all, to glorify God in all His great wisdom

mari maen ujan 
*aduh buyungggg

bombie {=^o^=}

Monday, April 8, 2013



after more than a month of hiatusing in blogging world...kesannya kayak abis dari camp pengasingan geto....hari ini gw mo angkat huruf dan angkat suara cuap cuap

jadi gw MC hr ini...MC ini hubungannya sama cycle cewek gw yg makin tuir makin aneh...en selama ini gw cuekin thinking itu normal, baru tadi dokter yg gw tanya itu care much to explain all the possibility of what it is... emang bener si Janice !! ini dokter lumayan ... walaupun ujung2nya hasilnya ga geto enak. Urusannya sama fertility rate... yg emang ga jadi concern sekarang tapi kan ga tau kedepannya gimana ?? Iman I msh kenceng kalo aye pasti married and punya anak !! *AMENNN (yg kenceng) jadi pikiran sekarang lah... God will have His way !! 

So I just wanna talk shortly bout : hugs
Inspired by postingannya Gill yg dia breakdown, pulang langsung nangis di hugsnya Raimond en kayak ada kekuatan transfer.... 

Gw jadi keinget2 those meaningful hugs in my life
Growing up as Asian....en dari keluarga Chinese yg ...well not really totok tapi ... tetep dah Chinese... 
Hugs itu is not universal language of care
Lah Mak gw di pegang pundaknya aja ....commentnya : berat Cie... :P capek dah Mak.. 

So when we finally get those hugs, esp in our most down moment ...itu berasanya kayak ada transfer kekuatan dari hugger and hugged ppl geto ga seh ? hahah ... gw seh geto.. and that's why...hanya segelintir of those hugs that I remember very well today and here they are: 

1> Hugs from my mom waktu gw kesetrum waktu kecil. 
Diakibatkan gw anak yg cukup....well, bikin jantung orang tua sehat... jadi waktu kecil out of my curiosity gw ambil this metal hook and masukin ke something yg kayak listrik port tp ga juga.. (penasaran geto)..jadilah kesetrum, mak gw sadar tarik gw dan dia ikut kesetrum... orang ketiga tarik baru lepas semua... en gw nangis kejer and I just lay in her hugs

Mak gw, off course marahin gw ... hahaha u think one can get off so easily ? No gw tetep dipeluk...and I remember this

2> Ini yg seumur idup gw sangat jelas di ingetan gw dan ....will always be clear and fresh in my mind just like yesterday
So gw cek mata ke dokter mata gw yg cukup terpercaya buat triple confirm kecurigaan orang yg bilang gw dah minus 10. Ini gw umur 11 waktu itu

En yesh, dokter pun lemesh buat bilangin, I think it's true...ini near 10. Yah anak umur 11 tau apa seh soal kesehatan mata ginian ? Gw selalu cuek soal mata gw sampe that moment when it hit me... 

MINUS 1000 coy !!! Deket buta !! Itu pertama kalinya gw sadar how bad my situation is, en pertama kalinya jg I feel so bad towards my parents esp my Dad yg superrrrrr superrrrrrrr concern soal mata gw (till this day btw)

So waktu gw en my mom jemput bokap di Toko (waktu itu masih di Ratu Plaza), and she broke the news to him,  then gw (umur 11 ya tinggi dah 155 lewat) suddenly nangis break down and hug bokap gw sesungukan... saying sorry to him karena gw ngerasa bersalah ngecewain dia dengan mata gw !! Amazingly gw yg dah takut dimarahin !! Cuman dihibur, dihibur, disayang doang :P 

Jadi ga mungkin I forgot this hug .... never 

3> Ini waktu bokap masuk rumah sakit. Gw di rumah jagain dede gw en nyokap baru pulang dari rumah sakit. Nyokap pulang, and then suddenly she broke down sesungukan saying " gimana kl ga ada Papa ??? Mama ga bisa kl ga ada Papa !! Gimana yah Papa ??"

Yg berbalikan, jadinya gw yg hug dia (reversed role)... and my 21 years old me goes to mature mode and ask her to think positive and say that whatever will happen, we can face this together, with God. I told her there is no time for her to be weak right now coz my Dad needs her faith and strength !! And then God, is in control.... 

4> Ini waktu kuliah lagi, when I got B+ for something that I was so sure will be an F !! Gw ecstatic, cried out and hug my Dad, who cried !! haha :P 

5> Waktu kuliah di Untar !! 
Ini acara bursa bukunya Senat Untar. Gw and another guy are the MCs. We did something wrong dalam urusan urutan nama rektor geto. Ceritnya rektor yg tadinya ga harus dateng, eh suddenly dateng. En ada lah politik sana sini. Cuman jadinya gw en temen gw tetep stick to script yg mengakibatkan rektor yg jabatannya lebih tinggi, jadi disebut duluan. Bukan puncak acara geto. 

Waktu evaluation, it was pointed out so publicly semua kesalahan gw en partner gw. I felt I've let the whole Senat Untar down. Gw sedih banget waktu itu (lah gw inget sampe hari ini cuy !!) 

At that point, temen gw yg dah kenal gw dari gw SD, SMP, SMA sampe kita masuk Untar en ikutan Senat Untar bareng, David FK, ada disana juga . He knew what I'm feeling

Waktu acara dah mo selesai, gw, partner MC gw, dan David FK duduk2 di luar ruangannya. He hugged me and forced me to cry on his shoulder. This hug goes into my top 10 hug history as one of the most comforting hug :) 

6> Waktu kuliah lagi, when one of our best friend leave us for studies in USA. Gw en Marina, in unison, hugged each other and cry sesungukan saying goodbye and strengthening each other. 

7> Waktu gw kuliah, gw mo bikin baju di Indo. Terus, entah udara Indo, entah kenapa dah... nah gw mo pingsan :P So I told my mom, who hold me with her arms and gw dah setengah pingsan itu.. she just holds me and push me against her body. Biar kata gw pingsan, gw tetep berasa enaknya pingsan di pangkuan mama :P  Bedain sama pingsan gw di taon 2009 yg ketemunya  batu lantai depan rumah gw... ahahahaha :P 

8> And the most recent ones are in the later years, is Nasi Boengkoes hugs ! Which are too many great hugs there in a day but the best, to me, will be the hugs with Elrica before and after the show !! 


Gw yakin Gill juga dah banyak banget di hug sama Raimond (yah iyah lah....lakinya loh geto...) but that hug that she experienced yg sampe masuk blog of famenya getoh, is one of the hugs in her best top 10 with Raimond ....tul Jeung Gill ?? 

There are hugs.. 
and then..
There are.....hugzzz

Hugs that will go down to one life history
as the best moments one have ever experienced 
in one's life 

hug more, or hug less
we choose

most importantly 
give a good measure of hug 
a sincere, caring, power-transferring hug 

Coz we'll never know
It might be one of the best hug one have ever received !!

bombie {=^o^=}