It's raining outside my window pain
On one Sunday morning plain
As April coming to an end
With 2013 rushing it's game
I lagi nangkring di meja makan, di ruang recently new extended room gara2 AC jebhol
Nungguin ujan berenti dikit, while bentar lagi siap2 going to Bible Camp games trial...
Though ini ujan kayak ga mo corporate ini...masih pouring ajeh :P
Bible Camp
Setelah gw itung2 ini bible camp gw yg ke 13 di Taon ini :P
2013, bible camp ke 13 :P
haha, ironis emang kl di dengerin: one 32 year old adult is still here going to Youth Bible Camp
Tp ga ironis kl dirasain oleh the 32 year old adult here
yg msh ngerasain berkat Tuhan yg luar biasa @ each BBC :P hehe :)
anyway lagi
ini ceritanya lagi posting melan aja..
Ujan bikin hati jadi melan melon getoloh bok
En I had a damn good sleep today :) Thanks to UJAN :)
hhh....2013 so far has been something yg....full of surprises
Dr Surprises yg enak....sampe yg super ga enak... poll..
banyak ga enaknya seh .....
andai gw bisa cerita semua masalah misah misuh hati gw di bulan ulang taon kemaren...
or insiden april ini....
(benernya bisa...cuman dengerin Live kan lbh enak banding baca misah misuh hati gw yg seliweran, kayak benang kabel belibet)
Intinya ... I harus banyak belajar to humble myself...
And more than anything... emang cuma Tuhan satu satunya pembela umat Nya
Luar biasa dah Babe God !!
Penutup dari posting ngalor melan ini
I cuman mo Thank God for a great partner in TLG Danz
Miss Sexoy Gillian Sastra
who makes me learn that:
It's a must for one to have a strong praying partner in any area ministry of life
Tuhan cinta kl ciptaan-Nya bersekutu
Not just to agree
but to agree to dis-agree to move on to find common agreement
to lean on each other's strength
and cover each other weaknesses
all in all, to glorify God in all His great wisdom
mari maen ujan
*aduh buyungggg
bombie {=^o^=}
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