Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rijo wedding

I am glad & thankful that Ricky and Jojo's wedding went smooth and warm
Wasn't being emotionally exageratingly scarred
Just having a real logical fear on how all things will turn out

As I said to Dian, each wedding is a gambling on its own
As mostly what we discuss in each of wedding preparation is what looks perfectly planned in Wedding Excel file
But what it really take to make it perfect is actually the right people end executioner on the right time knowing the right thing to do and commited to each area of responsibility
Most importantlyl, the God above who guided all those things to run smoothly

That's what I had yesterday,
To have a chance collaborating with Ieie (again) and El is a blessing indeed.
And to surrender whole heartedly our works in Him in a fervent prayer
Months, weeks, days before
He surely hears and answer :)

It's no longer me being gambler
It's God conquer the battle

in the end : I still love wedding planning
so next : our lovely Fons-Di & Ly-Hong :)

bombie {=^o^=}


wei said...

how about john wid? hehe
kidding :D

bombie {=^o^=} said...

That's definitely on the Agenda Wid :) Your wedding is not going to be forgotten :)

I give you my Wedding organizer's pledge :)

bombie {=^O^=}

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Absolutely agree with you Bie, it's HIM who pour out His Grace and control everything to run smoothly and beautifully. Human can plan but HIM who's take control of every single details.

Thanks to God and all of you guys :) It's indeed one of my unforgettable moment in my life! and you guys make it happened!

Love u Bieeee XOXO ^^