Saturday, December 25, 2010

a day after xmas

and so...
it's December 25, 11.30 PM Jakarta time..
gua di kamar gua di jakarta...

recollection time..
there wont be much to write
Jenita wanted for 2010 not to end so fast on the opposite side..
cant wait for this to come to and end...

though : I would want my holiday to stay longer...
2 minggu di us en 2 minggu di indo beneran ga cukup buat heal everything in me that's very much affected this 2010..... it's a tough year anyway......

well... some of the things that I am gratefull for :

for having the chance to go to New York, Vegas, USA

for having the chance to watch so you think you can dance live tour

for having the chance to establish the foundation of TLG Danz

for health that's bestowed to my family, even though dede gua & cowoknya dah demam berdarah and my papa masuk rumah sakit, and my mama jatoh and bengkak kakinya --> to be able to eat together in our dining a blessing indeed

when I looked back at my FB foto this year : I realized I spend lots of time with my famiy in SG...and I'm lovin it........ this is what I'm grateful have a lot of family in SG..and to be able to spend time together

I am grateful for : being able to survive my office till this very end : that pays my bill till matter how much I'm driven untill crazy for it..

I am grateful for each added new friends that I never thot will come : through Blog : Gill & Lolo...

Somewhere down the road of this year : I look back at my resolution...yg ga gua bikin dengan serious di awal tan... yg gua cukup yakin kl gua ga bisa fulfill.... haha... but somehow it's half completed..the more important portion

ga bisa bilang gua proud: cuman bisa bilang kl gua grateful, coz gua mulai resolusi itu dengan hati yg kurang percaya pada dasarnya... tapi tetep stengah kepenuhan.. how can I say that I play a part ?

Something that I learned the hard way this year : is that Vision is a MUST ! a NECESSITY. A walk with a vision is the best journey one can ever get...

So my wish for this Xmas : other than the fact that I want to be skinny babe (hee hee --> sulitz emang)...... is for a God-given revelation of vision that will guide my life through 2011.

Somehow, this heart is beating a line : it's gonna be a GREAT 2011 !! *what can be worst that this year btw ?* ---> erm.... well.... we'll never know


bombie {=^o^=}

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