Friday, July 8, 2011

bahagia rasanya diberkati :)

to receive unexpected kindness, isn't it the best feeling in the world ?

just like today when I'm supposed to be cleaning up my home, I woke up and ternyata bonyok Depot yg lagi dateng kesini udah bersih2 rumah.....AAAIIIHHH terharuuuu gua...
Di hari2 yg repot gini : dopeng, meeting musical, gereja lagi, latian musical, senior dancers dinner.... to receive such kindnesss....aih.. rasanya PLONK gitu...

recently I've received ALOT of kindness, dari temen2 yg ngajakin gua lunch en traktirin gua...then all the happy time having dinner date di rumah El, and today this....

aihh..thank you prennnnnzzzzzzz :)

and Lord...THANK YOU !!!
thank You ... terharuuu