Monday, October 3, 2011

On prettttt, tess, miracle, time, award and gifts

Semua kan indah
Pada akhirnya
Tiada ragu
Tiada bimbang
Ku melangkah dengan pasti
Demi .... Cinta

above is a line from a song of "Mencari Putri The Musical"
a line that works to me, just like how "you raise me up" works to Maharani Aprilin
each time I remember this... my eyes starts to get watery...

Yup... TLG has just finished our 2011 musical last Saturday Oct 1' 2011, and following the history I did 2 years ago, I blogged the journey right away the following monday...
but it will not be a super long blog entry like what I have 2 years ago... becoz this musical .... is to me : short & sweet...

So let's talk about pretttttttttttttt
what's that ?
Benernya itu adalah paduan suara kentut gua, eggie and gillian sastra yg hiding behind close doors before the musical starts. Jadi ceritanya kita berempat kedapetan tugas buat bagi2 anduk kecil to open the show, dari bangku penonton. So kita sembunyi dulu di satu ruangan yg ga lewat dari 2 x 2 meter, berempat, nungguin waktu masuk.

Ga tau gara2 makanan, or gara2 kita nervous, semua jadi sakit perut and mo kentut kentutan. Jadilah kita berempat minta maap, minta izin dan tanpa malu2 mengenduskan zat asam ke udara luar. To avoid 4 of us fainting from the poisonous gas, kita buka pintu en julurin pantat kita tiap kali kita mo kentut... en stilll... masih belon mulai2 si Willy.....

Thank God, kentut kita berenti when the pre-recorded MC start, and so far belon ada penonton yg protes nyium zat asam kita yang....bueh.... wangi bener :)
AHHAHAHHAHAHHAA edan semuaaaaa.... gua ga bakal lupa choir kentut kita.... or how close we are that kentut pun bukan masalah lagi :P *apa zaman udah berubah ? *
yg kasian : Shandy yang kagak kentut sama sekali tapi nyium zat asam kita dimana mana :) HAHAHA :P maap Shan....sehat kok kentut kita :)

Now on Tesssssss
Tesssss .... are my tears...
Tears yang ampir ga bisa gua bendung before the musical start. It was around 6.45 pm on D day, and I was thinking it's time for us to do one last warm up and loosen up. Willy and the rest of the cast nyanyi2 di luar, so as a dancer I believe it's appropriate for us to warm up & stretch. Lagi tengah jalan warm up, Ieie dateng en manggil yg jualan dari arah penonton (the kentut choir group) buat siap2 jalan ke hiding place saat itu jg, or we'll loose our chance to walk from there.

Di tengah2 shocknya gua antara : hah pagi banget ngumpetnya..masih banyak orang yg masih di luar ga seru dong kl liat, to wadoh keranjang belanjannya masih di belakang casts yg lagi pada warm up, ga enak ati kl ngambil... it got down to me on one point....

sampe di detik itu, ga sekalipun gua lepas anak2 dancers gua sendirian.... I watch over them (I know I over watch sometimes, sampe kayak discipline master), keep scolding them to keep quiet, keep calming them, keep giving them orders on what to do next, here and there... every little thing.... gua cerewettt abis...

that moment, I realise....will be my final moment with them before we meet again on stage.... (kayak lama aja... padahal 45 menit kemudian kita bakalan ketemu lagi di panggung betul ?)......

di saat itu, for a moment gua almost lost my cool.......I'm lost...feel like : gilee si ini and si itu masih belon bener, adoh si ono tau ga seh dia nari nyante bener.... ini dia orang udah siapin semua barang belon seh ? seriously... siap ga seh mentalnya ...masih cekakak cekikik kanan kiri..kl ganggu cast gimana.....kl yg laen bete ama dia orang gimana ? adoh ...adoh...dag ...dig...dug.... *en Ieie keep caling...*

when I start collecting myself again, I call of them to round up in circles, together with Gill, we give the authority to Selvi and Daisy to take charge, tell them we wont be with them anymore till the show start..... and I gave them my last order....

Hampir..... hampir....
Hampir aja semua make up gua yg ruame kayak lenong si jali jali pas ulang taon jakartee....or kayak xmas tree..... plus bulu mata palsu yg total 3 (2 atas 1 bawah) luntur saat itu, coz I was REALLY working hard in my heart with ALL energy that I have to hold my tears.....

They will be alone back stage........ huaih....rasanya mo lepas mereka kayak....OMG.... I'm so scarred yet so excited for you.... this is your time...this is your moment to experience how GREAT is our God ....... what if you guys are lost ? will u be okay without us ? if I have the time: I want to HUG THEM ONE BY ONE

So I do what I can do best, kumpul tangan ke tengah (nahanin nangis padahal) and we scream : MP DANCERS FOR GOD !!! Then I walk away surrendering to God above... all my kids.....

I wont forget those moment when I walk reminds me how painful, excited & proud it is for parents to let go their children and see them growing up & owning up their life.... That was a child not my own, getting closer to them in just 5 months time....

how ....would a parent feel ?

anti climaxnya: setelah haywire kita siap2 to hide in.... ternyata ga jadi.... so we have another half an hour...and I GOT TO MEET MY KIDS AGAIN.... HAHAHHA :P *lucu ini*

ga ada yang tau anyway kl gua udah mo nangis saat itu kan ? ahhahhhah :P good... thank God gua kagak nangis.... malu bener udah nangis2 terus... Guys... I'm back..... let's do jumping jack again ... 1...2... asli anti climax.....

so when I'm back in the room, I suddenly go back to my game mode....and .... marah2 lagi :) ahhahaha :) pemanasan lanjut.... order sana order sini..... seperti biasanya gua... feeling like I am given another half an hour to support & guide them...

and the best moment that I'm so glad that we are given the privilege and time to do before the musical : a joint prayer by dancers (inclusive of kevin, jason. mardian, eggie, yohanes) surrendering the next 2.5 hours unto His mighty hands....dan sekali lagi.....ampirlah gua tessssssss....... cuman skali lagi.... ga ada yg tau juga kan ? puji Tuhan....
so yeah....that's my tessssss story

Now on miracle
Many of the musical crew know and notice my left knee...
Gua ga tau gimana kejadiannya, tapi yg pasti di latian hr minggu 25 September somehow knee kiri gua keplitek.....bilang keseleo full yah nggak... tapi sakit seh sakit... ga bisa full power dah intinya....

Aneh... asli aneh... coz hari minggu itu gua ga macem2... everything was okay....tapi senen paginya waktu bangun...wadaow..kok ga bener yah... jadi weak dah pokoknya...
en selama seminggu terakhir kita latian...gua ga berani over exert myself for this left knee (sampe hari ini) masih ga gitu beres...

tadinya gua diemin aja.... with faith : pasti sembuh dah di berapa hari jg... counter pain pun gua kagak pake...urut jg ga karena takut gua salah urut...
sampe hari udah ganti jadi rabu, terus kamis....lah kok masih sakit yah.... bsk jumat... pegimana ini ? mana gaya pas battle en MRT butuh si kaki kiri ini buat strong bener pula...

Lalu jumat dateng pas gladi resik... en knee gua masih sakit... Since gua on leave that day, gua telp Selvi titip beli knee guard di watson.... puji Tuhan tiba2 gua jadi inget ankle guard gua merek apa dulu, jadi gua minta Selvi beli knee guard yg sama mereknya : FUTURO

Selvi udah beli...gua pake seharian on Friday.... Nolong, tapi tetep ga sembuhin *nah sekarang gua bingung fungsi si knee guard benernya apa ?*

And you know the best part yg gua bener2 kuatir benernya ? Backstagenya ACJC itu di bawah. Samalah kayak NAFA....bedanya cuman satu.. NAFA ada lift... kita primitip pake kaki...and dancer tiap kali ganti baju itu di bawah.... so bayangin berapa kali kita nari....yah berapa kali itulah kita naek turus tangga.... (6 kali)

Definitely it doesn't do good to a knee that's not functioning well..... di hari jumat kita udah lari kayak wus wus .... nah begimana hari sabtu ? Gua cukup ketar ketir... gimana yah besok....I want to dance full power tapi ini kaki bisa support ga yah ?

Saturday arrive... MASIH...sakit... sampe Nchep nanya gimana ci kakinya ? Gua bingung jg gimana jawabnya.... kl udah gini gua bisa gimana yah ? ga ada quick fix....kl pusing bisa panadol-an... kl sakit leher bisa tolak anginan... kl keleyengan bisa pocari & vitamin C an... kl kaki gini ? bisa diapain selaen tumpang tangan ?

hebatnya lagi gua pas lagi sabtu pagi sempet lari2 naek tangga en...jatoh di kaki yg lain.... jago kan ? knee kiri sakit...knee kanan mo dibonyokin jg.....

singkat cerita...kaki gua masih sakit sampe sebelon acara dimulai...but somehow along the show, it's either rasa sakitnya benernya masih ada but I was over excited sampe I don't feel it, or it was totally gone....

point is: I felt no pain.... all the way... sampe selesai musical Nchep nanya lagi : kaki Cici gimana Ci ? gua bener bingung, kaki apa yah ? Yang tadi sakit itu..... OOOHHH.... ga tau napa Nchep tiba2 sembuh gitu aja... ga sakit lagi .... lalu gua gerak gerakin tuh kaki... bener kagak sakit en luwes luwes aja...

Amazed ? U don't ? well I AM TOTALLY AMAZED till this moment, dimana ini kaki udah balik sakit lagi.... but only on those 2.5 hours I needed the survived and faith win...

Faith that somehow......God will deal with this knee.... while I'm focussing on doing nothing but : dance it out.....

That was over Miracle I received..

Now over time...
Di minggu2 terakhir menjelang musical...tiba semua casts member cewek pada dapet semua. Dari Jennita sampe Janette... dan gua....yang udah cek tanggal, doa kenceng biar cepet dapet kagak dapet2....

masalahnya, gua tau jelas di bulan Agustus gua dapet tanggal : 31 coy !!! jadi kl perhitungan primbon jawa.... kagak meleset jauh lah dari tgl 30 - 1 october...gua bakal ketemu si bulan....Jackpot.... dhuar !!!

And for guys who cannot understand the emotion & pain level involved in having this akibat dosa hawa.... percaya aja sama kita2 that it is.... horrible condition...
after imagining that...coba bayangin lagi dapet....terus harus jejungkir balikan plus ngesot ala batle dance.... uhuy !!! ciamik abis sakitnya...... bedehhh :P

so....all the way gua cekinnn terus itu doaaa terus......cepet dapet donk... en again for guys who don't understand.... bulan itu adalah penyakit menular.... jadi kl satu cewek itu tend to get close to another woman....siklus bulan mereka bisa berinteraksi....

so then when I share that gua belon lupa sapa yg ngomong, Cilla apa Jennita.. yah Cici tau gitu aku tularin waktu itu .... ini aku lagi dapet..... hebat yah bulan aja bisa ditularin.... emang wanita...segala cara jg halal dah demi nyepetin /lamain si bulan :) ahhaha :)

tp off course gua ga tempuh cara tidak halal seperti minum pil penghambat / pencepat penghancuran sel darah di dinding rahim wanita... jangan geli atuh sodara2...ini teh biologi kelas 2 SMA....

what I do is again, berdoa and bargain sama Tuhan... Tuhan..kl bisa cepetan yah ? kl ga cepetan yah tanggal 2 October lagh Bapa... jangan 1 aja...pokoknya jangan 1 dunk Tuhan... pls pls pls ?

Sampe Jumat.. masih belon dapet........ okie dah... pikir kl Sabtu hari pertama masih okie lah... selama kagak hari kedua ajah dapetnya... hari pertama or ketiga itu cukup aman terjaga deh lingkungan....

cuman yah the best kl bisa jangan dapet jg dunk di hari sabtu...
so Saturday come... kl digambarin perut gua itu kayak ada geledek gitu... yg cewek2 biasa tau deh si geledek perut yg menemani kedatangan bulan... nah sabtu pagi itu geledeknya dah berkicau.... was was dunk... ini mah alamat hujan badai bentar lagi.....

sampe musical ends : BERSIH sodara sodara.... tadaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! si bulan nyasar kemana tau ....

en then minggu pagi... jeger... meledak lah dam di perut gua....SAYA DAPAT BULAN !! uhuy !!!
Tuhan emang ciamik dah... His time is pristine purfect !! ada amen sodara2 ? *yakin gua yg cewek 100 % Amen !!)

mungkin ini aneh, but I always have issues with bulan and time.... but I have witnessed with my own body how God press paused and it stops ...and He press play...and it plays... if a woman over 12 years of bleeding problem touched Jesus rope and she was instantly healed.... I believe my blood flow is no challenge for Him :)

Now over award
after the show....banyak yang feedback mereka demen MRT dance. I choreo the dance without knowing how the dance will work in the end...

Some of you know that I go for classes at Jitterbug, and jauh sebelon choreo2 kita jadi, each week I suppy the dancers with what I learned at Jitter. Dari on the floor, sampe si chillin chillin.. (oh I miss those momentsssss ....aaaaaaa)

Automatically, banyak choreo2 di musical kali ini was cut copy pasted and editted from those movement... these applies to dugem and battle. Honestly si om yg ngajarin hip hop ini ..... gayanya somehow gua suka... emang dia kadang rese :P ahhaah :) but gua cukup cocok sama style dia.... remember that should be me El ? heheheh :)

But MRT dance... was one dance where I don't take anything from the movements I learned from si Om.... I can only say, this dance is holy spirit inspired, and for the joint part dimana kita dance rame2 buat MRTnya, it was choreographed SO FAST that I couldn't believe : hey IT'S DONE !! Hanya satu siang di OHGS setelah gua selesai kerja di hari sabtu, ga lebih dari 1.5 or 2 jam.... I really could not believe it till today.

Yg sitting down part, it took couple of days for me at home to finish it as we need 3 sets of movement and 3 sets of role to play. So it was kind of tricky.

Battle, dugem, smile dan yg lain lainnya took couple of trials to make. But MRT took nothing more than 2 hours. Gua inget ngomong ke Gill, dance MRT yg rame dah jadi, gua bisa ajarin besok (dgn cukup ga percaya dalem ati benernya)

Let's talk about the music of this dance. I know that Ceka is super stressed with this MRT song. Terbukti dengan marah marahnya dia di akhir2 musical yg bilang : ga ada, 2 taon lg ga ada bikin2 lagu hip hop.... aaaarrrggghhhhh....

Tp dance ini ga akan keren kl musicnya ga keren. And I will never get the inspired movement kl musicnya ga inspiring. Though the pilot song was not the final best result, it got me moving. As days gone by, dengan Ceka perfecting the song *sambil diancem ancem gua..... satronin rumah ceka sampe jam 11 malem....... en demanding banyak beat sana sini.....sok toy....kaypoh...dan lain lainnya.....maap Ceka*.....the final result of the song is to me.... is a Perfect match with the dance.... and for me : this is by far Ceka best work in hip hop song :) EHHEHEHEHEH :) Don't give up Cek... 2 taon lagi kita bikin hip hop song lagi atuh :)

So all the award that goes to this collaboration of MRT dance should go to no other one than the Inspirer : GOD :) He overcomes our expectation, infused me with movement that I don't need to rely on the power of man (si uncle hip hop) but relying on Son of God Himself, and I believe He put the beat in Ceka's mind, and He granted the idea to Felix.

This award goes to HIM and Him alone :)

Lastly....over reward.
Yg sering baca blog gua would know that I have bought a home on August 22nd' 2011.
Di tengah2 sibuk2nya musical, gua sempet squeeze in some time to see, decide and clear the paper works to buy the home...... September 2011 was indeed : MADNESS.

and for those who bought home before will know the HYPE and excitement of : buying ur first home :) aaaaarrrrrgggggghhhh .... bahagianya itu kayak.... I don't know how to describe it...... the gratefulness for a wonderful gift is ... amazing...

Selesai gua beli rumah di tanggal 22 August itu, that was the first week dimana kita mulai latian gabungan Musical...which was sooo even though I was so excited, I didn't have the time think about it much...

On one YRC service after I bought the home, He simply give me this message:
"This home is my gift for you. You take care over my business through this musical, and I'll take care over yours. I am your provider and I will provide" langsung air mata gua kejerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ga karuan....

What have I given to God through this musical ? It was only time, commitment, practice hours, .....anyone could do it... I don't think what I have given to God is equivalent to the price of the house. To certain extent as seen in my earlier blog, and as what I have curhatted to El....I feel like quitting this musical.... I just want to : runaway... let Gill handle all.. my commitment was not the best.... if I must say... worst than the commitment I gave to Naboeng...

I should be ashamed shouldn't I ? I should... but I know well I'm imperfect. He knows far too well that I am super broken goods ... but this broken goods want to give everything that's left unbroken in her to the hands of the Potter for Him to fix.

In exchange...He gave her a home....
this fixed goods is forever grateful....

Above is my story on how my life was changed dramatically over this musical..... over prett, tess, miracle, time, award and the gifts

and to close :

dan kuyakin semua kan indah pada akhirnya
tiada ragu tiada bimbang ku melangkah dengan pasti...

demi.... Cinta

bombie {=^o^=}

1 comment:

Pinkbuble said...

Wow!! gw baca entry lu yang ini uber-uberan sama ingetan gw di hari itu..its like on screen off screen..dan MP kali ini TOP BANGET BOMB!!!
cantik indah menawan lah semuanya...