Ini teh kenapa seh si blogspot jadi agak2 ga frenly pagenya ? Aih....apa dia kagak ngerti betapa terbelakangnya gua dgn kemajuan computer di muka bumi ini ... it's so hard to find things around with this new layout.... gua berasa kayak dikasih tembok putih buat corat coret tapi ga dikasih crayon ... hehe
Anyway .... selama gua masih bisa ngetik....yah hajar sajah lah hoh !!! So I wanna talk about Whitney Houston...Speaking about Whitney will definitely bring us to : I will always love you. Yup, about that song. Percaya ga percaya, waktu gua kelas 5 SD pertama kali dengerin lagu ini, gua......sangat kagak suka :P haahhahahah gua dengan segala keterbatasan suara gua yg sungguh amat terbatas ini berasa (biar lebih jelas gua pake english : I felt (past tense)) kl lagu itu terlalu simple, ga ada menarik menariknya, cuman teriak and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII doang lama lama, no twist no ups no nice and the music behind is so 80 ies dengan ketukan ....karena gua ga suka lagunya, gua ga bother buat nonton felem body guardnya. Kalian udah nonton ? What do you think ? Good ?
Part of my opinion about Whitney jg jadi effected my disliking of the song. Gw jadi mikir sapa seh ini cewek suddenly jump to the surface en terkenal bener. So anyway me and 5th grade musicality didn't know what good music was, till I slowly learned how hard it is to sing the IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII eeeee IIIIIIIIIIiii for so long and with such a good vibrato. Then slowly gua learn that the Karaoke songs that I always love to sing : The greatest love of all, Dance with somebody. I learned the fact that she's indeed a GREAT GREAT singer, her songs, no matter how simple, are not easy.
Di 2009, she release her last album, and I love that album. I have it in my Ipod and the most fave songs I love is " I look to You". In any case : goodbye Whitney. Thank you for delivering us an amazing voice while you're here.
And on another random note : gua cuman mo bilang kl gua suka sama Hee Jun from the latest Amidol. he he he he :P
bombie {=^o^=}
Searching Your Destiny Upon a Child You favor I walk a journey Through Your love I surrender
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
incoming funds
Last Thursday, when everyone else are watching Israel
Gw en temen2 kantor gw pergi ke timbre for an early farewell buat 1 of my colleague yg bakalan move on doing sales.
Then waktu kita mo duduk, colleague gw dapet Citi alert. It's those kind of sms u get when there's a transaction in / out ur bank account, inclusive of credit card account. Citi alert dia bilang that there's incoming fund into her account for 7k sth sth. Then dia kaget, bingung en penasaran itu duit darimana. Gw bilang mungkin ga itu ur grandmom estate, soalnya grandmom nya br aja pass away. Dia blg, ga ada yg tau acc dia. Gw tanya lagi: check itu dr Nigerian acc ga ? Haahahaha Padahal dia yg punya hajatan malem itu, dia yg sibux telepon Ctphone en tryin to log in ke ct mobile. (by the end of this posting I think all of u would have learned half of Ct products, u've been ct-fied).
So anyway, setelah sekian lama penasaran en telp sana sini, dia berhasil cari tau si 7K itu dr mana en katanya salary credit. Dia bilang, it's impossible! That's like double her salary...en bonus udah msk January kemaren, en it's bigger than bonus also. So she forced us to login ctmobile en check.
Not long, semuanya shock that mereka dapet extra amazing credit gt....everyone except me...huaaaaaaa GW GA DAPETTTTTT !!! Hux hux hux... to gw ga sedih gmn jg soalnya gw tau my pay scheme beda sama mereka so I can only be quiet.....haha
Then kita semua come out with some funny theory that that's pay adjustment lah soalnya mereka underpaid all this while en all sort of other excuses. Lalu besokannya Boss manggil kita smua en bilang kl itu salah outside vendor. huhu... Boss bilang jgn disentuh duitnya hahahah....cape dey..
For a while we all thot, the nite before, that to have ur pay adjusted at one time big amount of credit, does feel kind of shiok jg.... HAHAHAHAHAHH Ya ga ? One time credit of 10k... Shiok !!! On top of bonus pula...woot :)
bombie {=^o^=}
Gw en temen2 kantor gw pergi ke timbre for an early farewell buat 1 of my colleague yg bakalan move on doing sales.
Then waktu kita mo duduk, colleague gw dapet Citi alert. It's those kind of sms u get when there's a transaction in / out ur bank account, inclusive of credit card account. Citi alert dia bilang that there's incoming fund into her account for 7k sth sth. Then dia kaget, bingung en penasaran itu duit darimana. Gw bilang mungkin ga itu ur grandmom estate, soalnya grandmom nya br aja pass away. Dia blg, ga ada yg tau acc dia. Gw tanya lagi: check itu dr Nigerian acc ga ? Haahahaha Padahal dia yg punya hajatan malem itu, dia yg sibux telepon Ctphone en tryin to log in ke ct mobile. (by the end of this posting I think all of u would have learned half of Ct products, u've been ct-fied).
So anyway, setelah sekian lama penasaran en telp sana sini, dia berhasil cari tau si 7K itu dr mana en katanya salary credit. Dia bilang, it's impossible! That's like double her salary...en bonus udah msk January kemaren, en it's bigger than bonus also. So she forced us to login ctmobile en check.
Not long, semuanya shock that mereka dapet extra amazing credit gt....everyone except me...huaaaaaaa GW GA DAPETTTTTT !!! Hux hux hux... to gw ga sedih gmn jg soalnya gw tau my pay scheme beda sama mereka so I can only be quiet.....haha
Then kita semua come out with some funny theory that that's pay adjustment lah soalnya mereka underpaid all this while en all sort of other excuses. Lalu besokannya Boss manggil kita smua en bilang kl itu salah outside vendor. huhu... Boss bilang jgn disentuh duitnya hahahah....cape dey..
For a while we all thot, the nite before, that to have ur pay adjusted at one time big amount of credit, does feel kind of shiok jg.... HAHAHAHAHAHH Ya ga ? One time credit of 10k... Shiok !!! On top of bonus pula...woot :)
bombie {=^o^=}
Friday, February 17, 2012
Hari ini aku ngapain ?
Guess ngapain gw hr ini ?
Bantuin Elrica in make up Department buat SIM musical.
Dimana coba ? Hahaha: di ACJC
Lg ngapain gw sekarang ? Nunggu El en frenz :)
Lg ngapain castnya now ? Lg dry run...
My observation so far : ini ada satu cowok lumayan suaranya
Yg lainnya so far msh agak2 Oh My God. Sorry for my frankness, but SMU is 2-3 notch much better in terms of the quality.
Well we'll see how things will go
Wish me luck. Gw pertama kl neh jd make up artist assitant. Sampe berulang ulang gw telepon El minta guidance. Hahahaha
Hwaitink !!!
bombie {=^o^=}
Thursday, February 16, 2012
double musical :)
Udah brp bulan ini gw mimpi soal musical terus.
Dr yg wkt itu gw mimpi kl mencari putri tgl 1 Oct itu cuman preview show and there are many more show to come, sampe yg kemaren malem... Yg lbh tingkat tinggi mimpinya : a combination of Nasi Boengkoes en Mencari Putri.
It was a mixed of nitemare en sweet dreams at the same time. Sweet becoz : gw El and Gill combine forces bareng in this project, as dancers en choreographers. Bertigaan kita pake seragam SMA. Bujubuneng baheula bener.... SMA bok.. Haha....Biar kata itu cuman mimpi sekali pun gw tetep berasa itu sweet bener :) hohoho
Nitemarenya coz as usual, we ran out of time buat gladi resik. Tepatnya kita ga ada GR sama sekali....boooo.. Jantung mo copot bener dah gw. Mana panggungnya LUASHHH bener en dancer2nya pada ngotot nari di ujung belakang bener...ashtaga...sampe gw emosi bilangin mrk kl emang ga mo nongol ya ga usah ikutan musical drpd nyusahin gw atuh..
Still i woke up happy
En...already I am looking for our upcoming project....hahaha
Terutama kl kita be 3 bisa nari bareng lg.. That would be... Such a Sweet2 MRT escape....buahahahaha
bombie {=^o^=}
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
It's Valentine ?
Valentine taon ini, I'm saved by Gill & Rai, yg rela ngadopsi kita2 yg kesian ga ada valentine luntang lantung di hr kasih sayang ini
Dan gw skrg : Lapherrrrrr (on da way to far far west ke rmh Bpk Pendeta)
At the same time gw lg melan2 this valentine...hey it rhymes.....
I guess a part of me still misses you, wondering what would happen if we managed to pull through
Forever I'll wish the best for u
Happy valentino
Laper bok
(udah nyampe ... YAY !!!)
Friday, February 10, 2012
pulang lagi di weekend ini... airport again... tralalala...
sodara kawin lagi...trilili...
jadi pulang indo lagi......trololo..
lama2 pulang indo weekend ini bener2 makin nyapein badan....trululu...
dan sekarang gua tunggu checking in.... as usual budget airline pasti delay....
gua deg degan...sedikit pressure...sedikit stress jg..... ketemu mak gua..
kira kira dia protes ga liat body gua yg ga gua urus berapa bulan belakangan ini... alias kata gua hajar semua makanan when I feel like it...
tambah lagi semua jajanan di Xi Lin & all the nite market di Taiwan en the heavenly food at Hongkong.... huaih .... Tolonkkk...
haih... diettt diettt... why u and I not friend one ?
heheheh :)
WISH ME LUCK PRENZ !!! kalian berasa ga seh kl ketemu nyokap itu bagaikan practice for judgement day... pre-judgement day gitu lah feelingnya..... seakan akan she's God :P hahehehhe :P
I dont care what happen as long as I get to eat NASI PADANG !!
bombie {=^o^=}
sodara kawin lagi...trilili...
jadi pulang indo lagi......trololo..
lama2 pulang indo weekend ini bener2 makin nyapein badan....trululu...
dan sekarang gua tunggu checking in.... as usual budget airline pasti delay....
gua deg degan...sedikit pressure...sedikit stress jg..... ketemu mak gua..
kira kira dia protes ga liat body gua yg ga gua urus berapa bulan belakangan ini... alias kata gua hajar semua makanan when I feel like it...
tambah lagi semua jajanan di Xi Lin & all the nite market di Taiwan en the heavenly food at Hongkong.... huaih .... Tolonkkk...
haih... diettt diettt... why u and I not friend one ?
heheheh :)
WISH ME LUCK PRENZ !!! kalian berasa ga seh kl ketemu nyokap itu bagaikan practice for judgement day... pre-judgement day gitu lah feelingnya..... seakan akan she's God :P hahehehhe :P
I dont care what happen as long as I get to eat NASI PADANG !!
bombie {=^o^=}
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Be nice !!!
Oops I did it again
I roared at her face
But funny I don't regret
Oh baby baby
Oops you think I'll be scared
That I'll just walk awaaaaaaayyy
I'm not that gullible
bombie pms ing
I roared at her face
But funny I don't regret
Oh baby baby
Oops you think I'll be scared
That I'll just walk awaaaaaaayyy
I'm not that gullible
bombie pms ing
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
A reminder
I'm getting closer to celebrating my 8th year aniversary with ct
en let me just post this phrase that I absolutely heart, by Morgan Stanley's CEO:
Number two, if you put your compensation in a one year context to define your overall level of happiness, you've got a problem that is bigger than the job. And number three, if you're really unhappy, just leave. Life's too short.”
So next year I will be with ct for 9 years
If things does not turn out well, I shall remember the phrase above !!!
bie {=^o^=}
en let me just post this phrase that I absolutely heart, by Morgan Stanley's CEO:
Number two, if you put your compensation in a one year context to define your overall level of happiness, you've got a problem that is bigger than the job. And number three, if you're really unhappy, just leave. Life's too short.”
So next year I will be with ct for 9 years
If things does not turn out well, I shall remember the phrase above !!!
bie {=^o^=}
The dreadful valentine's mth
Udah February
And I'm couple of dollars poorer
Thanks to this 4S
Good speed though
Dan di dalam segala kepenuhan dan kekurangan
Dapet coklat / ga di valentine
Sibux / anteng2 di kantor
Shop too much / save too much (kayak mungkin gt? Hehe)
Baiklah kita
ya Siri ?
bombie {=^o^=}
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