sibux :) ehhehehe:)
ga tau mo ngomong apa :) hohohohoh :)
Let me tell you couple of things :
1> It is my best decision so far...this year.... to take leave on my birthday. If not I can't imagine how black my face will be on that day given that so many ppl on leave on the fatefull date. Heran ulang taon gua populer gitu, 5 orang on leave..sama gua jadi 6. Boss bilang it was auspicious date sampe dia milih jam tertentu di hari itu for doing some movement of seats di office.. mana minggu lalu busetttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt dah..sibuxnyaa sampe sulit nafas....
yah ...semoga aja hari ulang taon gua bawa berkat buat banyak orang deh :) ehhhehe :)
2> There are couple of brands I endorse in life :
* UNIQLO !! love it for the material and the simple yet cool design. Ga murah emang, jg ga cocok buat dress up coz it's meant for casual style, but that's the key. It's casual yet stylo enough more than Giordano, but not so stylo that u look like wayang everyday. love love love
* used to love Charles & Keith for their cheapness & style. Tapi sekarang daku beralih ke Heatwave. Not for the design but more for the durability and simpleness. Plus the fact that Charles & Keith modelnya jadi sok2 metal2 gladiator chunky stylo milo dinasour ga jelas... males ayeee.
* Majolica Majorca for Mascara :) mau buat yg tebelin or panjangin both are good. Combine them and u become a doll. MAC for eye shadow !! last long baby :) Dior for super shiny gloss. Stilla for very sticky long lasting gloss. Guerlain for blusher and powder. ZA for daily powder usage. Darlie for toothpaste. Oral B for toothbrush, listerine for mouthwash :)
lama lama kok jadi shopping list ? ahhaha
* ION orchard. Emang ga sampe bisa shopping ngapain jg...but ga tau napa...gua seneng aja kl di Ion.. I love the smell, the colour, the super extra exageratting shops, the nice food court, love the carrot cake, gindako tako pochi...adoh banyak deh..I love Ion and I dont noe why :) ehheheh
segitu dulu dah!!
pokoknya...I LOVE UNIQLO, ION & Heatwave !! kapan2 lanjut
yuhuu :)
bombie {=^o^=}