Monday, March 29, 2010

ga jelas

sibux :) ehhehehe:)

ga tau mo ngomong apa :) hohohohoh :)

Let me tell you couple of things :

1> It is my best decision so far...this year.... to take leave on my birthday. If not I can't imagine how black my face will be on that day given that so many ppl on leave on the fatefull date. Heran ulang taon gua populer gitu, 5 orang on leave..sama gua jadi 6. Boss bilang it was auspicious date sampe dia milih jam tertentu di hari itu for doing some movement of seats di office.. mana minggu lalu busetttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt dah..sibuxnyaa sampe sulit nafas....

yah ...semoga aja hari ulang taon gua bawa berkat buat banyak orang deh :) ehhhehe :)

2> There are couple of brands I endorse in life :

* UNIQLO !! love it for the material and the simple yet cool design. Ga murah emang, jg ga cocok buat dress up coz it's meant for casual style, but that's the key. It's casual yet stylo enough more than Giordano, but not so stylo that u look like wayang everyday. love love love

* used to love Charles & Keith for their cheapness & style. Tapi sekarang daku beralih ke Heatwave. Not for the design but more for the durability and simpleness. Plus the fact that Charles & Keith modelnya jadi sok2 metal2 gladiator chunky stylo milo dinasour ga jelas... males ayeee.

* Majolica Majorca for Mascara :) mau buat yg tebelin or panjangin both are good. Combine them and u become a doll. MAC for eye shadow !! last long baby :) Dior for super shiny gloss. Stilla for very sticky long lasting gloss. Guerlain for blusher and powder. ZA for daily powder usage. Darlie for toothpaste. Oral B for toothbrush, listerine for mouthwash :)

lama lama kok jadi shopping list ? ahhaha

* ION orchard. Emang ga sampe bisa shopping ngapain jg...but ga tau napa...gua seneng aja kl di Ion.. I love the smell, the colour, the super extra exageratting shops, the nice food court, love the carrot cake, gindako tako pochi...adoh banyak deh..I love Ion and I dont noe why :) ehheheh

segitu dulu dah!!
pokoknya...I LOVE UNIQLO, ION & Heatwave !! kapan2 lanjut
yuhuu :)

bombie {=^o^=}

Thursday, March 25, 2010


gua 29 !!!

hohohoho :P udah mo 30....
en they say 30 is the new 20 so it means... gua 20 lg bentar lagi !! yuhuuu!! :)

bombie {=^o^=}

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Felt like....

Over the course of life I learn that crying most of the time wont help solve the problem
but why do I still feel like crying all this pressure out...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

salam kenal ke LOLO

Gua suka blog LOLO !!! ohohoho :) *liat my blog list: learn to be perfect*
temen blogger yg gua kenal lewat blog El :)

serasa senada pikiran kitee....

I agree with most of her posting yg bikin orang mikir :) setuju banget on woman & Robin :)
sering nge blog yah LO :) ditunggu postingannya :)

bombie {=^o^=}

Monday, March 22, 2010

ku perlu damai

kl hati lagi ga beres.
susah bener ngeblog:P
takut yg keluar sampah semua :P heheheheheh :)
*kesannya nge blog kayak nge wl ajeh....., HAHHAHAHAHA :P eh...tapi ada banget hubungannya benernya..*

padahal this is supposed to be a fun week..
minggu dimana gua bersyukur dikasih idup setaon lagi...

nging nging
I want a peaceful bday

nanti deh gua bersampah sampah ria...
mengenai seekor mahluk bertampang wanita sifat cobra :P ahhahahah :P

bombie {=^o^=}

Monday, March 15, 2010

begahh ahhh

berat jg yah kl gini terus..
hidup segan...mati tak mau....pepatah zaman belanda naek kuda di taman kota

I need a solution....
yg nentuin idup matinya jiwa
dan masa depan yg belon jelas juntrugan-nya
seorang bombie-na

bombie {=^o^=}

Friday, March 12, 2010

jack oh jack

soal si om Jack lagi...

seriously..napa dia ga bisa pinteran dikit for :
1> ga bawa istrinya ke Press conference, and subject her to such pain to endure. Gua ga heran kl istrinya sampe pingsan, ga tahan sama media lighting yg gitu kenceng. Plush think about it, not many of us know how your wife look like. You bring her out in this kind of hour, yg ga tau jg jadi tau.....seriously .....seriously... wrong move

2> say sorry.... even if you feel like you're not wrong :P (though u say so)....
public bilang sincere atau ga...itu urusan mereka...but we all know that's what they want to hear, u saying sorry and mention your wife name.... Tiger Wood has set an example btw, apa ga lebih gampang lagi for you to copy paste ? Tiger ga punya contoh lain selain Clinton, Clinton ga punya contoh lain...kali ? gua blon ikutin gossip then...under age... hahahah :)

Gua ga sebel sama si Om Jack....cuman bingung sama PR Team dia yg ga bisa atur strategy yg bener... yg ginian pasti jadi drama lah kl loe bawa istrinya..

Cukup bawa si Om Jack, direct sampe dia beneran say sorry in a very good way. Atau pinteran dikit loh....kayak Om Clinton, cukup shoot dia sendiri admitting his fault, saying sorry, tanpa media & reporter all around, tayangin di TV (well gua ga tau Singapore media's law yah...but I bet news as big like this bisa minta clearance...kl sampe minister Singapore udah rally behind him...shouldn't be so hard buat dia minta izin tayangin video sorry dia, atau at least...taroh di Utube lah Om....adohhh).

Things have happen too fast and the topic is still so hot, coming out in the media cuman bakalan kasih tontonan on your wife emotional's pain & loss. Nobody demands you to be God, and your wife...Goddess.... you guys are just human.... wanita mana seh yg bisa recover so well from this kind of painful blow in just few days....then have the courage to show up in front of media yg udah kayak macan laper ? Inhuman itu mah......wanita jadi jadian !! Definitely not Elin Woods not even Hilary Clinton, 2 women who I bet are strong personality themselves when they decided to marry such a public figure. Still ...mereka ga ikutan tuh ke press conf ? More over seorang madam kng ? *beneran ga neh tulisnya ?* or Mrs. Neo to be exact.

So all in all gua salahin PR dia... HAHAHHAHH :) sapa neh managernya ? haduh!!... plush lagi gua bingung sama si Om Jack...kita manusia normal disini bisa mikirin solution gitu banyak yg mgkin bisa hindarin all those drama to happen... mereka yg udah punya gitu banyak pengalaman sama media malah ga take into account all these... somehow mereka kayak ilang conscience yah.... ga bisa mikir jernih gitu.

Well... gitu kali upah bisa mikir jernih selanjutnya.... yg ada mistake upon mistake just keep stocking up.

Tapi gua jg ga tahan sama orang2 yg masih salahin Om Jack ! Come on lah pren.... culture sini aja udah anggap biasa for couple to have premarital sex during courting days.. nah kl belon married aja mereka udah punya 10 cowok / cewek and udah ganti2 pasangan kayak gitu.... hal apa yg bisa loe pastiin kl mereka ga bakal fling around setelah married? Emang ada kerangkeng gitu ? penjara besi ? ga cowok ga cewek..sama aja...

But in the end....just take a look to all case yg udah di discover previously. Clinton, Tiger anyone.... the world will forgive & forget them day.... they will judge you back based on the work you produce for them.... kayak angin lewat... too much other discovery yg bkl bikin scandal ini ngereda akhirnya...

But the wifes, kids, and those who become victims around them...
their life will never be the same....and the hurt & pain can never be undone..

dosa tetep dosa
consequence is still consequence

en noda tetep noda
mo pake Chlorox, bycline, vanish, apapun jg...... ga bakal ilang :P
*ga usah coba pake attack or dynamo...nanti meledak.... hehehehehe*

bombie {=^o^=}

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

wads new with jack neo discovery ?

So....who has not heard on the most famous movie Director in SG, Uncle Jack Neo's latest news ? Maybe they are not living in SG.

I might sound shock, tapi benernya.... ga. Frankly speaking dari semua berita heboh kayak gini : Edison Chen scandal, Tiger Woods & Jack Neo, bisa dibilang I take it so lightly sampe Boss gua agak bingung en comment "I thought you will be the one who resent & hate these kind of men the most ? But now you said what he did is just all right and that he's just being human ?"

Yeah ilah Boss, maksud gua mah si Uncle Jack itu naas bener, movie dia yg titlenya being human baru mo direlease, eh this news break out, seakan akan kayak mo tolong justify that he's just being human. Kasian deh loe boss :P ehheheh

Tapi bener deh, dari Edison Chen scandal aja gua agak heran knp heboh bener yah ? Bukannya Paris Hilton punya video lah, sapa lagi yah, Vanessa Hudgen lah, si Macdreamy from Grey's anatomy lah, pokoknya all the famous western star yg video ga jelas mereka udah leak out to market, apa lg seh yg bikin shock kl Edison sleeps around ?

Di otak gua gampang aja deh: oh loe bintang felem hongkong, hollywood, bollywood, robin hood....di pikiran gua straight aja : u sleeps around. Maap aja for this general stereotyping, but eyes are not blind and ppl are not idiots.

Terus Tiger, the first Billion Dollar athletes in the world. Waktu beritanya leak out pun gua sampe tanya ke Delly : si Tiger ada simpenan.... emang kenapa sih dunia sampe heboh banget ? Delly bilang : soalnya dia clean cut gitu kan, kayak family man yg setia, and baek tp ternyata nyeleweng...jadi pada shock.
Dlm ati gua : Oh ? kok gua ga shock ? Bukannya expected ?

Then uncle Jack. Kl gua sampe sedikit shock buat cerita dia, itu cuman gara2 dua hal:
1> gua tau dia kristen, dan semua orang tau dia anggota CHC. sedih....
2> tampang dia kayak apek2 tua en agak kecewek cewek-an, duit jg ga banyak bener, masihhhhhhhhh ada aja cewek2 yg bego yg mau aja ama dia ? ampunnn

Other than those 2 pt, buat satu orang celebrity nyeleweng seh udah bukan hal yg shocking dimata gua dah. Kl cowok2 tanpa duit en tampang plush bukan celebrity aja bisa nyeleweng, palagi dia orang seh ?

And so just to reitterate my stand:

Buat gua, ga ada lagi manusia (cewek inclusive) yg fall under the cathegory : ah dia seh gak akan pernah2 nyeleweng. Mo celebrity kek, buruh kek, pembantu kek....we are all equal.

Each of us have the chance buat ga setia sama pasangan kita, it's our values that decide which option we are taking. En biar kata gua ga pernah pacaran ( atau lbh tepatnya justru karena gua ga pernah pacaran ) doesn't mean I dont know how hard it is to be faithful. Especially where marriage is concerned, gua tau ga segampang itu to stay faithful, belon lagi tambah all the pregnancy weight gain, burden brought along with kids appearrance on earth, financial matters, second puberty...wadohhh.... Thus indeed, ga susah buat orang to fall to the trap of infidelity and so the need to guard our heart strongly is really essential.

That's the nice part. The not so nice part is, karena semua orang bisa nyelewenglah, it's not easy to trust anyone. Termasuk pasangan kita sendiri. Or calon pasangan kita. Kl (amit2) sampe satu hari mereka did sth that horrible to us, well by now we definitely can never know how we will react for sure. But since things have (and we surely hope will) never happened, perhaps we have more conscience to understand that we are all human, equally weak, equally born with hereditary sin from Adam and Eve, and equally blameful before our repentance.

To forgive, forget, and embrace our spouse or spouse to be when they fell to that sinful path, might seem impossible if we dont take into Account that He has first done exactly all those for us @ the cross.

Enough said : we are all equal. Equally have our chances to be rightful or sinful, and equally have the power not to judge others, before finally learning to forgive, forget & embrace those of us who has walked the wrong path.

bombie {=^o^=}

Monday, March 8, 2010


El itu beneran kembaran gua yah ...
Gua baru find out another new thing yg sama lagi dari kita....jreng jreng...

jadi Sabtu kmrn gua baru tau kl El udah pernah ilangin mole (thom-phel bahasa keren-nya) di mukanya ( maap El....gua terus terang...)

El bilang dia ilangin banyak banget... 5 atau berapa gitu ... hoohohohoh

baru gua bilang....record tak terkalahkan gua ... HAHAHAHAHAHA
gua ga bakal lupa that wonderful number : 9 !!!!! Jadi dari kecil cita2 gua cuman 2, kurusin badan abis itu laser moles gua yg jumlahnya ga pernah berkurang....tapi makin bertambah !!!

Dan itu yg gua lakukan di kelas 2 SMA setelah minum obat diet, kurus 15 kilo in 2 months time, terus gua laser dah moles di muka gua....

Ternyata El jg laser :) wakakakaka :P

bombie {=^o^=}

Saturday, March 6, 2010


The couple of good things on this hot singapore weather:
1 less usage of water heater
2 free sauna en sun tan anytime anywhere
3 some added motivation for u to get that shape as more sleeveless tops are highly needed to keep u sane.

I'm juz tryin to cool my heated heart... Hahaha

bombie {=^o^=}

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


di luar udara panash 35 degree ga ada ampun
di sini hati panash kebakaran di setiap relung...

Gajebo !!!!!

Bete !

Kl udah gini pelampiasan gua makan lagi.... Makanya ga ceking2