Saturday, March 6, 2010


The couple of good things on this hot singapore weather:
1 less usage of water heater
2 free sauna en sun tan anytime anywhere
3 some added motivation for u to get that shape as more sleeveless tops are highly needed to keep u sane.

I'm juz tryin to cool my heated heart... Hahaha

bombie {=^o^=}


JoJo said...

wakakaka bener bie air gua uda kerasa hanget tanpa heater juga hahaha

btw emank loe kerasa panas tah bie seharian didalam office gituw? ^^ heeh

bombie {=^o^=} said...

Office boleh dingin Jo...
tapi jalan ke MRT, keluar MRT, lunch en di tiap saat gua kluar...keringet gua kayak biji jagung gedenya !!!

bombie {=^o^=}

JoJo said...

hahaha iya Bie bener... gua juga gitu... keringatan abis... sampe sekarang gua kalo pergi ngajar kaos-an ama celana/rok pendek doank wakakaka ~_~

|0|0... said...

ga beda jauh jg ya ama oklen.di sini jg panas,tp bntr lg winter seh.btw,gw br bls message lo di blog sy,br nyadar.maaf ya.ada facebook kah diirimu?