Wednesday, March 10, 2010

wads new with jack neo discovery ?

So....who has not heard on the most famous movie Director in SG, Uncle Jack Neo's latest news ? Maybe they are not living in SG.

I might sound shock, tapi benernya.... ga. Frankly speaking dari semua berita heboh kayak gini : Edison Chen scandal, Tiger Woods & Jack Neo, bisa dibilang I take it so lightly sampe Boss gua agak bingung en comment "I thought you will be the one who resent & hate these kind of men the most ? But now you said what he did is just all right and that he's just being human ?"

Yeah ilah Boss, maksud gua mah si Uncle Jack itu naas bener, movie dia yg titlenya being human baru mo direlease, eh this news break out, seakan akan kayak mo tolong justify that he's just being human. Kasian deh loe boss :P ehheheh

Tapi bener deh, dari Edison Chen scandal aja gua agak heran knp heboh bener yah ? Bukannya Paris Hilton punya video lah, sapa lagi yah, Vanessa Hudgen lah, si Macdreamy from Grey's anatomy lah, pokoknya all the famous western star yg video ga jelas mereka udah leak out to market, apa lg seh yg bikin shock kl Edison sleeps around ?

Di otak gua gampang aja deh: oh loe bintang felem hongkong, hollywood, bollywood, robin hood....di pikiran gua straight aja : u sleeps around. Maap aja for this general stereotyping, but eyes are not blind and ppl are not idiots.

Terus Tiger, the first Billion Dollar athletes in the world. Waktu beritanya leak out pun gua sampe tanya ke Delly : si Tiger ada simpenan.... emang kenapa sih dunia sampe heboh banget ? Delly bilang : soalnya dia clean cut gitu kan, kayak family man yg setia, and baek tp ternyata nyeleweng...jadi pada shock.
Dlm ati gua : Oh ? kok gua ga shock ? Bukannya expected ?

Then uncle Jack. Kl gua sampe sedikit shock buat cerita dia, itu cuman gara2 dua hal:
1> gua tau dia kristen, dan semua orang tau dia anggota CHC. sedih....
2> tampang dia kayak apek2 tua en agak kecewek cewek-an, duit jg ga banyak bener, masihhhhhhhhh ada aja cewek2 yg bego yg mau aja ama dia ? ampunnn

Other than those 2 pt, buat satu orang celebrity nyeleweng seh udah bukan hal yg shocking dimata gua dah. Kl cowok2 tanpa duit en tampang plush bukan celebrity aja bisa nyeleweng, palagi dia orang seh ?

And so just to reitterate my stand:

Buat gua, ga ada lagi manusia (cewek inclusive) yg fall under the cathegory : ah dia seh gak akan pernah2 nyeleweng. Mo celebrity kek, buruh kek, pembantu kek....we are all equal.

Each of us have the chance buat ga setia sama pasangan kita, it's our values that decide which option we are taking. En biar kata gua ga pernah pacaran ( atau lbh tepatnya justru karena gua ga pernah pacaran ) doesn't mean I dont know how hard it is to be faithful. Especially where marriage is concerned, gua tau ga segampang itu to stay faithful, belon lagi tambah all the pregnancy weight gain, burden brought along with kids appearrance on earth, financial matters, second puberty...wadohhh.... Thus indeed, ga susah buat orang to fall to the trap of infidelity and so the need to guard our heart strongly is really essential.

That's the nice part. The not so nice part is, karena semua orang bisa nyelewenglah, it's not easy to trust anyone. Termasuk pasangan kita sendiri. Or calon pasangan kita. Kl (amit2) sampe satu hari mereka did sth that horrible to us, well by now we definitely can never know how we will react for sure. But since things have (and we surely hope will) never happened, perhaps we have more conscience to understand that we are all human, equally weak, equally born with hereditary sin from Adam and Eve, and equally blameful before our repentance.

To forgive, forget, and embrace our spouse or spouse to be when they fell to that sinful path, might seem impossible if we dont take into Account that He has first done exactly all those for us @ the cross.

Enough said : we are all equal. Equally have our chances to be rightful or sinful, and equally have the power not to judge others, before finally learning to forgive, forget & embrace those of us who has walked the wrong path.

bombie {=^o^=}


Pinkbuble said...

Satuju!! Edison chen en siapa pun mo nyeleweng ato mo ngapain kek..itu urusan dia lah..uda gede inj, kl ketauan yah panggil PR team lu untuk atur crisis nya..badai pasti berlalu..

Nyasar dikit, clinton waktu ada scandal pun si hillary panutan gw cuma blg ' dia dunia ini yang berhak marah atas penyelewengan bill adalah gw, his wife'
jadi ya..bener apa kata lu lah bomb..kaga ada yang berhak ngejudge en pura-pura shock gitu lah..

Baby Bee said...

i like the comment girl....he's in a mid life crisis bangss..ahaha

Baby Bee said...

I like to comment girls...luv reading it...