Sunday, October 24, 2010

it's been tough

udah selesai packing !!!
ho ho ho...
at least it takes some burden up my sleeve

however...tetep banyak bener kerjaan 2 minggu kedepan..

I called back home..
my grandmom is in hospital ... going to be out soon
she is to undergo an op..
en she's 89
we are all quite worried..en bingung seh
op ?
namanya orang tua..operasi banyak resiko lah yah...
she's 89 gitu loh....
masih belon ada keputusan btw.... masih mikir what's the best to be done..
off course : the best will be : she's healed by HIS miraculous power.....

on the other hand
gua kasian dede gua seh...
it's been really a tough year for her I must say
stelah dia keluar rumah sakit abis dengue
mbak gua masuk rumah sakit dengue juga
terus mama gua jatoh en di gips and practically ga bisa jalan normal for 1 month
terus papa gua masuk rumah sakit...
lanjut....cowok dia dengue
en now....popo gua di rumah sakit...en dia yg jaga lagi.

eneg ga seh dia sama rumah sakit ?
kepaitan gua rasa dia juga...

and there's a part of me yg ngerasa useless jg
useless karena gua ga bisa do much over here....other than kumpulin duit bawa pulang
ga bisa bantu dia jaga family di rumah sakit...
and cukup sedih coz....well .. at her age dia udah have to go through the obligation of fulfilling family commitment
en..she's my sis... biar kata gua keliatan heartless to her sometimes..
or maybe kita ga keliatan sedeket other sistas around
still... forever she's my sis... our blood is tied
no matter how old we have grown to be.... there's always a part of me that want to protect her
pengen gua gantian sama dia jaga
tp kl gini...gua ngerasa ga bisa ngapa ngapain... mo semangatin / hibur dia jg... what's talk without action ?

but in all this...i think He just want us to learn...
He is giving my sis a chance to learn about commitment...
I am given a chance to learn how to surrender on things that is not my portion to carry....or simply impossible for me to solve.... this it's proven
we are made to be family members not by chance
coz this has been my toughest year lived so far
somehow I can feel it is too....for me & my family

but in the end...
as life goes on....we are moving on
walking away with invaluable lesson on love, faith, and commitment

segeralah berakhir 2010
gua.... mungkin ga sekuat itu....

bombie {=^o^=}

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