Wednesday, May 25, 2011

u say.... ikutan ga yah gw ?

The deal :
participate in a flash mob at Ion, sometimes in July

The sacrifice :
4 times 4 hours every saturday in June @ somewhere in Yishun
Definitely missing YRC in those 4 weeks
Definitely missing life too, not to mention time, sweat energy... etc
one time on site rehearsal @ ion
one very gruelling saturday to wake up at 7 am for prac before action
a bet that I'll have my confidence beaten down participating with real pro talented performer dancers, unlike me who is trying hard to be ...a dancer

The payoff :
Flashmob !! for national day preparation !! @ Ion some more... my first ever
The experience
The fats & calories burnt
The so many choreographies I can learnt
Fact that it's only 6 times practice ?
okay lah okay money ... 100 only ... not like got gold bar lah..

things to consider:
1> can I commit ?
2> will I walk out feeling like a looser seeing all the pro young dancer ?
3> I'm 30... will chance ever come again ? If I dont do know ... when then ?
4> exactly becoz I'm not good enough, rather than I be a laughing stock, waste time... why not just dont do it ?
5> also....YRC... how ?
6> however.... u'll learn alotttttt .... so it's now...or neva....

HOW ? should I ?
bin nyun ...

bombie {=^0^=}

anyway kl ada yg mau ikutan ....and... you think you can dance... can ask me bout it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

some poem long long ago

found this di laci kantor gua...
some poem long long ago....

And I will be your your friend

Just like we have always been
when memories of past starts to dig in
let me just remember this rhythm
that I'll always be your friend
not the best but definitely worthy
of a pure friendship we've built
based on trust and peace you gave me
assurance you've ascertained me
that 4eva we shall always keep
this friendship till eternity

should I start to question
on admiration I have on your works of faith
joy I kept when you made my day
encouragement u've shared not only to me but all else

shall I remind myself that this prevails
that I've been your friend all along in the past
I am your friend as this moment where I stand
and till forever and then
I'll always choose to be your friend
with every effort that I can

for your gift of friendship is one of the best privilege I could have
Never wanna loose it, so I'll keep it with all I am

Silently I wish u'll neglect
small changes in me that I wont let
your eyes to see regardless how perfect
your vision can be..cause I'm definitely

keeping your gift of friendship
that I treasure best

bombie {=^o^=}

*kapan yah I made this ? cant remember....
in any case .... when I read this again... I got mellow... it feels at peace and at ease ... and I think it's beautiful #banggainpuisisendiri=norak:)

love this poem... love my friendship

Sunday, May 22, 2011

biar genap

postingan ini hanya bertujuan supaya ga ada yg protes kl di bulan Mei ini gua jarang ngeblog... hehehe :P so here's all the random thoughts that have crossed my mind ...

1> UDAH 23 MAY !!! bentar lagi... JUNIE.... padahal gw msh berasa baru selesai kawinan El....and to make things worst....all 3 public holidays in April and May are all... done... finish... huixxxxx
cepet banget ga seh 2011 ? apa ini sindrom sa chap ?

2> I always wonder : apa seh yg ada di pikiran orang cakep kl dia orang lagi ngaca ? sadar ga seh mereka how beautiful they are ? and if they do... what does it feel to be beautiful ?

3> yg ini ... gw maap2 dulu deh yah kl ada yg offended....beneran ga ada maksud apapun terhadap subject tapi ini bener2 my own sentiment towards the object..and the object is : Rokok en asepnya...
Asli....gua benci !! titik dan ga langsung jadi benci semua perokok..... esp yg temen2 kantor gw.. ya mo gimana....gua udah kenal dia org as friends sblm knowing them as smokers...masa yah gua jadi benci dia orang ?

Tpi kl ada satu hal yg menurut gua layak punah di muka bumi ini .... itu adalah taneman tembakau dan business nya ... nyiksa banget ke idung gua yg sensitif ala doggie jagoan sniff sniff....bikin badan jadi stiff stiff ....

4> my current life is filled with...u noe : musicals, weddings (cousin & sis) and trip planning.. sibux jg yah taon ini... musical wise, sadly gua ga se-panic dulu.... knp sad ? krn kepanic-an adalah hal yg baik untuk berlangsungnya musical.... dan gua tidak panic.. tidak panic = tidak bergerak.... tidak bergerak = tidak ada hal yg diproduksi = cilaka besar when what we have in our script is a BIGGER dreams..

which makes me and Manda questions hari itu...kita....mimpi terlalu besar ga seh ? the stakes are high yow....en I really feel that kt sendiri as director are asking ourselves a higher quality..we challenge ourselves.. on which now I'm worried...are we asking for too much ?

hm...yah ... that's one part of musical... another happy part .... well....maybe it is too early to say but I believe a better morale leads into a better energy & spirit....
so I just want to say that... I really thank God for sending the right person to be dancers this time around
we trim down our numbers alot... we had a tough audition... and again maybe it's too early to say.... but then again they say : speak it with faith and He'll make it happen for His I cross my finger and declare that... somehow I see the selected dancers have impressive attitude and commitment towards this musical.....I pray what I see is what the truth He gaves

nuff said on musical... let's just make it happen yow :)

5> last random thoughts.
so .. mungkin I wrote before about one of my colleague yg gua serve...intinya ya dia salah satu boss gua lah... orang yg gua serve yah boss donk ?

so dia ini : lahir taon 78....udah married punya anak 1... rumah 1 tapi nyicil 2 rumah.... mobil dah ganti dari mazda terus bmw (wkt dia 29) then sekarang maserati (wkt dia 32)

kasat mata liat gitu... u'll think he's such a successful person dont u ? ... by facts... I think so too...kerjaan dia perfect...rajin bener kerja sampe jam 1 (at his latest hour)... always meet target... always meet deadline...promoted to highest rank dalam waktu 4.5 taon mungkin ? pinter seh gua cukup yakin dia pinter...anak RI .. RJ... and all the other R kl ..tau dah.. intinya....dia pinter, bisa kerja de es be de es te..

however : EQ minus !! dalam arti ...dia punya the worst attitude di kantor lah...bisa marah2 ga jelas..kelakuan kayak anak kecil ... semua ngomong : he's such a boy.... yup... ga ada compose2nya.... banting telpon....banting semua yg perlu dibanting...teriak kanan kiri.. en off course yg kena gua jg intinya....

ini bukan curcol....krn kl mo curcol...gua perlu duduk one on one with u terus minta doa pemulihan dr neh orang ......

intinya : it makes me question again....most ppl yg gua tau pinter intellectually...yg kagak dalem Tuhan yah....itu either very low in EQ....are just simply pig...
aneh.....asli dah otak gw mah ga tinggi2 bener gw tau... bisa lulus sampe 18 taon sekolah aja puji emosi gw as u know... jalan bener lah yah...

apa emang gitu ga seh ? org yg pinter gt tend to be.... honestly... ansos ppl ? ignorant ? yg pasti gua tau Ieie Vanya Meily Rimbo.... 4 mahluk first class honours yg dalem Tuhan...yg ga gitu..

other than that.... I hardly saw orang pinter yg punya hati.... IQ rocket EQ minus.....
dan gua sedih :P sedih karena they know how good they are and they gloat over that.. dalam kasus ini ...yah si boss gua tadi...

udah gitu aja... gua jadi sedih lg kl inget ini .. hahahahah... kita butuh banyakan orang pinter yg ga gitu :) ...hear my cries Lord :) hee hee :)

gua udah ada 2 postingan di bulan May..
yah ?

bombie {=^o^=}

Monday, May 2, 2011


To be honest....
as everyone gets more and more excited towards 1st October 2011
I am standing on another end...

Gua lagi amat sangat pesimis that I can contribute a good choreography peace for this musical
and even more pesimistic that I can do a good job...

otak lg kosong tanpa inspirasi en I feel like I dont know how to move and I cant even remember all things I've learnt last 1 year di Jitterbug..
Youtubing doesn't help much currently....

huaih...stress actually...

I need Your supernatural's intervention
running on empty here

*en Gillian Sastra plus Elrica Diona...your presence selalu kuhargai dan kusyukuri setulus tulusnya dan sedalam dalamnya.... *

aih.....tolonkkk ....sos...
bombie {=^o^=}