Wednesday, August 10, 2011

food for thoughts

Do you have a food that can bring you back in time ?

I have !!! Andersen's blueberry ice cream.
Gua ga akan lupa es krim ini, coz es krim inilah yang temenin gua di kala gua patah hati yg palink patah !!! bodo amat deh ada atau ga-nya bahasa patah hati yg terpatah :P heheheh :P intinya...... yg paling sakit & emo lah yah...

kejadiannya di taon...erm bentar mikir.... oh..2004. Somewhere in October...di jurong point yg msh belom reno...

waktu gua di NUS, gua suka ke JP sendiri. Esp di hari ulang taon gua... maybe dari sana muncul fetish gua buat travel & enjoy life alone :P ehheheeh :)

singkat cerita....di food court JP hari itu...gua yg udah travel demikian jauhnya demi menemui ttm gua....mendapatkan revelation yg plg menyakitkan .....cahhhh !! ini gara2 udah ampir lewat 7 taon ajah kejadiannya makanya gua bisa cerita sambil ketawa tiwi...nulis di blog pula..hahaha :P coba dulu...... kagak ada limapun yg tau my heart story (ga bisa bilang satupun..karena ada 3 orang yg tau.... WAUEHUAHUEUHHAUEHUAHE)

pada dasarnya gua tertemplak oleh sebuah kalimat yg intinya sebagai demikian :
"silahkan pergi ke swensen makan Ice cream loe sendiri. Gua ga bisa temenin loe !! "

Sebelom para pembaca kecewa dan berpikir kl gua adalah monster cewek yg ga bisa puas serta gampang marah gara2 ga ditemenin makan di swensens yg notabene tidak baik bagi cewek berbody seperti daku.....mari saya clearkan sedikit bahwasanya : gua bukan cewek tuh orang, dan bukan permasalahan accompaniment di Swensens yg bikin hatiku pedih.

Untuk cerita lebih lengkap, please dial 1900 998 9998. Calls are toll free, if you can get through. Anyway pst toll free, karena di Singapore ga ada toll..adanya ERP !! hehehe

Kl ga get through en masih penasaran, ya salah sendiri :) tau no hp gua kan ? Telpon gua langsung lah !! saya bersedia bersaksi untuk malam yg menyedihkan di taun 2004 itu :P heeee heee :)

balik ke si makanan.... so yah gitulah..
dalam keadaan hati yg patah...gua jalan keluar food court.... nahan nangis dikit (drama added)...sesungukan, belon makan, dari bestway (tanjong pagar) naek MRT sampe ke Jurong point pikir bisa ditemenin makan, yg ada disuruh makan sendiri....jelas laper....merana...gelap deh dunia like there's no tmrw :P aih.....roman picisan :P HAHAHAHA :)

yah intinya gua wander around JP..... en end up di depan si Andersen's Ice cream itu, dan gua lampiaskan rasa kesel gua by buying one big cone of blueberry Ice cream from Andersen's..

It is : the ice cream of my life !!!! If a guy never forget when he earned his first dollar.... that's my same feeling.... I'll never forget the healing that comes from that Ice cream :P Hahahahah :P

Since that day, tiap kali gua lewat andersen Ice cream...I'm always transported back in the pain and the healing I felt that nite :) what I gone through that nite was liberating in a very painful way.

Coz of that, gua ga sembarangan makan Andersen's Ice cream... I only buy that when something special, or something really bad happen... I treat it with so much care...

and so tonite....after hip hop class...gua jalan lewatin andersen Ice cream di PS. And although Andersen ada di NEX jg....gua ga pernah beli disana tonite pas lewat gua mikir... is the occasion worthy enough for me to take Andersen's Ice cream ?



not long : 5 seconds... I decided to :


seriously who cares what happen in 2004 ? Why do I treat this Ice cream with so much respect ? I just want this Ice cream now.....and I'm gonna get it *regardless of my body shape....again...*

and an Ice cream after a good hip hop class : is like Cherry's on top...

thank you andersen's Ice cream..
u're still a dear comfort to my heart

cuman lain kali I will not buy blueberry.... karena ternyata si fruit portion atau fruit poison apa lah gitu.... lebih enak :P HAHHAHAHHAH

bombie {=^o^=}

1 comment:

sista said...

haha bie loe koq tambah garink skrg :P hehehe... long time no c.. :D jadi seenak itu ya Andersen's ice cream?