Tuesday, December 13, 2011

random things in this short span of time

So I'm back home sabtu lalu Dec 10.

Next day I went to JPCC with my sis and bro in law to be in less than 1 week time.
Guess who served the PW that day ? GBI Rock Ambon :P hahahha ;)
Lagu yg dia orang bawa to open the Worship is : Sembah Dia 4X.
Followed with songs that some I know, some I didn't, but overall I felt (yg diconfirm with my sister too) like coming home .... GBI :P hahahahah:) My sis said yg JPCC bengong....ga biasa sama GBI style. While me there, is awed sama suara2 indah rekan2 GBI Ambon and the presence of God we experienced that day :) Mereka pelayanan ke 4 hari itu, there is still one more, and they are still SO powerfull.

Yup... I felt like coming home. haha :P

And so that was Sunday dan gua tidak menyia nyiakan waktu dan kesempatan yg ada di stiap saat buat cari makanan Indo yg gua suka.

So on Saturday evening when I landed gua minta nyokap beli Martabak telor :) Terus minggu siangnya gua minta titip Sekba (bebek Tim) then malemnya gua dinner sama dede gua after church di Pepenero : my face Italian Restaurant yg kudu gua makan tiap kali I'm back in Indo. Terus senen quest berlanjut, gua minta nasi goreng & bihun goreng dahlia. Kemaren gua makan hachi2 di TA, then today udah ada bakmi, nasi Nci Medan dari K7 dulu, en Nasi padang on the way... MAKMUR abis !! busyet dah.... dan kawinan dede gua on the way sabtu ini... haih...

Tiap hari gua sempetin diri sit up push up plus planking demi melawan semua lemak jahat :P *erm..yah kl makannya gitu yah susah jg yah....* cuman gimana cara ngelawan makanan enak yg jarang2 mendarat di perut gua ini coba ? hohaoehoaho :P *alesan*

now on to other things:
I have some pretty humbling things coming home, where smua yg gua lakuin, pilih, dan sukai kembali jadi hal2 yg kurang dimata keluarga gua.... well you heard the word before : family is you best critics (but it may lead to some other not so good things as we all know)

So yah anyway : gua bikin baju buat dede gua yang gua suka, but my family smua protes bilang ga suka... haih sedih. Sekarang gua lagi dipaksa cari baju baru dalam waktu sekejap, spend some money again, and fact that body gua bukan body indonesia biasa (alias kata bengkak kl ukuran Indo)....ga segampang itu buat masuk ukuran L tok. All gamble, kadang muat kadang kagak :P...
So itu satu yg kurang di mata keluarga gua.

Then kemaren gua bantu nyokap isi raport mandarin. Dan kerjaan gua harus nulis huruf dari angka nilai mereka...
Contoh my mom nulis 100, nah gua tulis di kotak yg disediakan : SERATUS.
Bokap gua terus terusan kan cheong terus : kita ada 8 kelas Cie.... 8, sehari doang harus selesai..... gimana bisa ? Sementara gua sok pede : ada Cie Cie Pa...another hand to help, takut apa seh ?

Teruslah gua proceed buat bantu nulis huruf2 itu. Alhasil first attempt : langsung kena cela my mother, ini ga perfect ga bagus ga rapih ga ini ga itu dan ga ga ga lainnya... haih :P sedih lagi :P ahhahah :) there is nothing that's ever be perfect enough from what I do for my mom.... but I grew up with it so I'm used to be belittled and strong enough not to take the face value of her (or their) words, instead dig deeper to know that they are actually proud enough to have me..

oh intermezzo : to all the teacher friends out there who needs to fill up report card, salute dah sama kalian. Tangan gua sampe berasa mo copot semalem nulisin 3 kelas doang :P beh :P hari ini berlanjut my missery :P mana mata kunang2 pula :P ehuahueh :) but well.. I got a job to do :P

Back to the topic, friends if you have a choice, do teach your children with a mix of western and eastern value okay ? It's hard enough to be children of eastern culture where nothing you do is ever enough.

Kiyoko did remind me : don't be too hard on yourself girl. Give credits where it's due.
I like those line and I will hold it dearly.

But overall it's a good humbling experience after I lots of "victories" this year (from musical to DND to small lil competition for Xmas deco in the bank), I'm happy to know that I'm still not good enough. That way I know, I have BIG ROOMS to grow :)

sekian Indo report till this day....
now off to write some more raport and getting busy for my sis wedding prep.

bie {=^o^=}

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