Monday, September 17, 2012


Ada kompetisi bibir di website Elrica ( and here is my entry for the lipstick posting :P 
bare face with BB cream and powder only

Then I put on some make up. In warna asli bibir aye with addition of lip gloss rasa fanta orange, hadiah dari Mando Paramon when she went Thailand :) 

masih warna asli bibir 

U know what I like the most dari foto di bawah ini ? My dagu yg lancip...udah jarang euy :P ehheheh

And then I started applying lipstick. First look, nude lipstick. Very nude lipstick. This lipstick is from MAC, lady gaga's collection. It was a special edition last year. Kl pake lipstick ini, you cant wear it with nude make up. You have to wear it with heavy make up. Otherwise you will just look like ghost soalnya bakalan keliatan super pale. 

By the way gw mo minta maap for background di belakang foto ini :P aeheha :P Itu jemuran di kamar :P HAHHAHAH :P 

And now second look, brownish shu uemura lipstick. 

Lastly : red lipstick from Maybelline, yg gw lupa fotoin semalem lipsticknya :P maap :) 

I called below look " Makan apa ya entar ?"

Next look "Apa loe liat2"

Ini sok sexy tp gagal :P 

And the one I love the most, I called this face " Bitch ! Please :P Like I care ?? *roll eyes* " HAHAHAH :) 

Selesai apus semua lipstick, gw pasang lip gloss hadiah dari Gill when she went Spain last year. Lagi2 gw lupa foto. Glossnya from H&M :) 

Demikian posting bibir ane...Maapkan the bad lighting soalnya ini foto malem2 :P Also, sorry kl gw selalu pake si baju kuning kebanggaan gw ini....Si baju kuning gw ini bagaikan baju Burger King nya Gill. Dejavu geto... coz dia adalah baju ter NYAMAN sehari hari :) Gw doain in baju last long and longer. Made in Indonesia bok :) 

sekian. salam bibir {=^o^=} 


Pinkbuble said...


Btw alamat blog gw antara pink dan buble nya ada setrip (-)hihihi..

Enak yah maen dandan dandanan ^^

gillsunshine said...

gw ga bakal komen bibir loe! gw komen baju burger king gw!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ..... dasarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! komen gw super ga penting yak!! HAHAHAHA ...

bombie {=^o^=} said...

ashtagaaa .... maap gw ga nyadar si stripnya all this while ... maap