Saturday, September 15, 2012

Maybe ..... just maybe... we gotta let go and let's go :)

So.... here we go!
The 1 week Israel trip that I mentioned cancelled before, has been replaced by my sudden decision to go to.... LONDON !!!!!! *big grin*... 

pertamanya mo sok misterious.... ga bilang2 sapa2 terus tiba2 ilang ajah geto...pas nongol2 dah pasang foto aja di facebook.... seru jg kan sok misterious ? Yah right :P  

Tp akhirnya gw sadar.... gw bukan superstar :) ga ada yg tertarik bener sama whereabout, jadi yah I drop all the thots of surprises and must as well gw kasih tau ajah ke dunia kl GW HEPPY BENER BISA PERGI KE LONDON !! *AAAAAAA tereak *... it's well too proven that I cannot hide good news (or bad news for that matter, so next time just give me boring news if you want to keep it a secret) haha :) 

Benernya: reaksi awal gw waktu otak gw tiba2 speeding beyond my control focussing on going on London, ga sehappy ini. Flashback dikit, scr panjangnya itu kejadian di sebuah minggu malam after latian nari where I went for dinner di rumah sodara gw tanggal 25 Agustus. Di hari itu juga pas latian nari gw confirm sekali lagi sama Gill en Raimond di hari sabtunya kl mereka PASTI ke Israel taon depan. Diliat dr history nya: kata2 Mas Raimond bisa dipegang dengan tepat dan benar. So there goes my psycho brain looking for new adventure sepanjang latian nari sampe akhirnya pas di rumah sodara gw, though we were having dinner and I stay longer coz my auntie & uncle just arrived from Jakarta, my brain can't stop shaking and it has has shot its target and the destination place is non negotiable : LONDON !! 

Benernya logically ada reason kenapa my brain deduct London as the destination:
1> On Monday August 26, boss gw baru aja balik dari UK travel with her hubby & friends :) 
2> Kemaren, sept 14, Kiyoko baru aja terbang ke London :) 
3> And then gw jg mikir, I can only travel alone for those 5 days, for just a very short get away. I decided that I'm that kind of person who actually like to stay long at one place and not travel around the country. Just one city, like 2010 New York, which was GREAT :) Gw cuman dateng, kelilingin satu kota sampe botak en then pulang Singapore :) Buat trip kayak gini, gw ga bisa ke tempat yg gw cuman bisa pake bahasa tarzan (Korea, Jepang, India, Italy, French, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philipines...u get me). En karena gw pengecut, it will be best to go to a place dimana ada temen gw disana ..... so I thot : kemana lagi kl ga ke London where we have Tanjaya and Lily, who will not be staying in London for longer than next year perhaps ? This is it, or never maybe :P 

Di otak gw, gw berasanya : see...everything and every reason clicks !! Tp in my nerve and heart, gw deg degan banget : the voice kept on saying : this is your adrenaline striking an action again.  You are MAD !! U haven't even plan for this !! U are totally boncuss !! Gw ga bakal boong kl berasanya sedikit mirip sama waktu gw beli rumah last year :P i.e : setengah kesambet petir !! AHHAHA :P 

When I finally got home, langsung tangan en mata bergerak doing the ticket price search. Berasa cukup puas with the preliminary search on Sunday while still making decision, hari senin gw decide to ask my boss yg udah bagi2 UK souvenir to all of us, and Kiyoko on their plans. Terus gw langsung wadsapp Lily en Owen yg emang cinta UK, to ask them to spill on everything bout UK. 

U see, gw ini super American lah kl mo di categorized. Loe tanya gw the gossip, the movie, the TV series, wad's happening to Obama and USD, Iphone 5 launch, I probably know.  But anything else on European are things that I will leave travel agent to do. So I need to do a quite a research to know what to see other than London eye, london bridge, buckingham palace, westminster abbey en friends (cuman segitu yg gw tau off hand..hebat kan ?) 

Senen malem gw research lagi, meanwhile feeling guilty about this decision. U see I'm supposed to be saving money for my Israel trip next year, not spending another fortune for a sudden compulsive mind bogging trip. On top of that, dengan keadaan keluarga mama gw yg one by one pada falling sick, gw jadi mikir shouldn't I just be good girl staying in SG or Indo ? Solidaritas gitu ceritanya....mixed bener deh the feeling .... guilty & excited. 

Then on Tuesday nite, gw decide to go Kino cari london's lonely planet. Xilin yg emang nungguin boyfriendnya pulang, temenin gw. Gw liat sekilas semua buku yg tersedia. I read them fast fast. By the end of dinner Lily whatsappan sama gw and when she mentioned the name of the places she would love to bring me to go, if I go. Waktu gw baca nama2 tempatnya .......hati gw... MELT :P berasa anget2 adem gitu.....kayaknya cuman cewek yg bakal ngerti ini posting :P Perasaan gw kayak : gila.... What a lovely name for just a place!! HAHA. Contoh yg plg ultimate deh : Covent garden --> ah...langsung di hati gw keluar taneman, kupu2 dan bunga2 beterbangan ---> LEBAY ALAY !! haha.... but THAT NAME OF COVENT GARDEN my friend --> SETS me leaving all my guilt and decided to : GO !!! *setelah doing all the research : covent garden itu bukan garden.....but's a ...SHOPPING & EATING PLACE GIRLSS !! --> my version of garden ... AHHAHHAH* 

Lily nanya lagi ke gw: apa lg yg loe demen bomb ? Gw demen british accent Ly.... *keluar emoticons yg smiley heart face* ....Lily bukannya ademin ati gw: malah makin disamber sama alcohol : Ah's so lovely :) Dia kasih tau gw beberapa daerah yg bisa buat cuman ngafe doang and liat ang moh exec ganteng2 bertebaran in their working suit with their brit accent :P Heart atack gw dengernya :P haha

Yah, by Rabu gw udah siap2 apply Visa, mantau harga tiket pesawat and book hotel. By Kamis gw udah beli buku london di atas, en book Visa appointment :) Hebatnya appointment visa buat UK yah, schedule appointmentnya ga sampe kayak US yg 3 months dimuka gitu :P gw ampe shock that I can actually make appointment the next day :P Best part : officenya is within walking (long walking) distance from my office. Jadi ga perlu ambil leave.... ow yeah :) life's good :) 

Singkat cerita (setelah bikin kalian smua bosen sama my planning details above), gw apply Visa tanggal 5 Sept kemaren. Gw udah book Hotel tp belon book pesawat soalnya kl pesawat non refundable, sementara si Hotel terus2an naek harganya. Orang visanya bilang processing days is 15 working days. Ajeh gilee ini lah masalahnya. US Visa 3 hari jadi waktu itu. Jumat appointment, selasa collect. Ini UK Visa 3 minggu cuy, en gw belon beli flight :P ai yaa... Dia bilang kl cepet 10 hari beres, kl ga yah..normalnya yah 15 hari kerja :P adooo. 

So, dr tanggal 5 Sept kemaren gw TIAP HARI super diligently masuk terus ke websitenya to track my application. Lebih rajin dari makan obat gw, cek itu website, pagi siang malem. Nomor application udah hafal mati di otak. So waktu sampe kamis malem application gw masih belon berubah statusnya, tambah lagi Owen bilang ke gw kl dia punya dulu 4 hari approved, gw cukup takut banget. 

Nah, kemaren hari Jumat. Spanjang taon ini, Friday has not turned out well for me.  For most of the Fridays I had surprises in office. I need to da bao for lunch, and I am just an angry person on the supposedly happiest working day. Same goes yesterday. Gw sama sekali kagak sempet check application gw through all morning, all the way sampe gw selesai lunch which was around 2.50 PM yesterday. Whatsapp message dari El ga sempet gw reply or baca at all. 

Pas gw akhirnya sempet mo ngecheck my Visa app status, just a thought cross my mind, taunya sekali gw ga kanjiong check, statusnya bisa jadi berubah hari ini neh :P 

EN IT'S RIGHT !! Statusnya beneran berubah from "Under processing" for the longest time I've felt to "Processed and will be returned to application centre in 3 working days" AH SENANGNYA :) Gw langsung foto screen nya and send wadsapp ke Lily :) See ya next month I say :) 

Malemnya when I check my gmail from bie-phone, eh gw baru tau kl benernya gw udah diupdate via email on my application status at 10.14 AM Friday Sept 14 :P Gw jadi makin amazed :P 

Sometimes, when we try not to be in control over things that's totally beyond our control, there probably we will have what we want achieved :) and now..I am set to go and happy :) 

Flights, hotel, Insurance and sterling account ready :) I am ready :) LET'S GO :) 

excited & grateful bombie {=^o^=}

PS: the award for the person who shows most emotion when I tell them where I am going, and proofs me right that indeed it was a nonsense crazy idea, goes to : JENITA DARMENTO :P ----> Dia tereak dong di tengah2 Clarke Quay waktu gw kasih tau !! kaget gw :P Terus abis teriak, dia langsung cool down :P haha :P Jend jend :P 

Then pas FA, dia bilang ke anak2 FA : tanya deh dia kemana... tanya deh.....heh...ngeselin tau gak :P Gini neh orang banyak leave and banyak duit. Yg segera gw correct : banyak leave, duit ga banyak....tapi gw terima semua kata2 nubuatan dengan tangan, hati, dan dompet yg terbuka menerima berkat :) amennnn :) HAUHEUHAUEUH :) luv u jend (kebalikan dari jendluvu)


sista said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa enaknyaaaaaaaaaaa...
*tereak juga sama ama jend tapi dalem ati haha*
mantab bie!! hahaha..
yea usually unplanned idea malah bisa jadi.
ditunggu photo2nya hehehe..
serunyaa... bersama lily n tanjaya hehe.. btw koq ga nginep di tempat lily aja hihi.. ga bisa ya? ;p

Jenita Darmento said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa... teteppp ngirii rasanyaaa.. hukk.. tapi i senang juga liat temen i di London. ahahahaha.. have a great timeee cicikhuwwww.. bawa oleh2 jngn lupa! hahahhaah.

bombie {=^o^=} said...

hhahahah....Kl Lily ga nawarin gw ga mo minta lah Lyd :) It's okay I've searched for budget :)