Friday, November 23, 2007

presenting : ELG

Introducing : ELG, a subsidiary of TLG, a child of WWF, related to Kaum Zoe :

ELG itself stands for :
ELEGANT LADIES GATHERING...semenjak tertanggal 23.11.2007 berdirilah organisasi ini secara resmi...

Penasihat Utama : Ci Biena
Chairwoman : Fenny Lo :)
Elegant Memberz : Jojo, Dian, Lydia, Widiya, Lena, Bombie :)

Tujuan utama: menjadikan semua wanita elegant dengan mensharingkan tantangan hidup sehari hari di kalangan wanita professional muda, sukses, dan bahagia tentunya :)hohohohohoho:)

I think we are a bit mad ...or at least we are making ppl mad (contoh ieie) ....Nevertheless, I'll always be thankful for your presence in my life ladies :)... Life is so fun when you are by my side :)

bombie {=^o^=}
a proud member of ELG.....wakakakaka:)


^^ MaHaRaNi ^^ said...

Duenk... duenk.......
CouLd beLieve after knowing the "E" actuaLLy stands for ELEGANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........

Did u see my face at that time u teLL us ???

The correct one shouLd be Embarassing,, not ELegant....

ELG = Embarassing Ladies Gangster...
Most suitabLe one for y'aLL !!!!

wei said...

excuse me can you say that word "embarrassing" to us, the elegant ladies!!!

Hidup ELG..hidup...hidup!! wakakakaka ups...harus elegan..hehehe