Sunday, January 31, 2010


di suatu Rabu siang yg...agak naas..
semahluk bombie bekerja di kantornya..
entah mengapa, hari itu...terjadi hal2 yg kurang nyaman....
somehow hati jd agak panash......

maka bergeraklah si bombie mencari sumthing yg bisa ngademin dia...
di...Starhub !!!
akhirnya.....beli jg dia... Iphone......her cooler help to redeem the "naas" day
padahal hari2 sebelomnya dia masih menimbang nimbang en timbang
bb, iphone, bb, iphone, bb, iphone ???? cap cip cup terbang kuncup......

tapi gara2 ati ga a b c ...
dateng2 lgsg gebrak meja si mas Starhub : I WANT MY BIE-PHONE !!

emang bener banget kl yg namanya shopping itu bisa jadi therapy...

and now...she is fully truly madly deeply in love with her....bie-phone
yay !!!! serasa terbuka ke peradaban.... waaaaaaa gitu loh
*kampungan dikit*

anyway : balik ke dunia nyata
jumat kemaren gua back to Lyrical Jazz class
setelah minggu sbelomnya ga ada kelas...minggu ini kelas resume
I am looking forward to the class
there's a certain tingling sensation in my heart that beats... yay... dance class today
I am..for the rest of my life...never too clever for a dance class :) said in previous blog
kekejaman pemanasan 45 menit dan keseleo di minggu kedua bikin gua rada2....syerem..
remembering I will have a wedding the next day..... selamat ga neh sampe besok ?

terutama...warm up nya....*gleg*
due to the trauma from the previous week, I decided I have to stretch a bit before the class
en somehow promising myself my best in the warm up (minggu2 sebelumnya cuman nyerah doang)

Namun dengan mental yg terus meremehkan kemampuan diri sendiri (adoh..bisa meninggal kayaknya gua minggu ini. Udah seminggu vacuum ga joget, perut tambah berapa centi, haih ---> gitu loh), dimulailah pemanasan di kelas.

Eh, tiba2, when warm up starts, body kayak jreng !! Get to the position !!
Plie.....up....plie....up.... 1...2.....3...dst
Hak, hik, hok, huk, yak !! tring tring : *loh.....kok....lah lah lah.... kok....body gua nurut yah?)
Plie again...... up.... plie.....
*tuinggggggggg hoah !! bahagia*

I felt as if I don recognize my body. I remember Hamzah did say, just trust ur body to do it. Don think too much!

It certainly feels that way that day. Jd semangat rasanya. Kayak all this while gua pikir, ketolong deh kelenturan & kekuatan gua mah. And no matter how much warm up session I do, kemampuan body gua udah tok disana lah. Apa yah bisa ditambahin? Sepertinya.....sulit....
Benernya bayar dance class jg, buang duit for the fun of learning choreo doang kali ? hm.....

Eh, ternyata.....msh ada harapan sodara sodara !!!!!!! Felt so happy as if, akhirnya ga sia2 jg udah bayar dance class (other than bringing the pain each week)...

Somehow, I'm more confirmed on the fact that God is so amazing when He designed our body's memory and ability. And yes, talented or not: practise does make perfect!

Selesai kelas gua langsung telp El saking histeris :) hehe

I am too.....truly madly deeply clearly very very much in love with:
DANCE CLASS !! yay !!!

bombie {=^o^=}

Sunday, January 24, 2010

bantuin dunk !!!

somewhere out there
lies one subject
calls inspiration
and that's exactly what a bombie really really really needs right now

I've been contemplating this week for a major decision
somewhere in the middle I even called for help in the form of an Iot
just cant take it anymore... hm....
anyway : now u noe where my secrets are :)

and now : the point is
need ur help:)
berdoalah bagi teman kalian yg satu ini
untuk memilih jalan yg benar sesuai dengan kehendak Allah yg maha kuasa yg ga pernah meninggalkan anak2-Nya

supaya si bombie
ketika dia berhasil memilih
dia ga akan menyesali keputusan yg didoakan, dipuasakan, dipusingkan pikirkan dan perhatikan
dengan segenap hati jiwa raga tenaga
yah.... begitulah !!
bantu doa yah teman teman :) Sekian terima kasih :)
semoga Allah Bapa di Sorga yg balas semua kebaikan kalian :) HAOEHOAHOEHOAH :)

bet u realise in end of Jan 2010 :P jreng jreng..
dan I have not completeD my resolution yet....
toeng toeng..
walking with no vision, is tiring leh !!!

so I have to complete them, and for now it will be :
in 2010, bombie just wanna be back to be a good girl

bombie {=^o^=}

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I wish I can be more firm in keeping my own plan
felt so weak in this issue

Saturday, January 16, 2010

an issue

This doesn't require a miracle
only strong heart & strong will
but to see me overcoming this
still requires faith to believe in

For teachings and exhortations never taste sweet
Just like medicine, it's bitter just to even smell it
yet they cures and they surely heal

guess it's just my fill
to take this bitter pill
so that I will walk on still
overcoming once being ill

Grace of disciplinary gift, strong will & passion
You're so welcomed

Father of sweet amazing graces
You're everything I ever really need

bie {=^o^=}

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

sweeet :)

Do you ever met some ppl who you felt like you have known them for ages when you just knew them recently ?

I did..and it's not something that happened many times. Yg sering benernya I felt like I dont know alot of ppl when they have been my long time friends

So these ppl are : Debby Denny Kyra & Vera. Rhymes yah namanya ? apa hubungan mereka semua ? Nah, perhaps you think Debby & Denny is husband and wife and Kyra & Vera are their Twin daughters. Tp tidak begitu! Kyra is indeed the daughter of Denny and Debby while Vera is Debby's friends, who stayed @ Debby's place in LA for 3 whole months (nah yg bilang liburan gua yg 3 minggu itu it to that pls)

Jadi gua ketemu mereka di LA. Diawali dengan Mbak Vera, nyang emang cablak bener :) Gua & Ie Joanne lagi ikut tour jalan2 di Solvang menuju San Fracisco, kan kita ngomong Indo terus. Eh, tiba2 ada neh mbak ngomong begini kira kira :

Vera : Eh, orang Indo yah ? Fotoin kita dong
Ie Joanne : Eh, orang Indo jg ? Okay sini gua fotoin.
*selesai foto*

Vera : Thank you thank you. Nah, emang harus gini neh, sesama orang Indo mah harus slg tolong bernarsis ria dong.

Ie Joanne : Oh yah jelas. Kamu dari mana ?

Vera : Dari LA.

Ie Joanne: Tinggal di LA atau liburan ?

Vera: Oh...liburan doang.

Ie Joanne: Oh..di LA nya tinggal mana ?

Vera : di Fratus Drive.

Ie Joanne : Hah ?!?!? Fratus Drive ? loe kenal Denny Debby ?

Vera : oh yah lah gua tinggal di tempat Debby emang.

Ie Joanne : HAH ?!?!?!?! Ya ampun loe toh temen si Debby yg dia bilang mo dateng. Lah ini Lis, yg tadi Ieie bilang mo Ieie tanyain, dia mo barengan kamu ke Disneyland ga. Yah ilah, ketemunya di tengah jalan di tour gini.

*dan percakapan pun berlanjut*

Intinya : gitulah caranya kita kenal si mbak Vera. Dari situ aja udah kedengeran ini orang Cablak abis. Karena gua baru kenal, well.. u noe me...pasti gua mah Jaim dong kl baru kenal :) ahoehaohoeha :)

Then the next time kenal dia, waktu dia mo ikutan BELANJEEE ke Outlet!

*gua ga pernah jalan sama orang yg belanjanya secepet dia en sebanyak dia dalem waktu sesingkat dia. Tinggalin dia di outlet setengah jem aja, dapet tas Coach 2 :P...gileee. Coba tebak dia balik Indo berapa koper teman2 ? Gua pergi satu balik 2, berangkat 24 kilo, balik 27 X2 kilo, itu pun udah di cerca temen2 sekampung..... Nah mbak kite yg satu ini : total : JRENG JRENG JRENG : 6 KOPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jgn tanya kiloan nya berapa. gua ga berani. Itupun masih pake 1 backpack (handcarry) plus satu kantongan BESAR :p sembah sujud gua sama kemampuan dia belanja*

So yah anyway, belanjalah hari itu gua, Ie Joanne & Jenna, plus mbak kita ke outlet. Ga perlu ditanya off course dia membabi buta. Anyway sepanjang perjalanan dia kasih dongeng ke kita, dari semua gossip artis indo, sampe full 45 menit report of cek & recheck, Kiss, kabar kabari seputar si Manohara. Kayak Radio jalan itu orang :P

Di hari itu jg gua baru tau kl dia ternyata anak Untar 98. Jrengggg pantesan familiar abis tampangnya, lah yah tampang yg beredar di depan toko fotocopy Sukses itu. Preman Untar sejati.

Di hari yg sama gua ketemu sama Debby & Kyra. Off course sekali lagi karena baru kenal sama mereka gua jaim lagi dong... hoaheoaoh:) itu hari kamis tanggal 19 Nov 2009.

Nah di hari sabtunya, gua ke gereja Ie Joanne. Di sana gua ketemu Denny, suami Debby. Then kita pergi bareng ke Cheesecake Factory, bareng orang2 gereja lainnya.

I really do not know why: gua yg cukup susah buat langsung be myself di lingkungan orang baru, langsung aja buerrrr jreng di depan dia orang. Tadinya gua masih niat Jaim taunya...wadawww :P

Pas di dinner itu puncaknya. Kita ga dapet table yg bisa muat sampe 13an orang gitu. So mereka kasih option split. En langsung : gua Vera Denny Debby jreng satu meja with Kyra off course. Makan makan makan, ketawa ketawa ketawa. Sampe gua yg pengen nempel Ie Joanne kemana mana biasanya (kan orang baru ceritanya), maen tinggalin si Ieie aja sm yg lain ( ehehheheheh sorry Ie) padahal kita mo share makanan bareng.

We just hit off. Gua kayak udah kenal dia orang lama banget. Ga tau napa. Padahal Debby udah 34 an, Denny lebih tua kali. Gua jarang maen sama yg lebih tua dari gua (ya jelas lah ya....gua di youth gitu loh), yg biasanya tengsin sm senior...ini jreng lepasssss !! Liarrr...ngakaknya parah dah malem itu. Berisikkk bener meja kita...sampe waitress nya kapok liatin kita...berisik amat.

Yah, that is really one memorable dinner I had in states. I remember them.

And then... ternyata : Denny & Debby itu pernah tinggal di SG (kayaknya). Yg pasti Natal kemaren ini mereka dateng ke SG for 3 - 4 weeks gitu. Gantian gua yg play host.

En sekali lg, bener jg.... we hit off again. Biar cuman bentar, gua kayak berasa udah kenal si Debby sejuta taon lamanya... Debby cerita banyaaaaakkk aje :) ahhaha :) enak gua dengernya :) Terus dari cerita dia gua inget ada apartment murah yg dia tau di Chinatown. Nah si Ieie (Ferry Ieie...bukan Ieie Joanne...ehheh) lagi butuh tempat murah. Gua buru2 sms Ie Joanne minta nomor telp Debby.

Debby belon bales emang, gua suspect dia jet lag. Eh: jam 7 PM Singapore Time dia TELEPON HP GUA dari States, kasih tau gua contactnya semua. Itu mereka lagi jam 3 AM LA Time ding. Aduh...Debby masih bilang sorry lagi. Ada jg gua yg sorry ganggu dia yg masih jet lag.

terharuuuuuu gua. Napa yah orang Indo di LA itu suka banget bantu orang ? Beneran banget yg Ie Joanne bilang. You'll be surprised to the extent serem sendiri kadang2 sama kebaekan orang2 Indo di LA.

gua cuman bisa bilang : salut !!!
Thanks berat berat berat Deb for the call !!

I will always remember that I have long lost friends in LA. Really felt like long lost friend there, yg baru aja gua kenal lewat dinner yg mungkin cuman 2 jam di LA, en 2 jam di SG ?

lucu :) sweet experience
remember what bible says ? Some brothers are more distant than friends, but there are friends who are closer brothers & sisters in times of need.

bombie {=^o^=}

Saturday, January 9, 2010

me.....ngapa ?

so tell me :
kl hanya di minggu pertama taon 2010 saja gua mendarat di SG, gua udah meeting tiap hari dan jarang pulang rumah langsung.....

Plus liatin agenda January: udah colourFULL dari December 2009....lots of deadline and ideas brainstorming foreseen

do you think I will have it "less" in any other week ?
ho ho ho ho ho ho

sometimes I wonder, napa seh gua suka merepotkan diri to be sesibuk gini, en kayak ga pernah nyesel being "sibuk" ? gua jg ga tau :P

just like I wonder : udah tau kelas Hamzah minggu2 depan bakal confirm bikin gua encok tiap sabtu & totally : itu bukan dance kelas gua....itu dance kelas dewa ..... lah coba bayangin aja..kl pemanasan aja gua liat si El geter2 kakinya........Elrica Ghuru...lah gua gimana coba?

Tapi kenapa gua sangat pengen balik, spend money, take the challenge and risking the pain for 6 weeks upfront ?

I guess coz Dance is beautiful.....
and so is life.....beaufitul & mostly too short..

so I cant bear to waste them

bombie {=^o^=}
who has a love hate relationship with being busy

Friday, January 8, 2010

tried, tested & Ochee now

For many years..
I've been trying to go to a dance class.
But never gotten into any.

Ga tau napa, mungkin gara gara gua malu lah badan segede gini kl ikutan class with the skinny girlz, wadoh...bisa jadi ketawaan ada balon gede.

But it has been in my resolution this year to join a dance class, and I really want to enrich myself plus olahraga.

Jadilah hari ini gua en El ikutan kelas Hamzah di YMCA, jazz lirik lirik (Lyrical Jazz).
Wadddddddddooooooooohhhh... Beneran pilihan yg nekat. Level boleh tulis beginner. Tp in practise seh itu busyet dah !! In my life...I have never been phisycally tortured such as these (kecuali waktu ambil nilai lari di sekolah)....dan itu baru PEMANASAN doang....aaaarrrrgggghhh tidakkkkk :P

and wads not helping : is my left big thumb yg msh dipenuhi oleh blood clod..udah bisa jalan pake heels tapi kl buat nari seh....sulit lah hoh.

Yg bikin gua mikir. There are really many times dimana gua ampir jatoh, or basically I can't execute my dance movement well, hanya gara gara si Ibu jari ini. Gua yakin kl kita ga pernah diajarin betapa pentingnya si Jempol dalam mensupport badan, especially when dancing. Yg dancer pro pasti tau seh, tapi daku bukan pro mah :)

So when this happen to me, I'm truly loosing my balance grid, and not to say support. Plus I have to wear Ballet Shoe to help keep me from pain, which in the end malah jadi lebih licin lagi itu si ballet shoe.

Seekor jempol aja.

Nah : kl alkitab mengatakan bahwa gereja adalah tubuh kristus and Jesus is the head, bisa jadi gereja kita itu hanyalah sebuah jempol kaki kiri. Tiny, small, often forgotten, under appreciated, and in my case: definitely not doing any justice with me ignoring to bring them for padicure session.

But when the jempol hurts, no beautiful dance can be delivered. Goals unachieved.
So I am reminded that tonight that there's no such things as a small church. We all have equal responsibility to train the body of Christ, take care of it, and seriously keeping it as one unity.

Tanpa jempol, buat sampe ke YMCA aja gua ga akan sanggup. Boro2 ikut kelas nari.
okie lah...I will sleep and sink on the message sambil berdoa semoga badan besok ga kayak dibanting ke tembok.

Kejam sekaleeee

bombie {=^o^=}
yg teler...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

bulan biru


gua PMS neh. Thus all the angst & negative thoughts that cross my mind.
Torturing seh ga, cuman bisa menggangu kesehatan jiwa di jangka panjang gua rasa.

atau emang...begini yah seharusnya kehidupan orang kerja ?
ehm.....sebenernya emang kayak gini seh....... what I kind of expected in the beginning...

but somehow, kok kerasa ga enak aja yah ?
anw: more on this kl gua udah berani menguak kesenduan yg satu ini

bombie {=^o^=}

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm an angry woman ..hehe

So here I am in Singapore already, lah hoh :P *juz to emphasize the fact that I'm already in SG....back to singlish already lah now fren*

Anyway : first day I'm back to work, I have already been sweating all the way in MRT that's like JAMMED due to the first day of the year making the whole purple train fully PACKED when I went in. Ai yoh.... this is one very hot country leh !!

Then I don' know why, nothing seems to work right yet....the Internet connection of my PC don't work (this one I borrow Cat's minie winie cutie Eee Pc). Ngueng Ngueng....cant wait to get Iphone just so that I can go online at all time. I have decided not to take BB that has a killer price plan, at least for me who has been paying less than 25 dollar every month for my mobile subscription even when I was away in states, thanks to staff plan. My subscription only blows off during Naboeng period. haha ---> it went straight up to $ 70 +++++. still okay right ?

yah..back to the theme of an angry woman. Basically, I'm a total feminist, in case you have not known me well enough for the past 3 years or more.

I resent : Jerks. Guys who have too many girlfriends, guyz who cheat, unfaithfull, womanizer, whatever you name it. I resent the way most guys can just move on from a broken relationship much faster than woman. I resent guyz who thinks it's fine to keep in touch with women friends when he already has a girlfriend, and mostly : I resent guyz ultimate behaviour to always want to finally be friends with the Ex, when we here, the girls : wouldn't even think of inviting them to our wedding. Wad u doin ? Damage control ? Trying to make sure we don't spread false rumours bout u ? don need....those are not rumours and it has been well long known that u are a JERK...just that we're blinded of these facts by what we think as : love :P

I resent the way they always ask (post break up), so how are you nowadays ? are you okay ? how's life ? how's your Christmas, New Year, CNY ...oh COME ON !!! Have some balls to leave us with peacefulness to deal with the blow ups alone. What do they exactly want by treating us nice as if nothing has happen ? harboring new thoughts ? YAH RIGHT !!! Ultimate question that can make me want to kill them : so, any new boyfriend ? Wad are you now ? FBI ?

Aaarrrrrggggghhh: I'm one angry woman who hasn't changed since the days when my principals are set :P
This life has no mercy for these Jerks, so jerk off coz life is much better without you. If you are not going to be one step ahead of us to lead us into success, then don mess with our life. We might just achieve a better success without you playing with our emotion....

hohohoh :) sorry...I'm one angry woman I know :)

udah....cuman mo vent my anger....makanya sampe minjem minitop Eee ini :P
bombie {=^o^=}

Saturday, January 2, 2010

nah loh !!

besok balik SG......SEDIH !!! hix hix hix !!!

anyway : the nite after I blogged my previous posting... I dreamed that me....and my friend....set ourself into a mock wedding just so that I can buy HDB !! hm...mungkin in plan J yg baik ???

Huaih !!! se desperate itukah diriku untuk sebuah atap di atas kepala ? Padahal alkitab berkata kalo burung di udara aja Allah pelihara, tanpa HDB di atas kepala mereka !!

Andai gua secuek si Burung2 tersebut :P hehehehe :)

Pada udah buat resolusi yah ? Gua blon neh. Jujur, belon dapet inspirasi or certain call to pen it down gitu. Bahkan gua mau lepasin resolusi taon lalu yg belon kesampean. Felt like that's no longer sth that I got to finish.

Will focuss on 3 things though : Family ( & friends that I consider as families), Work & Dance.

Mo comment ah sama blog Jen jen :P ( Depot, my housemate --> Willy Kurniawan's cousin, suka memanggil Jenita dengan sebutan Jen Jen ) Abis ga bisa comment di blog dia :P

Kok resolusi dia ampir semua sama with the ones I have ? ahhahah:)
Finish bible, get a boy friend, diet ? ini resolusi annual yg baru dijalanin half2 semuanya ini :P

bombie yg msh ga rela bertaon baru