Friday, January 8, 2010

tried, tested & Ochee now

For many years..
I've been trying to go to a dance class.
But never gotten into any.

Ga tau napa, mungkin gara gara gua malu lah badan segede gini kl ikutan class with the skinny girlz, wadoh...bisa jadi ketawaan ada balon gede.

But it has been in my resolution this year to join a dance class, and I really want to enrich myself plus olahraga.

Jadilah hari ini gua en El ikutan kelas Hamzah di YMCA, jazz lirik lirik (Lyrical Jazz).
Wadddddddddooooooooohhhh... Beneran pilihan yg nekat. Level boleh tulis beginner. Tp in practise seh itu busyet dah !! In my life...I have never been phisycally tortured such as these (kecuali waktu ambil nilai lari di sekolah)....dan itu baru PEMANASAN doang....aaaarrrrgggghhh tidakkkkk :P

and wads not helping : is my left big thumb yg msh dipenuhi oleh blood clod..udah bisa jalan pake heels tapi kl buat nari seh....sulit lah hoh.

Yg bikin gua mikir. There are really many times dimana gua ampir jatoh, or basically I can't execute my dance movement well, hanya gara gara si Ibu jari ini. Gua yakin kl kita ga pernah diajarin betapa pentingnya si Jempol dalam mensupport badan, especially when dancing. Yg dancer pro pasti tau seh, tapi daku bukan pro mah :)

So when this happen to me, I'm truly loosing my balance grid, and not to say support. Plus I have to wear Ballet Shoe to help keep me from pain, which in the end malah jadi lebih licin lagi itu si ballet shoe.

Seekor jempol aja.

Nah : kl alkitab mengatakan bahwa gereja adalah tubuh kristus and Jesus is the head, bisa jadi gereja kita itu hanyalah sebuah jempol kaki kiri. Tiny, small, often forgotten, under appreciated, and in my case: definitely not doing any justice with me ignoring to bring them for padicure session.

But when the jempol hurts, no beautiful dance can be delivered. Goals unachieved.
So I am reminded that tonight that there's no such things as a small church. We all have equal responsibility to train the body of Christ, take care of it, and seriously keeping it as one unity.

Tanpa jempol, buat sampe ke YMCA aja gua ga akan sanggup. Boro2 ikut kelas nari.
okie lah...I will sleep and sink on the message sambil berdoa semoga badan besok ga kayak dibanting ke tembok.

Kejam sekaleeee

bombie {=^o^=}
yg teler...


Pinkbuble said...

Oi Bomb..badan gw baru sakitnya tadi malem mulai jam 8..tampaknya besok gw hibernasi total deh!

bombie {=^o^=} said...

sameeeeeeeeeee sekarang udah suakitt puncak tinggi..tadi pagi sakit mini seri