Sunday, July 4, 2010

2 blissfull saturdays

So one Saturday evening
The preacher was preaching

"Perhaps something happen in your life, at your studies, in your workplace
might not necessarily be a bad thing, just something...that happen
before you even realize it, something of your have been stolen
you've lost the passion, the joy, the faith
you dont work happily anymore, you don't study fervently

if ...this thing is happening to you....
quickly....quickly......retract and return back to His love !!
Find HIm, and repent "

as I sit and listen
gua bingung
"Perasaan gua ga curhat sama Ko Omar kl gua lagi agak2 hopeless di tempat kerja gua... exactly the kind of situation he's talking about.... lahi itu Ko Omar kok malah counselling gua yah ?"

Dan kl ini counselling gua siap2 mo bela diri neh... I want to say that erm...kayaknya ga ada yg stolen from me...but yah something did happen in my workplace....or to be exact..nothing really happen....when we need some certain thing to happen.... HAHA :P intinya .. apa yah dosa gua kl gua ga seneng sama tempat kerja gua ?heheheh :P

The Preacher is preaching again

" John 10 :10 says : Devil come to steal, kill and destroy. I come that you may have life and have it abundantly.
You might not realize but over the course that's happening in your life, the devil has stolen your belongings!
Your joy, your Faith that even though times might seems bad, our God is victorious God who is able to overcome everything for those who choose to believe and trust in HIm. Perhaps it has also stolen your trust in Him, your reliance to His power.

Coz that what it does. But funny how God put the same confirmation words in the exact same verse, emphasizing that He.....come to restore the stolen goods, and restore it in abundance...

At school, you might have lost your joy. What you have is fear. on exams, projects, friendships...and so on...
At work, you might no longer be passionate, not as joyful when you first work, you wonder when will you ever be promoted, why are you still at the same place ... etc etc

It stole your goods. But as he confirmed us... He may restore it....and restore it in abundance.
Just one way of doing so : rely back on Him. Trust Him and trust His heart. Believe Him and believe His power.
God is never late.........and never early too !!"

and once again :
"Gua ga konsultasi leh....ini kok kayak mind guessing game yah ?"

But then again, our God ....that He knows everything :
He knows every single thought we have
Each tear drops we let fall
Each stuggle and battle we face
Each stray of hairs we lost while shampooing or hairdrying
Each colour of our nails
Each weight we gain or we lost
Each dollar, rupiah, and penny we have in our bank Account and wallet
Each wants, dreams....and needs

Such is our God that He will not warn us when we are walking towards fallen path
Such is our God that He will defend, protect, even fight for us
Such is our God......that He will always love us, and never forsake us

Even when we fail
Even when we fall
Even when we walk out

Such is our mighty awesome poweful ever loving patience God

in surrendering
bombie {=^o^=}

1 comment:

Pinkbuble said...

Saya setujuh bomb!
He is awesome and actually listen and know every single little pray, every tears, every struggle and every wish we whisper ( even in heart )!

Saya akan buat postingan juga soal how great and never too late kind of God we have in life!
