Thursday, July 1, 2010

Satu juli dua ribu sepuluh

Everyone seems to be gearing up for second half of the year
semalem gw kayak.. Oh my... Bener2 udah exactly setengah 2010 lewat * kyk ada gong gamelan gt *
Jreng !!! Mulai!!!! wush... Time has never run so fast in my life

Anw... Quite frankly to say... It's been... Well... Just a so so year so far..
So ..just like all the rest of the world where the excitement seems to build up on second part of the year
final world cup lah.. Youth olympic lah.. F1 lah
i silently pray for a more colourful rest of da year...

And it's been a great July 1st except for one thing
tagihan pajak telah tiba...
Dan jantung gw sempet DROP wkt liat jumlahnya.....
Sampe gua bongkar laporan tax taon2 sebelonnya....
Busyet dahhhhhhh..... Gaji gua emang udah double banding wkt gua join
tp masa yah tax gua 9 kali lipet dari tax dulu ?
Ga lulus kali neh yg itung.... Hihi... * msh shock *

*deep breath deep breath*
berusaha mikir postive on the bright side....ini artinya gaji gua lumayan... Amen semua ?
Artinya gw hrs bersyukur.... Amen ?

bombie bersyukur....
* deep breath... Perlu CPR *

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