Thursday, November 18, 2010

review of the best dance moment of my life

I typed this blog entry yesterday
en semuanya ilang :P hux hux hux :P

so let me just zoom in to the highlights that get me goosebumps all over :
1> The Opening:
Ga ada MC to deliver the opening, just Video upon Video. They have 2 small screen at the top right and left side of stage and one BIG digital screen at the centre of the stage. Try to you tube the tour and you'll see how the stage is.

Open by Nigel who brought us back to audition week of SYTYCD season 7, and showcase 5 of the most unforgettable audition. Some are just plain joke, funny ! At number one : cowok yg pendek yg udah form his own crew doing stop motion, that truly inspire all of us to dance. I almost cried when I saw the video again.

Lalu : Cat Deeley opened the concert (on screen doang again), slowly sambil cue musid that bring up the tention, terus the Big screen was lifted up and behind them are the dancers. Mereka cuman step left and right doang padahal, with building music line, but I can feel the energy of the whole room build up and tense up !! Argh...sweet !

Lalu, they perform one opening number and introduce the dancers one by one, and as usual : here are your girls, and here are your guys. (back ground : so you think you can dance song)

Finish : each dancer got to introduce themselves one more time while mentioning where they come from, then each of them go backstage.

Throughout the night, the dancers and the MC themselves (save budget !!!) hahaha :) Ieie gua nonton bareng gua and she say : hebat yah bule! Biasa dancers mana berani kl disuruh jadi MC, ini dancer2 nya bisa jadi MC sendiri and they are so fun:)

2> And then they showcase the best dance of season 7 and the best group performance. Some are new numbers especially for the tour, which I love Bollywood and disco the most. Bollywood lebih keren seh : coz of the colour of the dress jg ...striking banget :) and everyone dance together (all stars jg). Try to youtube's SSSOOO energetic !

3> On each contemp numbers: gua duduk di belakang and jauh but I can feel the dancers emotion deeeply... I can almost cry each time they finish. Kayak yg Astrid bilang, menyeruak dari panggung emosinya...and yup....that's true. Ieie gua sampe touched :) hahaha :) Couple of times we give standing ovation :)

4> Best number ? I dont have. Coz it's EVERY MOMENT !! From the first time Nigel shows up on TV, jantung gua udah DEG...fall rock bottom.... gua bisa rasain geteran sekujur badan dari atas sampe bawah : cant believe that I can be here to watch them .... and when the digital screen lifted up and I saw the dancers.... AAAAA free fall gua ....

5> The show started abit late...around 7.40 instead of 7.30 (gua pikir bakal se strict and sekejem Singapore...haha) It ended around 10.20 gitu lah yah.. Selesai gua ke WC sama Ieie gua. Gua selesai duluan, I went out and while waiting for eyes catch :
TYCE DIORIO.. (kali ini ..jantung gua udah ilang dari tau kemana lagi)
gua SHOCK, bingung mo reaksi apa, camera belon siap, ga jelas dia mo foto atau ga.... sampe gua liat ada orang foto...
gua buru2 keluarin camera, tapi dia kayak buru buru gitu, so gua ga berani minta foto sama dia (camera gua telat banget keluarnya btw), so I just take a picture of him ---> itupun blur ....
Sambil liat dia from his back .... not believing what just happen....
I just met the Choreographer of the dance that has moved my entire life : Ade & Melissa : Dance for breast cancer women (season 5)
aaarrrggghh...I cant believe it :P

6> Selesai liat Tyce, gua jalan beli kaos SYTYCD yg bujubuneng : mahal !
Tapi daripada beli poster ? hee hee :) mending kaos dong ? Terus I was trying to find the place to wait for the dancers to come out and gua liat the crowd waiting there. So I figure out that must have been the place, gua tunggu sana.. tapi kita nunggu dari jam 10. 30 sampe jam 11 ga ada tanda2 en ga ada news kapan dia orang kluar..

I almost gave up untill around 11, ada dua orang jalan belakang kita... en they were like dancing around kanan kiri sambil nyanyi2 so you think you can dance .... salsa2 gitu lah..
Terus yg cowok kayak ngomong : wow !! look at them waiting, they must have enjoy the night .... en then...ceweknya balik badan en bilang : wait : I know those girls.. let me go and say Hi to them...

Gua udah notice ini cowok waktu mereka jalan berdua coz the face is familiar and his voice is familiar too... gitu mereka balik badan ke arah kita and yg cewek say hi to the rest of the girls..gua liatin tuh cowok baek2...en tanpa ragu2 lagi (desperate nunggu) gua lari deketin dia and nanya: Are you Legacy ?

His answer : you are right I am
my reaction : OH MY GOSH !!!!!!!! Can I take a picture with you (lesson learnt : camera ready all the time)
legacy : Off course you can (so there I am ...the first girl to trigger the crowd to take picture with Legacy !!!---> en foto gua blur hu hu sedih)
not long : segabruk manusia dateng en foto2...en coz gua ga puas foto gua blur..gua tanya can I take it one more time coz the first one is kind of blur...
legacy : oh problem....
foto sekali lagi dah kali ini pun no better...tampang gua jelek bener coz gua lagi ketawa lebar (so sipitlah gua 100 %), gara2 tiap kali foto si Legacy tuh angkat jempol dia, gaya2 bboy gitu :P

friend : he is ..SSSSSSOOOOOOOO friendly !! He stayed there for around 20 minutes or take pictures, sign autograph.... gila gilaa gila.... gua udah ke langit ke 7 !!
Cewek yg bareng dia is Noele tapi gua ga inget dia dari season berapa.... just for sure she's so pretty .... tall ..and have dancers body:)

7> and then..mereka berdua cabut... and still there's no news from the season 7 dancers !!
kita masih nungguuuu aja terus..... terus around 11.30, securitynya bilang the dancers will be here in half an hour from now ... (jreng !!!..jam 12 mateng lah ?)

Gua sekali lagi udah mo give up and walk away sampe...Legacy and Noele balik lagi jualan T-Shirt dia, yg sayangnya ga ada yg mo beli coz they are broke (bayar concert kali...haha)

And then Noele kaya see his old friends, a bunch of 3 good looking guys which I reckon one of them is :
BRANDON BRANT ! Season 5 runner up
kali ini : jantung, ati, empedu gua ilang semua kali....I've gone mad

Friends..... he is the most gorgeous african american I have ever seen & met (well not that many I've met) Gila.....dia charming banget !!! And I will not forget : he dances so so soooooooo well !! He's soooo good !! Kl gua ga tau Janine is the winner of season 5, gua beneran imbang b/w mereka berdua loh....both are so good

So sekali lagi dia dikerubutin en gua ngantri foto.... this time around gua pose biar foto gua ga sejelek waktu gua sama Legacy :)

kl ini...gua udah di langit ke 9.....
when I took pics with Legacy and Brandon...gua udah ga malu2..langsung gua pelok aja pinggangnya deh....
I regretted gua ga hug legacy !! ARGH !! I should have !! then I will never sleep till today pasti .....

to sum up:
Lauren & Russell deserve to win in both season 7 & 6. Lauren's movement is so full, perfect & sexy.
Dominic is just plain joker !
Kent as always as boyish blur
Let me declare the Robert is officially the best hottest looking contestant in this season7 finale !!
Jose bboying's skill is AMAZING and he's getting better in other dance scope --> see his video in you tube doing 5 turns non stop
Asleigh is pretty & sweet. Billy Bell has no bone is his body --> en belon shave his beard. Adechike is chikyy... hahahah :)
Allison Holker is amaaaaazzziiinnnnggggggg contemp dancer : it's not a wonder why she's brought back as all stars !!
Katherine is beautiful. I have always admire Ade and I have not stop ever since... it's such an experience to see him dance in person.

yah in any case: I am totally

for an amazing night of my holiday
and I made a small wish: if time & money permits me to come back nex year...I wish I can come and attend the nex tour, with a condition that Alex Wong must be in the tour :)

as for now.
I am gr8full

*and I promise to hug Alex when I finally meet him*

happy bombie {=^o^=}{=^o^=}{=^o^=}{=^o^=}{=^o^=}

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