Tuesday, November 16, 2010



The highlights of my tour is FINALLY here !!
So you think you can dance tour concert...
aaaaaaa..nervous banget gua (norak abis yah) ...
I felt young again :) ahhahahhahahahha :)

anyway by the way bus way
gua ketemu new found love neh
instead of yg kaya El or Lolo nyang lg jatoh cintrong sama boy boy korea..

try to check this .... well...boy jg ... lahir taon 87
search them in internet...glee season 2 episode 6: never been kissed
en zoom to the section yg McKinley boys choir : teenage dream -- katty perry
re-sung glee style is such a wonderful way

ENNN....there you'll see: Blaine : lead cowoknya....AAAAAAAAA ganteng :p
hux hux hux :P *ini lagi muter muter terus si teenage dream*
nama asli this boy is Darren Criss..
tp kl udah google fotonya...you'll find out that dia cuman cakep di Glee doang :P ahhahah
soalnya rambutnya item, klimis, pake jas gitu kali yah di Glee
gila... gua jatuh cinta :P hux hux hux...suara ini boy bagus bener pula

also on Glee...gua suka banget btw sama Mae Ching or..sapa lagh gitu (sampe hari ini gua ga jelas nama dia on glee sapa ...Mai Ching ... me cheng ...???)
the only Asian guy in the show :) he's a great dancer btw, well he danced in Step up 3d :)

yah...anyway lagi :
Elll !!
hee hee hee....
ai yoo El...gua pengen banget bisa jadi loe. Everything that's in ..is out :) Loe tau kl ini very healthy for your mental health kan ? ahhahhah :) ga ada yg loe simpen2 .. en loe jg ga akan marah dendem sampe gimana banget sama orang...

gua ada temen yg kayak loe El dulu...sebut lah si A.....tapi dia lebih cablak lagi...en even worst : ga ada tobatnya...ga ada instropeksinya....bangga pula..
dulu...pengen banget gua gaprok dia !!! haha...sampe sering gua tinggalin dia sendiri ...males jg bilangin dia suruh rem mulutnya yg kayak buldozer..nabrak terus...
but .... I learned that jadi dia itu lebih enak than anyone else ....what's in is out...and even more..dia ga dendeman jadinya....

However.....ada some other friend ...sebut aja B ......yg ga tahan dia en akhirnya mereka choose buat ga temenan till today... padahal... tadinya mereka temenan baek banget...malahan gua yg out of the picture..
sekarang .. mereka udah ga bisa temenan coz...well... dia orang choose not to accommodate each other and ga ada yg mo ngalah...
gua itu dulu kayak si B banget... terus now.. gua adjust sama temen gua si A yg mulutnya kayak truk gitu... try to understand that itu emang mulut dia.... appreciate that she's what she says from inside out.... she wont stab me from her back... en.....believe it or not.. try to learn to be like her... speak the most truth even if that's hurting rather than keeping it tight inside my heart en .... not getting a good night sleep --> kesel sendiri...

everyone is differrent ... en you being so honest you....is your strong point..
it can build...it can destroy...and in between that... I believe that you have not gone to the case on how my friend is.... dia seh destruction machine :P hahahah :)

all in all : you got a good night sleep right ? heee :) and... you don't really keep your anger that long right ? hee hee hee :) be happy for that !! gua ngiri :) hee hee hee

eh..tapi in any case : ngutip salah satu your blogger friend yg comment : blood type loe B ga ? konon ...konon lah yah....yg blood type B emang gitu...
pernah ada email yg kasih liat the diff in all the blood type personality.. lucu banget El..I find mostly are true

bisa di check sama Lydia sista and Da-chan yg konon blood typenya B ::P HAHAHHHAH :p

okay thats all..
saatnya siap2 .... concert !!!! uhuy !!
*mandi, dandan, dan berdoa bisa ketemu the dancers :) hee hee hee hee*


Pinkbuble said...

Bomb, cepet pulang..will ya?
Gw cuma rasanya angeeeet banget di dada baca postingan lu ini, kadang gw ngerasa beruntung banget too have true friends around with me yg mulutnya perlu filter.
And too read ur entry and know that u see me in other perspective bikin gw ngerasa.." why am i deserved to meet nice people?"

Ah pokonya cepatlah balik!

Blood type gw A btw..gw belom google character based on blood type:)

bombie {=^o^=} said...

ahahahhha :)
gua pikir loe angetnya pas baca review gua on the concert

tapi gua rasa ga...pas loe baca review gua, i feel loe panas dingin, pengen nonton juga ..
uaheuhauhuehaheauheuahue :P

AYOH EL !! nex year kita nonton Alex !! (kl si Alex concert..kl ga...ga usah lah yah..)

Pinkbuble said...

Baca review dance lu gw uda sampe ga tau mo ngetik apa karena itu sampe sekarang ga bisa komen..cuman gw rasa gw tau gw berasa apa pas baca postingan lu itu, gw berasa iri..hahahhahaha..

Dan gw ud ajukan proposal ke arip utk next year ikut lu ke sono buat nonton SYTYCD, tapi mengingat..taon depan gw merit, june mo ke nz..

Cuti gw ga cukup! *nangis ngeraung-raung!!!

bombie {=^o^=} said...

with the plan that's coming along...
who knows El...by then udah ga perlu pusing lagi soal cuti ?

AMENN ??????????