Friday, July 30, 2010

seorang cewek

gua janji post sehari after july 22 kan yah ?
yg ada sekarang.... 10 hari kemudian :)

kl yg lain sibux..
gw jg sibux....sibux tidur tepatnya !!!

lagi kena lalat tze tze neh... kerjanya zzzzzzz terus
biasanya gua tidur jam 1 / 2 malem..
akhir2 ini 11.30 ajah .. mata gua udah jatoh jatoh ke sofa ....

alhasil I drag myself cepet2 mandi beres2 en lemparkan body ke ranjang...
BRUG!! bobo all da way sampe harus masuk office lagi..
udah mana udara singapore akhir2 ini....bujuh buneng....
ujannnnnn terus.... kayak Seattle teman2.... huaaaaa

pagi2 bangun itu...asli...SUSAHHHHHH SAHHHH SAHHHH
di bie-phone gua... gua pasang alarm sampe 3 ...biar bangun !

tepatnya gua tepar gini karena beberapa hari sebelomnya ac gua bocor...
jadi malem2 gitu kebangun bangun dengerin si AC berkicau... jadilah I was sleep deprived for a while... baru abis itu sekali si AC beres....welewww..... pork chop pun kalah sm gua :) hee hee hee :)

anyway lagi...ini mungkin karena sebagai wanita gua mengerti siklus gua :)
gua udah mo dapet.... makannya terjadi gejala sbb :

1> makan segudang...padahal kenyang...padahal ga tau apa yg mo dimakan...laper mata ...laper perut...and nafsu aja !! ini paling parah ember...
2> minum segentong sehari...di kantor gua ada 2 jug...satu sekitar 1 L lah yah... satu lagi sekitar 800 ml.....itu teh si ..kopi...fruit juice... before 5 pm gua udah berenang di semua air itu
3> yah tidur itu tadi... badan jadi super lethargic kl udah mo dapet....tidur itu the best remedy... ntar kl udah selesai dapet....gua insomniac lagi :P

buat cowok2.....ini teh lesson... yg udah gua dapetin dulu dari guru aerobic gua...yg udah gua olah dan rasain sendiri en kaji sendiri....jadi take note kl cewek2 kalian ngalamin yg gini ginian :) hee hee :)

gua jg orang yg hafal cycle gua....makanya gua agak heran sama ibu hamil :)...kok mereka ga curiga begitu telat come moon -nya .... kl gua udah married...en telat...pasti udah curigacion and suspicionnn

yah anyway ...side kick ajah itu...udah harus buru2 lari ke gereja lagi now :) see ya later tonite everybody :) hOAHOEOAH:)

bombie {=^o^=}
*yg udah makan en udah kekenyangan padahal ga laper sama sekali after 10 hours of sleeping...)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


blogging world rame lagi :)
horaay !!

tell u mine tommorrow :) hee hee

bombie {=^o^=}

Friday, July 16, 2010

don be scarred

To Will :

U say the earlier photo were scary ? hehehe :)... you have not seen this one :)

This is my make up trial for Nasi bungkus make up. It stage make up... and pretty scary....

But anyway : still lovin it : hi hi
Don be scarred okay ?

Thursday, July 15, 2010


hasil iseng gua minggu lalu on Thursday...
make up trial ... hihihihi :)
good usual...gua puas sama hasilnya...
sad thing... gua cuman usual : smokey eyes..

well anyway : here's the picts

warning : not for the faint hearted.

behind the pictures story:
1> wide angle.

2> it may seems not that thick on camera...but seriously.... kl loe liat gua aslinya.... wohoo.....
mueduokkkkkkkkk dah..

3> side view

4> if you want to know how different a make up can make or break you, here's ur proof !

5> and for those who still question why u need to look so gothic for your stage make up, see this and u'll understand. Taken from a very short distance between my mirror and camera, and after much zoom..
You wanna have eyes while shadow is definitely your best friend.

6> narciss mode on. BTW foto ini ngebuktiin dengan jelas kl gua punya dimple !! Yay !!! dulu temen SMP gua bilang itu lipetan gara gara gua double chin :P hix ....
udah gua buktikan.... Salah !!! ohohooho ini dimple alamiii :)
satu hal : foto ini jg ngebuktiin kl gua.... gain weight.... HUAAAAA :P liat muka gua yg lebar kayak fryin pan itu :P hu hu hu hu hu

7> for the drama effect : go for drama fake eyelashes. Front view

8> What a difference a fake eyelash made ....side view !!

sooo here you go..
narcisss bombie {=^o^=}


sadar ga udah tanggal 16 July ????

hiiii...serem :P
cepet banget yah kita tua....

bombie {=^o^=}

*blog2 yg ga penting ini hanya disebabkan karena bombie kesepian....... blog sepi rumah sepi singapore sepi..

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yuhuuu Tetanggeeee

* zingggggg *

pd kemane ya my blog neighbour ?
Gill, Lo, El ( yg sibuk pindahan en biz trip surely ) Will ???


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why ?

Have you ever felt some void
A sudden emptiness that drops in the middle of happiness and anticipation..

Like when you suddenly lost your rabbit pet?
Those moment when your best friend moved out from the neighbourhood ?
Times when you hoped to go to prom with someone you had been longing for, only to find out he/she wasnt going to go with you?
Or those moment when you were involved in a project (bazaar, concert, musical, wedding) that requires lots of hard work and co operation, and when it all ends you were crushed with withdrawal symptomp ?
Or let's put it simply: moment when you JUST..just....broke up ?

I had just that....
For long.. I have never been as excited as I had these couple of weeks
Each week is full of anticipation and excitement
There's this blood rush to face the coming week for better things to come

For all of sudden....
My excitement was stolen...just like that ....
Deb........ blank..
It's like .....void..... empty .....jleb...

So empty
That even though I have not blog for so long
I feel like I have to blog for this....
to tell the world it's official

It's so official that ...
I am broken hearted..
So broken hearted that I'm so no longer excited to face the oncoming second, hours, days, weeks months
all ...are meaningless

all this sadness
the void...the deb..
is for one.... and only one...


My only reason to push my housemate to get the latest so you think you can dance episode
My only excitement, only joy, and only hope for this season winner
my one...and only one purpose to continue dancing and be inspired by dance..

silently each night I pray for a miracle
some unreal miracle that can bring him back to the show

now that the drama is over...
can anyone tell me how to email him ? contact him ? or at least support him ?

I just want to tell him
Please....PLEASEEEEE...Come back next season !!!!!
I will buy at & T, T-mobile, or whatever prepaid SIM Card States have
and I will faithfully... fervently.... VOTE and SUPPORT him !!!

Go Alex..
We'll love u
*still crying*

bombie {=^o^=}

Sunday, July 4, 2010

2 blissfull saturdays

So one Saturday evening
The preacher was preaching

"Perhaps something happen in your life, at your studies, in your workplace
might not necessarily be a bad thing, just something...that happen
before you even realize it, something of your have been stolen
you've lost the passion, the joy, the faith
you dont work happily anymore, you don't study fervently

if ...this thing is happening to you....
quickly....quickly......retract and return back to His love !!
Find HIm, and repent "

as I sit and listen
gua bingung
"Perasaan gua ga curhat sama Ko Omar kl gua lagi agak2 hopeless di tempat kerja gua... exactly the kind of situation he's talking about.... lahi itu Ko Omar kok malah counselling gua yah ?"

Dan kl ini counselling gua siap2 mo bela diri neh... I want to say that erm...kayaknya ga ada yg stolen from me...but yah something did happen in my workplace....or to be exact..nothing really happen....when we need some certain thing to happen.... HAHA :P intinya .. apa yah dosa gua kl gua ga seneng sama tempat kerja gua ?heheheh :P

The Preacher is preaching again

" John 10 :10 says : Devil come to steal, kill and destroy. I come that you may have life and have it abundantly.
You might not realize but over the course that's happening in your life, the devil has stolen your belongings!
Your joy, your Faith that even though times might seems bad, our God is victorious God who is able to overcome everything for those who choose to believe and trust in HIm. Perhaps it has also stolen your trust in Him, your reliance to His power.

Coz that what it does. But funny how God put the same confirmation words in the exact same verse, emphasizing that He.....come to restore the stolen goods, and restore it in abundance...

At school, you might have lost your joy. What you have is fear. on exams, projects, friendships...and so on...
At work, you might no longer be passionate, not as joyful when you first work, you wonder when will you ever be promoted, why are you still at the same place ... etc etc

It stole your goods. But as he confirmed us... He may restore it....and restore it in abundance.
Just one way of doing so : rely back on Him. Trust Him and trust His heart. Believe Him and believe His power.
God is never late.........and never early too !!"

and once again :
"Gua ga konsultasi leh....ini kok kayak mind guessing game yah ?"

But then again, our God ....that He knows everything :
He knows every single thought we have
Each tear drops we let fall
Each stuggle and battle we face
Each stray of hairs we lost while shampooing or hairdrying
Each colour of our nails
Each weight we gain or we lost
Each dollar, rupiah, and penny we have in our bank Account and wallet
Each wants, dreams....and needs

Such is our God that He will not warn us when we are walking towards fallen path
Such is our God that He will defend, protect, even fight for us
Such is our God......that He will always love us, and never forsake us

Even when we fail
Even when we fall
Even when we walk out

Such is our mighty awesome poweful ever loving patience God

in surrendering
bombie {=^o^=}

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Satu juli dua ribu sepuluh

Everyone seems to be gearing up for second half of the year
semalem gw kayak.. Oh my... Bener2 udah exactly setengah 2010 lewat * kyk ada gong gamelan gt *
Jreng !!! Mulai!!!! wush... Time has never run so fast in my life

Anw... Quite frankly to say... It's been... Well... Just a so so year so far..
So ..just like all the rest of the world where the excitement seems to build up on second part of the year
final world cup lah.. Youth olympic lah.. F1 lah
i silently pray for a more colourful rest of da year...

And it's been a great July 1st except for one thing
tagihan pajak telah tiba...
Dan jantung gw sempet DROP wkt liat jumlahnya.....
Sampe gua bongkar laporan tax taon2 sebelonnya....
Busyet dahhhhhhh..... Gaji gua emang udah double banding wkt gua join
tp masa yah tax gua 9 kali lipet dari tax dulu ?
Ga lulus kali neh yg itung.... Hihi... * msh shock *

*deep breath deep breath*
berusaha mikir postive on the bright side....ini artinya gaji gua lumayan... Amen semua ?
Artinya gw hrs bersyukur.... Amen ?

bombie bersyukur....
* deep breath... Perlu CPR *