Wednesday, March 16, 2011

everything random under the sun

last wk my colleague datengin gua, then dia nanya : hey, do you wanna try Novy's diet ? follow this instruction : morning eat..... (blah blah blah I cant remember?)

lil background : temen gua ini have the same issue just like me : weight issue {''--__--''}

Then dia continue jelasin, this one is a good one u see, it will help your stomach to adjust to eat lesser when you finish the programme so you wont put on back.

Straight away gua bilang ke dia : no it's okay, I dont want. This thing wont work on me.

Temen gua : why ? why ? how come wont work on you ?

No lah. I know how I can loose weight. Discipline. The thing about those drinks is I will definitely gain back the weight. At this age I know my body well enough. I accept the fact that I can never be that skinny or even be categorized under normal weight. If I wanna loose weight, I need motivation, I need hard work. The only way is by cutting food and exercise. I don't want to waste money to buy something that's not good for my body and end up with side effect.

Anyway : I love food too much :P My stomach will never be that small that I can eat like hamster...I choose to be discipline when I need to be lah...

colleague gua disana, selama gua jelasin itu, masih nanya : why ? why ? why not ? give it a try lah .... but at the end dia diem, mungkin gara2 gua kekeuh ga perduli semua diet advise dia itu :P hahahhah :)

yah iyah lah: 30 taon gua idup, never once I am categorized normal weight. Harusnya gua cukup pinter buat tau kl emang this is how I'm supposed to be, not small. This is how my body given by God above : blood type A --> no meat is good for us. Only vegie.

Loosing weight will always be a constant issue for the rest of my life. And I ... with a heavy sigh, accept this fact that I need to work hard for this matter.

And I'm not alone. I bet 90 % women ever lived just face the same matter.
Dulu gua ngiri sama cewek2 yg makan segudang tapi ga gendut2..... or malah makin kurus...

But now I realize kl harus milih antara : stuffing extra food that you dont feel like eating to stopping your mouth from eating something you body don't need to eat, to be on ideal weight & health, I choose #2. Ga kebayang enegnya kl harus terus makan when u dont feel like it.

And at the end: God is good & fair.

Then on another issue :
Kemaren ke office, gua pake baju yg udah lama ga gua pake. I was sort of wondering napa gua ga pake baju itu when I kind of like that dress . Ada close to 4 years when I last wear that dress. Konon, baju gitu harusnya udah ga di my wardrobe.

Waktu gua coba, then inget gua ......napa gua ga demen tuh baju
or for that very matter : baju2 buatan Asia yg dibuat tanpa mempertimbangkan ukuran lingkar bossom nya cewek.

Sesek gua make itu baju. Everything else fits perfectly, only the bossom part.

It's like ga make sense dong kl loe bikin baju ukuran XS - XL, tapi di bagian bossomnya sama aja gedenya ? Kayak ga diconsider gitu kl girls with bigger bodies tend to wear ukuran b ke atas ? Makanya ada ukuran dari a sampe triple d or g for bule ?

ini pukul rata ukuran a aja semua. Cewek kl kurusan mana2 jg, ukuran dadanya yg pertama turun. Mbok yah diconsider gitu potongan bossomnya...

Nah kl baju asia tend to ga menghormati bagian dada cewek, makanya ditindas abis alias kata digencet, baju europe on the other hand, tend to glorify bagian itu. Sampe ukuran XS juga bisa dimasukin ukuran melon.

Speaking of which : I love american jeans. They flatter you and they consider your size considerably.

Where else can you find skinny jeans that make not skinny people like me, dont look that not skinny ?

Orang kl bodynya kayak gua pake skinny jeans, itu jadinya gua kayak sosis bulet jelek. It's advised, even my celebrity stylist : for us to wear bell bottom. So I swear off skinny jeans when it's first trending. Till I find one great pair in Macy's LA. It was a gamble at first. But turns out that ppl think the jeans is great too. And then I found another even better pair last year.

Catet ini merek yah : American Eagle outfitters !! They have some very2 good jeans, that's cheaper than Levis. You may find them di Primm Vegas outlet.

one more issue under the sun :
gua terima email hari ini, yg bunyinya kira kira demikian :

1st email : title none.


my reply : apaan ini ? napa XXX ?

2nd email : XXX : loe ga mo cari jodoh ?
(inside my mind : !@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@#$%^&*((*&^%$#@#$%^&*^$$%^&&)

my reply :
ada yg loe mo kenalin ke gua ?

3rd email : oh ga ada. Cuman ini, spouse gua lg part time di dating agency. Gua advise just give it a shot.........lblah blah blah....

next conversation is censored !!!
what a random email, which I can proudly tell you that I know well XXX intention from the first and only word in the first email I receive


buat terima email dari xxx di hari terang bolong tanpa any good reason : it must have sth to do with this.

hm.... no comment dah :P

last issue under the sun :
pray for Japan. Think about this year : from the beginning of the year, chaos and unrest seems to be moving all over the world with Australia's flood, Egypt & Libya's unrest, and now Japan tsunami. In just 75 days from beginning of 2011, the world have brought into such a downer.

All in all: lets pray for this end times. It's that near.

bombie {=^o^=}
soon to be thirtie
not that happie
being an oldie
hie hie hie hie :P

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