Tuesday, November 29, 2011

that time of the year again


haih.... never a good time. Whether u're the one appraised, or giving the appraisal..... it's just so freakin painful.....

aaaaarrgggh.... sutress guaa

Friday, November 25, 2011

what in the name of 24 ?

24 Nov 11 AM
So I arrived at office, entered into lift. Met some colleagues inside. First girl greeted me congrats for the performance last week. The other colleagues were talking. When we joined the conversation, the she told me that they were talking abt her dress. Let's say her name is ES. Turns out ES has the same dress as DB, and they both knew. So the other colleagues reminded her to go and text DB not to wear the same dress today. All of the girls are going down at 7th floor, while I'll go down at 10th floor. When the lift door opened at 7th floor, guess who's standing outside ?
Who else ? DB !! ES and the rest were so shocked and straight away she told DB "OMG, we're just talking about u. U have this dress right ? Wanted to tell u not to wear dress"

Cannot stand: I said to them : what are u both talking ? You girls are wearing the same dress what ?

Next thing u know they were screaming, laughing, promise to avoid each other, en make appointment to buy 4D !!!!! Untill one uncle in the lift laugh laugh. What a way to start a day !!!!!!

Then at 10 sth, my phone rang. Usual sales number. I picked up still. Answered with my lazy tone, the girl were quite shock to hear my ignore rant tone. Next thing I heard her saying OCBC. So my natural reaction as usual : sorry not interested, hang up.

And to my crisis, the number kept calling, and I kept rejecting, silencing, and getting more and more pissed, wondering: why is she so persistent ? Wah laooooo

She even called using her mobile# that I ignore. I almost wanted to text her (and I alsos thought) : do I owe her money ? Why she kept calling? I never had any dealing with OCBC anyway.

Thank God I never SMS back, coz she finally SMSed and told me that she's calling from peach garden OCBC to confirm my reservation at 1.30PM, and that she's NOT (typed in caps lock) selling anything. Hahahahahhahaha so malu, I apologized many2 time and explained that I had very bad experience with cold call thus my reaction. I found out her name and called the line back to say sorry. When I reached there, I look for her and say sorry again (to avoid anyone spat on my food).

Ahhahhahahhahhahaha fail !!!!! So malu !!!! What a 24 !!!!

bombie {=^o^=}

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

into make up

gw belon ceritain about last week
the historical 17 Nov 2011, the one that signifies a truly new beginning of my 8 years journey in office.....
intinya Puji Tuhan kita menang the group competition within our internal Department.... we being the legendary Kikoko (bukan nama sebenarnya) and moi.

more on that on next blog.. gua ngutang banyak benernya.....dari cerita nginep di MBS bulan July (en bulan November) kemaren, sampe si talent time inih... emang gua blogger kurang motivasi neh.. hehehe :P ada award blogger malesh ga ? boleh di nubuatkan ke gua...

karena gua bukan blogger inactive (yg tenggelam sebulan - 2 bulan sebelon nongol lagi)....ataupun super active blogger seperti tante Gillian Sastra en Tante Elrica :) .....tp gua blogger sesuka ati guaaa.. hahaah:P intinya seh blogger mood moodan.... more into mood *ah malesh ah ngeblog hari ini*

ANYWAY BUSWAY KETEMU SUBWAYYYY...... gw lagi ketepa El neh... jadi rajin make up... gelora jiwa terpendam dari kecil yg tiba2 bergejolak gitu kencengnya...

bisa jadi gara2 gua udah harus train my hands again karena banyak wedding depan mata en makin hari gua makin ga percaya tangan orang lain to do make up on my face selain tangan2 seperti Wi In, tangan gua...or tangan orang yg udah gua liat hasil kerja Fabulousnya seperti El :)

selipan comment : mata peacock loe seh El..... GILEEEE !!!! Aye jatoh cintrong sama si mata PEACOCK...kuereeennnn ...sayang gua ga bisa pake mata peacock on people's wedding :P AHHAHAHAH :) or not even on my own wedding... HAUEHAUHEUAUAHEUH :P *bisa jadi I don't instead of I do... or maybe ..Do I ?*

So anyway gua ngerasa I need to train my hands again, karena makin hari makin berasa rusty doing make up.... eh benernya mah gua memang ga terlatih seh make up make up an .... cara pake base foundation yg bener gitu semua....gua cuman tau satu : PAKE FEELING AJA :P ahhahahah :P paling kayak ngelukis di muka gitu... muka jadi canvas...tangan jadi kuas... eye shadow jadi color tube...air jadi oil nya :P

mungkin diliat orang kadang2 ada yg bilang hasilnya bagus.... tapi kl dia orang tau teknik gua seh...maybe geleng2 kepala in disapproval :P

yah anyway dalam keisengan gua mampirlah gua ke Daiso, liat make up murah (semuanya 2 dollar kan anyway ? ahhahah) tangan gatel...beli lah gua... recently gua lagi very much into shading yg bikin muka khurus :P en gua berasa Gatot in this field... alias gagal total !! jadi gua mo belajar teknik shading yg benar.....hebatnya belajarnya bukan cari youtube....tapi maksa pake teknik spt biasa and again....feeling :P

yah kl ada waktu gua pasti ke rumah El belajar teknik make up yg baik dan benar sebelon datelinenya.

so inilah hasil iseng tangan gua di tengah malem jam 12 AM jg.. (bahaya ini kl inspirasi datengnya jam 12 malem tiap kali.. hahaha)

masih kurang berhasil neh....kurang kurus pipinya....
but anyway ... gua cukup bahagia dengan hasilnya en I've decided to go with this look for my morning session di gereja for my sis wedding. Natural look... tapi matanya agak2 serem ga ? hahahaha :P

gua cukup yakin bokap akan protes as usual : Jie.. mata jangan dibiruin, itemin Cie... kayak Batman. Mata kita udah sipit jangan tarik more attention ke mata sipit kita...cukup dikit merah2-in aja.... terimalah nasib mata sipit ..... *very encouraging Dad....very...*

okie that's all for tonite...
lastly : just to be clear : I am VERY into make up anytime actually... the very same girl who did not want to go to school unless her mother buy her a RED lipstick that she chose on her own, is still within me....

yup...I'm very into make up.... as long as the make up is not on me everyday :) just weekend or as and when I want it to be :) HEEE HEEE

bombie {=^o^=}

Thursday, November 10, 2011

sebelas. sebelas. sebelas

di hari ke 11, bulan ke 11, taon 2011 ini

ane mo ngepost hal2 yg ga penting dari keluarga ane
topiknya mengenai kega(galan)tek(nologi)kan babe sama mak aye

jadi, kalau orang tua orang lain udah pake facebook, skype, email, whatsapp dari zamannya backstreet boys
my parents baru aja get in touch with technology. Itupun setelah my mother kepaksa harus open email account buat urusah ngajar mengajar bahasa mandarin nya.

Jadilah di satu malem gua terima email dari nyokap aye yg bikin gua surprised !!!!! WUEDEH... my mother punya email..and sending me email yg isinya luar biasa :



Stelah 30 tahun gua idup, my mother akhirnya punya email, and the text only goes for " TEST "????????????????? {"--__--"} capek deh mak...

anyway, gua cukup bahagia si mak punya email. Sampe...... dede gua cerita proses pembuatan email tersebut (yg tentunya dikerjakan oleh dede gua instead of my parents).

Pertama : Mama mo pake nama apa Ma emailnya ?

Parents : sekian sekian sekian (censored maksudnya )@gmail.com

Dede : Okay sekarang password

Papa : Nah, passwordnya ini kita mesti bikin yg gampang inget nih, biar ga susah lupanya.

Dede : Lah kl terlalu gampang inget ga bagus Pa. Password itu harus susah biar ga gampang ditebak orang lain.

Papa : LOH ???? Justru biar gampang diinget orang lain dong De ? Makanya bikin yg gampang biar Papa bisa kasih tau temen2, jadi temen2 jg gampang ingetnya, gimana seh De ?

Dede : !@#$%^&*()_+)(
*&^%$# @!#$%^&*()_+ ????????? Papa mo kasih password email kita ke temen Papa ngapain Pa ? Namanya jg password itu buat disimpen sendiri dong Pa.

Papa : HAH ? Lah temen Papa kl mo buka email yg Papa kirim ke dia, kan dia perlu password Papa De ? Emang bisa dia buka tanpa pake password kita ?

Dede : *tang ting tung teng tong Gubrax dags dugs digs jreng gombreng* {"--__--"} capek dehhhhh............

sekian cerita pembukaan email.

Sekarang soal password. Dasar parents emang ga gitu suka sama computer, cuman terpaksa belajar words sama excel buat persiapan pelajaran, gua pulang kali ini and my mom minta gua cekin emailnya.

Mama : Jie, bukain email mama dong Jie.... Cepetan ini mama lagi nunggu email dari si guru sekolahan.

me : *lagi baca komik males malesan di ranjang.....* hmmmm hah....

Mama : ayoh Jie...neh passwordnya mama kasih.... bla bla bla bla bla ... mama spell yah ... bla....bla...bla....

me : *terusik dari baca komik*.... apa Ma ? itu passwordnya ??? *ketawa gegulingan di ranjang sampe sakit perut* ......itu password mama ? mateng deh... ini si dede iseng ngerjain bikin password sampe norak gitu apa siapa seh yg nge joke banget passwordnya begituan ?

pertanyaan : apa menurut kalian password email bonyok gua ? cukup berpikir ala indonesian chinese parents, 60 - 65 years old, yg gatek en pengen password gampang (yg gua baru tau dari Dede gua, masih sering dilupain sama dia orang.....hebattttt )

{"-_-"} anak yg terhibur

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

about a very good, lost and found, very strong, changed friend

Thursday Nov 3' 2011 : 11.57 PM I received this sms :

K : Thank u for giving me the best gifts anyone cld ever give- the gift of new found confidence n excitement towards doing something tt I love( singing) n Tt I loved ( dancing).

Thank u Mel.

I m sry if I've hurt u in past. I admit I tend to get lazy at times wif friendship. Dun make enuf of am effort but jus so u Noe ALL of u in team A the old arms I mean all hold special meaning in my heart. Cos u guys saw me thru my ugliest, lousiest, weakest moment. In fact looking back I din cry Tt much Wen my dad died cos I wad too bz looking after mom n worrying to cry..

So THANK U FOR BEING THERE THEN N NOW. always told sis I Hv this group of special frens where tho we dun meet often we will ALWAYS b there for one another in time of need. And I meant it then n I mean it now. Always knew that I could count on u. Wen I stained my skirt.. Oops Tt was June haha n lost my contact lense rem?? I was still quite uncomfortable n new in team A n u helped me look thru the rubbish bin. I will never forget that. Love u Mel Mel.N thank u for .. Maybe helping me relight my love for dancing again. :)

and I replied this :

B : HahahahahahhaMy pleasure to be a blessing for ur life... HAHHAHAHAHAHAH
I noe u lah... That's why even when that happen i know u dont intentionally did it... And that's why I get over it....

If that's ur ugliest.. Then i can tell u this : IT'S NOT THAT UGLY !!!! don't think so badly on that period okay ? Anyone.. Who went through what u went u through..will do even MORE UGLIER things than what u did....

Fact that u LIVE....and living LIFE even more.... If I'm a writer, i want to write a bookabout ur life...

U are a living testimony of the good old story.. That it doesn't matter where u came from... It doesn't decide where u can go in life.....

God is good in ur life... And I want u to wait to see even more what God can do to you.. And THROUGH YOU !!!
Will give u bible verse .. Wait for it okay ?
Good nite... Good rest pls...
And for ur info... U put more effort in our frenship....If it's for me... We wouldn't be talking by now coz I wont bother to ask u lunch... Hahahhahaah

and she replied again:

K : Haha Wat Eva I like Ur company so I will still ask n wif u I can b myself. So yeah. TOO BAD!
A great teacher not only transfers knowledge, she's able to inspire her student. N u my fren has inspired me. :)

Thank u for Tt.N yes I will wait for the verse. :)

Uve come a long way urself too. Admire ur courage n independence. I cld never do Tt. Cldn survive hall already. Ha.N YOU at such a young age bought ur OWN PROPERTY wif YOUR OWN MONEY. Not parents BUT ur OWN MONEY hard earned n saved in a v disciplined manner over the yrs. So U SHD BE V PROUD of urself.

N of cos we wun be where we r without Him.Rest well too. Gd night my fren. God bless us all. :)

This is a blog entry about a friend named Kiyoko.
Some of original blessed version 1 would have heard about her, long way back to 2005. We first met in 2004, became colleague in the good old ARM days.

In '05, I told much of Blessed V1 about her struggle, having just broke up then. Like seen above in her SMS, it was her ugliest days. It wasn't pretty for sure.

So 2 girls sitting next to each other, both melancholy, both soft, both silly, both juniors, both have very differrent approach towards neatness (me neat, she likes to mess up my things, me very serious, she just like to pull a prank on me ), we blended. Blended quite well. If u ask me to point one closest colleagues who has turned into a good friend, I'll point to her. Hey 7 years of relationship (knew her since '04) goes a long way don't you think ?

But in actual, we've almost lost touch in between, with me being annoyed that she didn't really see how our relationship the way I saw our relationship. I knew that it was probably just me being sensitive, but me and my strong head in my sensitivity decided not to give a damn to mend the broken string.

I wasn't bitter, I didn't cry when I talked about our broken relationship then, and I never cry even till today. I just thought, hey I'll still be here when she needs me. She doesn't have to know how I feel about our relationship, but honestly I will not put in anymore effort in this thing. I won't ask for lunch, I won't email, I just will not do anything at all...anyway who cares ? right ?

Best thing about her, she never care about how I feel towards her :P *that should be bad right ?* but no. With that confidence, she always step back into my life with her usual way of annoying me, always try to guide me but fail, laugh at my clumsiness, making me laugh with her idiocracy, sharing good quotes, motivates each other to carry on with life coz it always goes on and it's meant to be lived beautifully in abundance, not knowing that I almost wanted to kill her :P hahahaha :P

Simply said: she went back bugging me for lunch right when I'm ready to write her off my "current friends that I foresee will be friends for life" list. Thank God, I did not stay being stubborn rejecting her lunch. What happen between us affirm my previous postings that things are not always what they seem to be.

When we make up, she found a better me, and I found a changed her. 7 years of life added in our age have definitely taught us some lessons to live this life with a better strategy.

But other than that, we're just the same 2 girls finding comfort in the good old friendship, and expanding it to new frienships along the way :)

And for things that you could never have thought and imagined before, she now believes in the living God. Attended Catholic church lunch mass, reading scriptures and downloading bible apps which SHOCKED me *but I tried not to show* when she told me. Her name is Kiyoko for a very good reason that she used to believe in Japanese Buddhism.

I have no part in this salvation works. I was even away from her life when it happened. God is the ONE and only GOD who cares about her. I just hoped whatever role I have played in her life, me and my weaknesses have done our best in shining His love to her :)

And for all that I know : The Kiyoko now is really a changed woman, then the girl name Kiyoko in 2004. I thanked God I've found back my best friend in my office, and thank Him for finding her back to His love.

to even hear this from her :
"There's one thing that I want us to do if we ever get through to final. I want us to pray before our performance"

and :
"remind me to pray before we practice later on "

and :
"Mel !!! We forgot to pray today !!! No wonder I can't seem to get it right. Can we pray now please ?"

is a sweet melody to my ears.
Thank you GOD for finding me, and letting me keep, a beautiful friendship with a living testimony of Your work. A very good friend indeed.

If you read this friend, please keep her in your prayer so one day she can openly attend a church service without any fear. She's still unable to do so.

And after hearing so much legend about her, David Chandra managed to finally meet the legendary Kiyoko on the day I decided to buy my home. They were there with me on the day I made the biggest decision in my life (so far). 2 persons I will invite on my home grande opening day, are both of them :) *Vid, RSVP open from now...hahahah*

bombie {=^o^=}

Monday, November 7, 2011


at T2 boarding gate E4, Changi Singapore
somehow, I like to post something while I'm at Changi alone, before flying off anywhere

yeah, pulank Indo for a good 1 week.
after experiencing another cousin's wedding, this time around.....closest cousin of us...Margie
very much mixed feeling kept deep in my memories...

and then gua pulang hari ini while all my aunties masih di SG...and they were asking me...
"Pulang ? Loh kok pulang ? kenapa pulang ? ada urusan ? Ga ada urusan ngapain pulang ?"

bingung gua jawabnya....in the first place bingung gua..... kenapa gua pulang orang2 heran ....
especially when they ask "kl ga ada urusan di Indo ngapain pulang?"

you know : there is 365 days in a year... out of that 365 days, I probably went home, to the max, 3 weeks in total that makes it good 21 days ? 21 days to meet, talk, share, *and argue sometimes* with my parents, enjoying the good days of being a child, or serving a good quality time as a child honoring parents, what's so weird with that ? ahhahahhahah...

really....I think 21 days out of 365 days a year, is not alot for a single girl, commitment free like me....to give to my parents...

and somehow gua cukup sedih jg.... I know they know how much I love Singapore, but come on, I'm not that detached to Indo either....*speaking of which kayaknya gua udah harus perpanjang SIM di indo...though ga nyetir as a good citizen gua masih punya en tetep perpanjang SIM all this while....see ?*

kok gua pulang Indo orang2 heran ? huuuu...
anyway : the reason why I go home is : I just need a good break
after musicals, wedding ...and another 4 project in the coming months waiting...
it's time to withdraw from the world and withdraw what's pouring from above

so see ya in a week
miss me...dont miss me... ur choice
bombie {=^o^=}

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

one day

One day
on halloween 2011
me, david, owen
went to watch a movie
what else ?
"One day"

spoiler alert, felem ini quite draggy built up nya
but at the end the movie touched Owen, got David thinking, and made me lost for words quite a bit and then sleepless at nite...

intinya sama...it got me thinking...
thinking..... how painful it can be when you lost someone who has been that close to you, as close as husband and wife or lovers can be ?

gua .... thank God .... belon pernah rasain hal itu so far....
the closest to that feeling will be putus..betul ? dan gua jg belon pernah putus.... karena jadian aja belon... gimana putus ?
surely patah hati kagak bisa disamain sama the lost caused by death.....

if........just by watching a movie and see how close 2 human being can be, and then in less than 2 hours the built up of the movie made me fall in love to Anne's character named Emma, and then as expected she passed away suddenly and I felt the lost in my heart wanting her to be alive again, that it was just a twist, how then real lovers in real life ? Gimana coba rasanya keilangan ur lover ?

separation by death is indeed a very fearful powerful thing......that if we are not strengthen by Christ to move on........ life will be a sombre phase to live on....

belon jalanin....bayangin aja....gua cukup shaken... so jgn dibayangin now frens.......

if one day it has to come, grace and strength to carry on will be sufficient to us in Christ alone
right now..... let's just ..... LOVE & LIVE LIFE

bombie {=^o^=}