Friday, January 27, 2012


Dearest lissa,

I'm ur physical being speaking. First : I love you just like how I love myself. Secondly : as I love you, here is my gift for you to celebrate 2012

1> Full medical check up
2> Skin doctor's appointment
3> Dental appointment
4> Driving lessons

and if you're good with all 4 let's proceed with #5:
5> Dance lessons

Why I gave you all that ?
Coz u're past 30.
Coz every girl posses some vanity over their face lines.
Coz it's time u check ur teeth & gum and maybe do some whitening
and for goodness sake, what's the point of having a driving license if u're not going to use it for the rest of ur life ? so .... go re-learn how to drive

finally : go live ur life, and live it in abundance.
ur body speaking. I shall love u as long as we both live... as we'll part some day :)

biebody {=^o^=}

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

needs & wants

In life
We don't always get what we wanted
but God will provide us with what we need

We know that
easy to hear
damn hard to accept it when we don't get what we want
even harder to believe that we'll be given what we need

I join you Gillian Sastra
to learn to live in contentment
to have a constant joyful grateful heart of thanksgiving
lastly : to surrender

"mengucap syukurlah senantiasa"
mari belajar

bombie {=^o^=}

Monday, January 23, 2012

CNY taon ini

*sorry for the red text. It's in the spirit of CNY I decided to paint my blog red*

So CNY taon ini
aku sendiri
erm ga sendiri banget seh tepatnya....bareng Fabio di rumah.... kita stranded while the rest of our homies went home last week

I'm happy to stay in Singapore :) walaupun ga ada family gathering for me, not even reunion dinner... I'm all good...

Coz I finally got my very delayed 2011 rest. U see, di taon 2011, or tepatnya di akhir2 2011, I have not slowed down dari my sis arrival to SG in July to buying a home on August to musical in October to engagement and wedding and DND competition in November to appraisal to another wedding ( keabisan nafas while baca semua ini) to year end Taiwan - Hongkong trip in December to packing holiday gifts on New Year to finally..... (phew...finally breathing now)...

Yeah... I was mad-ly busy, sampe mo ketemu El aja taon lalu susah sekaleee..
That's why I'm so glad, dalam waktu yg sangat singkat di awal taon 2012 ini, gua udah 2 kali maen ke rumah El....berasa achievements gitu, bisa sering2 maen ke rumah El :P ahhahaha we still have not done 1 thing though, masak bareng :P

anyway : it's CNY today. Enter the dragon, buahahahah :P
You know what I really love about being a Chinese, is none other than the fact that I have Chinese New Year to celebrate !!

You know the feeling of leaving 1st of January of every year ? I don't know about you but me, I feel so dreadful. haha :P kayak, adoh... another 1 full year ahead to walk on... aih.... mulai dari 0 lagih :P *and I'm not even doing sales... udah drama gini :P ahha*

It sucks. Passed new year feel quite sucky....if not for the fact that I have another new year to celebrate : YAY !! and mungkin kl di Indo suasana persiapannya ga sampe seberapa sampe kayak di Singapore yg tiap jalan tiap mall, sampe yg ang moh mall sekalipun, maenin semua dong dong chiang dimana mana. En u see your colleagues RUAME banget with their CNY preparation. En then you go to NTUC or Cold Storage, it's like food war. Kayak the whole Orchard road ppl are concentrated on Supermarkets doing their CNY shopping. U'll definitely get the hype of CNY here.

All these made passing 1st of Jan not as sucky anymore. You feel like you've give some times di period b/w these 2 new years to adjust your mood, while still have something to look forward to. CNY berasa kayak taon baru semu. The closure new year. The new year that I'm prepared to face and passed. It gives me time to adjust all the festive mood from Christmas to get ready for the year coming ahead. When the Chinese new year come to an end, my feeling is : yeah bring it on ! I just have to be ready for whatever coming ahead.

So even though gw berasa kayak bule trapped in Asian body, atau kl gw percaya reinkarnasi (which I don't) gw mungkin percaya kl gua dulu born American, gua tetep bersyukur being born as a chinese (bersama dengan 2 billion ++ chinese lain lainnya).

So this CNY, even though I'm alone at home far from my family, and didn't have the chance to eat my dinner with everyone else, I am grateful for passing another year with great peace over my 4 days rest and good time for me to finally : finalize my resolution, yg masih belon selesai2 sampe sekarang... oh no.. :P

One last look back on 2011, gua ketemu the small resolution card I wrote during early YRC service last year. In conclusion I wish for God to take my wheel & rule my will.

I have my resolution fulfilled.

Happy CNY everyone. I wish all of you to have the best of time with your families :) Best of health, wealth, and love be with us :)

dong dong dong chiang !!

bombie {=^o^=}

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


For all what matters,
the last 11 days of 2011 might probably the best decision I made so far

(Pink : Ef- fing perfect)Made a wrong turn once or twice
Dug my way out, blood and fire
Bad decisions, that's alright
Welcome to my silly life

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss 'No way, it's all good'
It didn't slow me down.
Mistaken, always second guessing
Underestimated, look I'm still around

Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than, less than perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing, you're perfect to me

bombie {=^o^=}

Monday, January 16, 2012

The one(s) that (I let them) got away

No, I'm not going to sing "The one that got away" by Katy Perry.
It is about some personals I decided, with a mixed of heavy and relieved heart, to let away

Gua jadi inget conversation gua, El & Gill di Tony Romas, on one of our threesome dates last year :) Supposedly kita sharing happy things on our date right ? Malem itu kita malah share about some of our closest friends who, along the way, got away from our life.

And recently I'm reminded on them. Reminded on why I let them got away. Reminded why it was so hard on the initial stage to convince myself to let them go away. Reminded that even though I thought I'm good enough in learning & knowing about people, I still fail to identify some people's true intention. Reminded that a devout Xtian does not equal a reliable friend. Reminded that even though people can change for the better or worst, the basic characteristic that made a person never change. Reminded that things aren't always what they seem they are.

If there's anything in common that I can say about them, is that they always seem to have the tendency to meddle & try so hard to influence me & my life, in a way that's beneficial for them, yet wrap them in a package that's as if it's what's beneficial for me. Simply said : they want to change me, they want to force me to join their pack, they wanna have a BIG say in my life.

And for most of all, I only realized everything too late. Made it harder to walk away unaffected. Made me wonder, do they think I'll be that stupid forever to keep hanging on in a relationship that doesn't have the give & take factors ?

If it's ever gonna be a comfort, I feel a lil bit better knowing that I'm not their only target. They do the same strategy to everyone else. Also perhaps, at one point of time on our short lived journey, I enjoyed their companion.

The bad : I always tend to fall in love to friends that I made, guys or girls. Not eros love ! A caring love. Most of the time I realize well that I tend to love more than I'm loved. But after all these lessons, I've never loved the same again.

The good thing : I'm glad I've learnt my lesson well, and survived !! I learned that a good friend is the one who is one arm length away when you need a shoulder to cry on, exactly next to your ear to remind & guide you when you did the wrong thing, holding your hands when you feel lost, got your back when you feel like you cant stand anymore, but a few metres away from when the time comes for you to make the most important decision of your life, guiding you with information, support you with your decision, and still keeping their distance. Why ? Because it's your life not theirs. It your choice to make, not theirs to decide. It's you who need to fly, not them being the pilot of your life.

Lastly, I gladly declare that I'm so happy to let them get away from my life :)

And if I can slip a wish, I wish that I can be the kind of good friend I describe, and in doing so I can find a true friend who loves me just the way I am without carrying any additional agenda

I have one now:)

bombie {=^o^=}

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Verse of the year

In the spirit of Wicked I posted this in GREEN :)
Wicked is GOOD !! I'm so enchanted :) I like it better than Lion King ;)

Anyway :
Gw dapet verse of the year taon ini...
yg ga gitu gw sambut dengan meriah...
bahkan ...gua sempet jadi was was en mellow sesaat tadi :P

terus gara2 sedikit bo kam guan gua sampe mo ciam xi ulang...
Sambil mikir2 taon lalu dapet ayat taonan kapan....pas TGIJ or pas ... first service YRC ?
check ulang postingan taon lalu...

TEPAT SETAON LALU gua ambil ayat taonan itu di YRC...
and in some sort of way....guard me....

so... gimana dunk kl gitu ? harus terima dunks yah ?
Somehow for me.... Jeremiah again taon ini :P....

kl dipikir pikir taon lalu gua jg ga terima seh awalnya dapet ayat itu...
hanya kuterima dengan lapang dada di tengah taon...
yah...mungkin gitu jg kali yah this year ? hope so...

terus si Nchep mungut another ayat yg jatoh di sekitar tempat berdiri kita and gua kind of claim the verse for my own too...
in any case ... I'll combine both message which kind of compliments each other... hahahah kiasu mode on...

ya sutra. Verse taken... I just have to wait and see God's working in & through me :)

anyway Peeps:
I LOVE MY FIRST SUNDAY of 2012 :) El did some make up on me which I LOVE.... en si Om gua sampe comment terusssss soal muka pas dinner tadi (tepatnya dia kl mabok mungkin cuman muka gua yg full make up gitu yg keliatan cakep ye.... ini bukan berarti kerjaan tangan El ga bagus loh yah !!! ini berarti sampe orang mabok pun masih bisa liat bedanya gua sehari hari sama gua with full beautiful make up...and keep on commenting throughout the dinner dari sober sampe mabok)

so KUDOS to EL ...the new professional make up artist in town !! be ready for her adventure people :) fotonya gua attach :) thank you El :) btw ini bibir di pink in yah El ? I like it :) heeee...jadi merekah gitu yah kayak delima ? *jelek bener perumpamaan gua*

bombie {=^o^=}

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Live for the moment

If there's anything that hit me so true recently, it's that statement : LIVE FOR THE MOMENT !

Thinking about it, all the glorious moments I live by in 2011 it felt only good for the moment, at the moment, on the moment.

That although I wanted to blog about the details every moment so much, my fingers just stopped itself from typing. I guess they scared to ruin the remnants of the memories carved deeply in the walls of my heart.

And they always say : what's a girl without a secret ? I guess I selfishly would like to keep those joyful moments dearly to my private heart. Cause really, a lil bit of me is changed in these endearing moments :)

So here's the most that I can do. To list down those amazing moments here, and guard the impact these moments did to me & carry them forever in my heart:

1> Busy january. Weeks where I really questions God's direction & order to "Seek peace in the City where I have caused you to be carry away captive, and pray for it. For in it's peace, you shall have your peace" It's a month where my 2010 bitterness compressed & peaked. It was a painful, full of tears month.

2> Changing February. Somehow someway, things start to change. Musical work started this month too, bringing a piece of hope & colors. TLG Danz is has delivered it's second ministry by this month. Thank God

3> March : I'm 30. Crazily, the thing I scared most to happen, happened to be the best thing ever happen to me. To be 30 :) To be free :)

4> April: loving Bali. Loving El & Arief. Loving the short break, loving the companies & the seafood

5> May : 2 trips to Malaysia says it all. TLG bonding time.

6> June : I'm mostly restless, hopeless, sad, bothered, not enthusiastic this month. Reason : the sales manager I'm serving the longest is leaving the company. Though he's a major ass, he kicked some ass too. U cant deny he is successful in human's eyes, married, loaded, pretty kids and flying even higher at the age of 34 (this year). l don't miss him, but I was much affected for fear of changes. I fear what will the become of me. I was totally miserable for this whole month, it affects the whole musical dancers directions. I felt terrible & really sorry now that I looked back.
and most importantly : I thank God for true friends who stand up to confront me with the truth when need be. Elrica Diona, SMS loe yang wake me up and negur gua & kuatin gua, ga akan gua lupain :) Please, never be afraid to speak the harsh rightful truth to me El. I appreciate your honesty and your friendship.
also : for a friend who is there to stand up for me when I was so weak & negative then. Gillian Sastra :) Yg diem & cuek aja sama semua comment gua, unaffected and just keep on pushing delivering her best for our Musical.

I thank God each time I remember you two :)

7> July : FAMILY TIME !! My sista is here and I have FABULOUS 2 weeks family gathering with sis & cousins. Best moments : MBS nite 23 - 24 July. Will never forget this as this was the first time ever I don't care what the world think of my extras fleshy body and swam with my Bikini ever in my life at the infinity pool !!! Partly I was forced to do so coz my cousin perlu pinjem my swim wear. I ga tega, I pinjemin baju berenang aye... jadinya kepaksa pake bikini :P
crazily : hehehehe .... I feel so CAREFREE !! HAHAHA :P anyway gua pikir : sapa seh yg bakal ketemu di Infinity pool ini ? bener ga ada :) ahhahah :)

other than that : dont know why I just love MBS :P ahahaha

8> August : withdrawal syndromme. I miss my sis.
But sth else, happenned so fast in my life. 22nd August 2011 : I BOUGHT A HOME !!! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH

9> September : the month of HARD WORK & SWEAT : Musical is coming baby !!!

10> October : MUSICAL !! ENGAGEMENT (Margie in Indo) !! fall sick for 2 weeks, followed by practice all da way for company's competition.

11> November : WEDDING (Margie in SG) !! rest for a week and then : Dinner and Dance competition where we won :) after that no rest all the way coz snowman competition is waiting a week after and ....haha...we won the snowman decorating competition ......again :P hahahaha :) colourful November :)

12> December : whats there to say ? MY SISTA WEDDING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SHE'S MARRIEDDDDDDDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!! and then off for a fabulous 11 days to end 2011. We're the fabulous 7-11 !!!

This is all I want to say about 2011. I will keep everything that I didn't write in details above, dearly in my heart. I will not look back, I will LIVE FOR THE MOMENT from this moment onward, and I will keep my heart & eyes hopeful for the future God has for me :)

One thing I'm very sure of: I love my girlfriends: El, Gill, Dian, Kiyoko :) I love my FAMILY who has been my source of strength :) I love my entertainment crew : Jenita & Nchep :) and I love my colleagues right now :P hahaha

I love my 2011 :)

bombie {=^o^=}

Monday, January 2, 2012 happen to be 2012 now

Before it became too late, I really wanted to post the highlights of 2011. But that would take me too much time and emotion...

So I'll post them once I have the energy, after recuperating from the exhaust caused from unpacking, laundry-ing, and cleaning the home after 11 days trip, all in less than 24 hours...I'm a dead meat now and tolak angin is my friend

Tp gua iseng mo jawab buletin ginian. Sent from my cousin yg tumben2an ngirim email kurang kerjaan gini :P en gua yg bo liaou ngerjain ini email ... anyway here we go :

At the cusp of the New Year, most of us take a little time to reflect on our lives by looking back over the past and ahead into the future. We ponder the successes, failures and standout events that are slowly scripting our life’s story. This process of self-reflection helps us maintain a conscious awareness of where we’ve been and where we intend to go. It is pertinent to the organization and preservation of our long-term goals and happiness.

The questions below will help you with this process.
Because when it comes to finding meaning in life, asking the right questions is the answer

In one sentence, who are you?
melissa bombie surya

Why do you matter?
Coz I mattered in God's eyes.

What is your life motto?
Philipians 4:13

What’s something you have that everyone wants?

What is missing in your life?

What’s been on your mind most lately?
scary thoughts of 2012

Happiness is a ________?

What stands between you and happiness?
my wrong choice

What do you need most right now?
strength & patience

What does the child inside you long for?
a soulmate that I've been dreaming since I was a child.

What is one thing right now that you are totally sure of?
that my bank account is at my lowest balance ever since I work....hahaha

What’s been bothering you lately?

What are you scared of?
that 2012 will not top 2011

What has fear of failure stopped you from doing?
Having peace of mind

What will you never give up on?

What do you want to remember forever?

What makes you feel secure?
Knowing that God approves & lead all my decision

Which activities make you lose track of time?
WATCH TV & dancing

What’s the most difficult decision you’ve ever made?
buying a home :P

What’s the best decision you’ve ever made?
Accepting God

What are you most grateful for?

What is worth the pain?

In order of importance, how would you rank: happiness, money, love,health, fame?
Happiness, Love, Health, Money, Fame

What is something you’ve always wanted, but don’t yet have?
a soulmate ( I think it's very clear right now)

What was the most defining moment in your life during this past year?
Buying a home and being a grown up

What’s the number one change you need to make in your life in the next twelve months?
my time management

What’s the number one thing you want to achieve in the next five years?
To have the courage to move out of my comfort zone

What is the biggest motivator in your life right now?
God and His timing

What will you never do?

What’s something you said you’d never do, but have since done?

What’s something new you recently learned about yourself?
erm...none :P

What do you sometimes pretend to understand that you really do not?
Financial news or talks on bloomberg ?

In one sentence, what do you wish for your future self?

What worries you most about the future?
That I don't live to fulfill the purpose of my creation

When you look into the past, what do you miss most?
NUS days

What’s something from the past that you don’t miss at all?
High school days

What recently reminded you of how fast time flies?
that it's now 3rd of Jan 2012 ? wooot :P

What is the biggest challenge you face right now?

In one word, how would you describe your personality?
bombie.... haha :P I never know how to describe myself in one word has to be minimum 2 : prim & proper

What never fails to frustrate you?
SMOKES, cigars & all their families

What are you known for by your friends and family?
strong headed

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
that I'm not as good as what they thought of me

What’s a common misconception people have about you?
that I demand too much in a soulmate

What’s something a lot of people do that you disagree with?

What’s a belief you hold with which many people disagree?
that a date should be taken seriously & cautiously

What’s something that’s harder for you than it is for most people?
to Settle

What are the top three qualities you look for in a friend?
Integrity, Honesty & faithfulness

If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend?
erm....shouldn't this kind of friend be the one that u'll stick to longest as they even speak like the way u speak to urself ? it's like befriending urself, and if you're a good friend u would want to befriend urself ? No ?

When you think of ‘home,’ what, specifically, do you think of?
Surya Wijaya I, Blok sth sth no sth sth, with mom & dad & sis who will soon move out

What’s the most valuable thing you own?
physically : my future property

If you had to move 3000 miles away, what would you miss most?
friendships in SG

What would make you smile right now?

What do you do when nothing else seems to make you happy?
watch TV

What do you wish did not exist in your life?
erm... nothing so far

What should you avoid to improve your life?
watch too much TV

What is something you would hate to go without for a day?
a shower

What’s the biggest lie you once believed was true?
that di dalem polisi tidur bener2 ada polisi lagi tiduran :P

What’s something bad that happened to you that made you stronger?
got cheated over rental matters, that changes my whole game of life

What’s something nobody could ever steal from you?
Faith in Christ

What’s something you disliked when you were younger that you truly enjoy today?
Fish & seafood

What are you glad you quit?
hm.... dont know the answer for this

What do you need to spend more time doing?

What are you naturally good at?
unpacking !!

What have you been counting or keeping track of recently?
my finances

What has the little voice inside your head been saying lately?
go to sleep

What’s something you should always be careful with?

What should always be taken seriously?

What should never be taken seriously?
sarcasm, bully's words & pointless critics

What are three things you can’t get enough of?
God, His love & His favor

What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

What fascinates you?

What’s the difference between being alive and truly living?
The essence of life ?

What’s something you would do every day if you could?

At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
Musical moments

Which is worse, failing or never trying?
Never trying

What makes you feel incomplete?
not having a right now...

When did you experience a major turning point in your life?
22 august 2011

What or who do you wish you lived closer to?

If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large group of people, what would your message be?
Be NICE & considerate

What’s something you know you can count on?
God's mercy

What makes you feel comfortable?
God's approval

What’s something about you that has never changed?
I'm still big

What will be different about your life in exactly one year?
I'm closer to 32

What mistakes do you make over and over again?
sleep too late like right now

What do you have a hard time saying “no” to?

Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
First one

What’s something that used to scare you, but no longer does?

What promise to yourself do you still need to fulfill?
to be skinny

What do you appreciate most about your current situation?
that I'm happy right now

What’s something simple that makes you smile?
serial TV : Friends :)

So far, what has been the primary focus of your life?
Being happy :)

How do you know when it’s time to move on?
When God finally says so

What’s something you wish you could do one more time?
Musical... one more time.... and probably the last :)

When you’re 90-years-old, what will matter to you the most?

What would you regret not fully doing, being, or having in your life?
doing : trying all the guts challenging rides / sports
being : a born rich girl :P hehehe
having : love