Final conclusion, no Israel this year...*sob sob
Setelah sekian banyak bedebat (di otak, bedebat with myself....) mikir, timbang2..... gw putuskan kalau pergi Israel bareng anak TLG taon depan akan lebih asyik banding pergi sendiri taon ini.
Lalu otak gw pun bekerja dengan giat suddenly dari semalem buat cari tempat short term holiday baru, yg bisa dipergiin sendiri, aman, keluar idup2, en...bahagia :) Kalau mau drama neh (saaaahhh... ikutan anak ababil kemaren I felt like sth's missing dengan ilangnya Israel trip ini....
So kepikirlah gw on a place.... katakanlah : neverland. Tiba2 gw so amped up !!! Yeah !! I should go there !! Dgn semangat gw research kanan kiri2 on the flight, hotel deals.. tanya2 those ppl who has been there... going there...
But one thing is daunting: visa is needed. En for the fact that gw mo pergi di bulan2 deket gini.....(emang ini otak koslet semalem....sudden decision & feel good somehow...haha) cukup worry that I couldn't get a visa in time...
Dan....biar kata gw semangat pergi jg, yg namanya jalan2 perlu duit gimana pun jg tul ? Byk duit tepatnya....jadi ga bisa dunk gw suddenly decide aja LET'S GO !!
Niwei intermezzo. Ini my colleague's FB status:
Maybe one day, I would construct my life into a calm, uncomplicated, and solitary pursuit. For now, my desires for heart stopping adventures and whirlwind romances remains. I do not need lectures on life. I'm 25 and recklessness is my rights
I don't necessarily agree with her posting.....but I do agree being young and reckless was such a great privilege to be I probably reasoned that my sudden decision is me wanting to extend my being reckless, careless, and carefree....the privilege of singleton :P hehehe :P
Niwei back to travelling matter : so by the time otak gw berhasil deduct a conclusion dr flow chart of options , pros , and cons.... utk pergi atau ga... bisa jadi udah ga ada waktu buat apply visa... yg bikin gw berpikir : aih... enak bener jadi Singaporean yah ? I need this kind of passport buat support my random sudden decision......which I foreseen will be alot more in the future :P haha ...
ktk gw nekat, kepepet, ga mikir panjang, fall in deep love, en kedorong adrenaline : gw beli rumah ..haha...
ktk gw butek sama SG & all the fun hard work of Nasi Boengkoes and many weddings planning in 2009 : gw decide buat pergi US sendiri....
ktk Israel ga kesampean en dd gw offer buat temenin jalan2, en suddenly my other 2 cousins can join : untuk pertama kalinya kita ber 4 randomly, suddenly and in a manner of less than a week, decided to book a trip to hongkong in November nanti. Bertaon taon kita ngomongin travel bareng ga pernah kesampean, eh now.... jeng jeng !!! Voila !! DONE !! less than a week.... flights + hotels book !
That's the beauty of random sudden twist decision :P
hm....andai PP ijo kita punya super power buat jalan2 kayak PP merah red dot island ini....just so that we can be more random & sudden :P
at this point of time gw bisa bilang : I envy Lydia Sista :) HEHEHEHEH :P
bombie {=^o^=}
Searching Your Destiny Upon a Child You favor I walk a journey Through Your love I surrender
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Ya amplop ababil be ge te !!
Okay....let me admit that I'm one of those people yg kl emang there's a chance for me to be not known as Indonesian, especially by another Indonesian yg lalu lalang di Orchard terutama, I'd rather be not known as orang Indo.
Tp somehow spt layaknya orang indo laen yg dah lama di SG, gw cukup cepet identify other indonesians around. I mean, keliatan deh dari cara pake bajunya, cara jalannya.... semua cara caranya lah .....spt kata gua : mereka berbau Indo. Esp, rambut sarang lebahnya tante2 Indo di Paragon, plus make up tebelnye, and birkin-nye. Yg satu itu seh udah identifier paling jelas dah yah ...hahaha....typical :P
And for what I've learnt so far, statistik membuktikan kl gw cukup blend in as non indonesian. Yah apapun yg mereka pikir, slm kl di sekitar orang indo yg ga tau gw indo, gw ga disangka indo ajah, beresh dah :) Kl liat dandanan gw nan lanchai...harusnya gw pass as non indo :P HAHA !!
So hr ini abis latian nari, gw bakalan dinner at my aunt's house di trendale as usual. Gw kepikir buat beliin Bon Chon. Jadi dari Novena, gw ke Ion dulu. Nah, orang Indo di SG yg demen makan Bon Chon pasti tau bener kl antrian bon chon itu penuh nuh nuh....sama orang Indo. Ga mungkin u miss out. Pst ada minimal 1 orang indo ngantri/ makan disana.
Begitu pula hari ini. So this group of ppl :
(yg off course ga gw liat tampang2nya gimana, as I was trying to blend in as Singaporean only to realize that today gw pake kaos bertuliskan gede2 : Mencari Putri the musical.....gagal sudah kamuflase gw)
mereka ngantri di belakang gw. Ga tau brp orang, for sure ada satu couple (anak muda. Muda being late teens, early 20-ies), ceweknya terusss terussss terusssssssaaaaaaaannnnn berkoar koar demikian dari antrian msh 2.5 meter, sampe antriannya jadi 0.5 meter sajah :
Si cewek : Gw makan apa yah ? 3 piece drumstick plus rice ? Apa ayam aja ? yg berapa biji yah ayamnya ? Set ga yah ? Ada apa yah di setnya ? Eh....ada katsu !!! Enak ga yah burger katsunya ? Apa gw itu aja yah ? Eh .....ada seafood box jg !! Ah ya udah gw seafood box aja, tp ga mo prawn nya. Bisa tuker ga yah ? Eh tapi gua abis ga yah nanti ? Hm....Eh cuman ada apa aja seh di sea food box nya ? Loe pernah makan ga ? Enak ga ? hm...jadi mikir....Eh ... tapi keliatannya burger katsunya enak juga... hm.... apa burger katsu aja kali ya ? Loe makan apa jadinya ? Apa gw itu juga yah ? Kita beli sini apa makan bungkus ? bingung neh
and on ....and onnnn....aaaannnnddddd......oooooooonnnnnnnnn
kl gw ga civilized: gw pengen balik badan en teriak : SHUDDUPPPP !! Those train of thoughts should just be mention in your head and not on and on and onnnnnnnnnnnn...... to others' ears.....
karena gw ga bisa teriak, gw cuman liat depan and roll my eyes (toh mereka di belakang gw) giving the kind of look that has "Thus I never have any wonderful moment growing up as teen in Indo as I have too many 'Ah Be Go' mates then....and globalization does nothing to change these "Ababil" phenomenon till date....they still exist if not makin ruarrr biasa unbelievable" written all over my face. Seriously, ini cuman ayam Bon Chon leh girl.... no big deal gurl ......adaoooowww :P
Sampe akhirnya terakhir : she ask her friend (another cewek) yg by then udah diem en ga ladenin dia lagi :
Si cewek : Jadi gimana neh, gw makan katsu burger atau chicken rice box yah ?
The (very clever) friend : WHATEVER LAH !!!
OH YEAH !! I love you friend !!
Guess what ? Dia lanjut blabberingnya to her boyfriend....auhehuaea ...kasian sang boyfren :P wakakaka.... mungkin cowoknya udah ambil vow : for better or worse, for quieter or cereweter, for good mood or PMS-sy mood.... I shall love u....
Finally ...... sampe akhirnya giliran gw, gw pesan ayam dengan cepat, and I walk away dengan amat cepat too, to avoid hearing this amazing girl :P
bombie {=^o^=}
Tp somehow spt layaknya orang indo laen yg dah lama di SG, gw cukup cepet identify other indonesians around. I mean, keliatan deh dari cara pake bajunya, cara jalannya.... semua cara caranya lah .....spt kata gua : mereka berbau Indo. Esp, rambut sarang lebahnya tante2 Indo di Paragon, plus make up tebelnye, and birkin-nye. Yg satu itu seh udah identifier paling jelas dah yah ...hahaha....typical :P
And for what I've learnt so far, statistik membuktikan kl gw cukup blend in as non indonesian. Yah apapun yg mereka pikir, slm kl di sekitar orang indo yg ga tau gw indo, gw ga disangka indo ajah, beresh dah :) Kl liat dandanan gw nan lanchai...harusnya gw pass as non indo :P HAHA !!
So hr ini abis latian nari, gw bakalan dinner at my aunt's house di trendale as usual. Gw kepikir buat beliin Bon Chon. Jadi dari Novena, gw ke Ion dulu. Nah, orang Indo di SG yg demen makan Bon Chon pasti tau bener kl antrian bon chon itu penuh nuh nuh....sama orang Indo. Ga mungkin u miss out. Pst ada minimal 1 orang indo ngantri/ makan disana.
Begitu pula hari ini. So this group of ppl :
(yg off course ga gw liat tampang2nya gimana, as I was trying to blend in as Singaporean only to realize that today gw pake kaos bertuliskan gede2 : Mencari Putri the musical.....gagal sudah kamuflase gw)
mereka ngantri di belakang gw. Ga tau brp orang, for sure ada satu couple (anak muda. Muda being late teens, early 20-ies), ceweknya terusss terussss terusssssssaaaaaaaannnnn berkoar koar demikian dari antrian msh 2.5 meter, sampe antriannya jadi 0.5 meter sajah :
Si cewek : Gw makan apa yah ? 3 piece drumstick plus rice ? Apa ayam aja ? yg berapa biji yah ayamnya ? Set ga yah ? Ada apa yah di setnya ? Eh....ada katsu !!! Enak ga yah burger katsunya ? Apa gw itu aja yah ? Eh .....ada seafood box jg !! Ah ya udah gw seafood box aja, tp ga mo prawn nya. Bisa tuker ga yah ? Eh tapi gua abis ga yah nanti ? Hm....Eh cuman ada apa aja seh di sea food box nya ? Loe pernah makan ga ? Enak ga ? hm...jadi mikir....Eh ... tapi keliatannya burger katsunya enak juga... hm.... apa burger katsu aja kali ya ? Loe makan apa jadinya ? Apa gw itu juga yah ? Kita beli sini apa makan bungkus ? bingung neh
and on ....and onnnn....aaaannnnddddd......oooooooonnnnnnnnn
kl gw ga civilized: gw pengen balik badan en teriak : SHUDDUPPPP !! Those train of thoughts should just be mention in your head and not on and on and onnnnnnnnnnnn...... to others' ears.....
karena gw ga bisa teriak, gw cuman liat depan and roll my eyes (toh mereka di belakang gw) giving the kind of look that has "Thus I never have any wonderful moment growing up as teen in Indo as I have too many 'Ah Be Go' mates then....and globalization does nothing to change these "Ababil" phenomenon till date....they still exist if not makin ruarrr biasa unbelievable" written all over my face. Seriously, ini cuman ayam Bon Chon leh girl.... no big deal gurl ......adaoooowww :P
Sampe akhirnya terakhir : she ask her friend (another cewek) yg by then udah diem en ga ladenin dia lagi :
Si cewek : Jadi gimana neh, gw makan katsu burger atau chicken rice box yah ?
The (very clever) friend : WHATEVER LAH !!!
OH YEAH !! I love you friend !!
Guess what ? Dia lanjut blabberingnya to her boyfriend....auhehuaea ...kasian sang boyfren :P wakakaka.... mungkin cowoknya udah ambil vow : for better or worse, for quieter or cereweter, for good mood or PMS-sy mood.... I shall love u....
Finally ...... sampe akhirnya giliran gw, gw pesan ayam dengan cepat, and I walk away dengan amat cepat too, to avoid hearing this amazing girl :P
bombie {=^o^=}
Monday, August 20, 2012
A very long blabbering
So today is August 20th, liburan kedua di bulan Agustus.
The results. Yg kiri more earl gray, yg kanan more milk. Good ? Not really !! hahaha :) Ga boleh pake milk yg ini kayaknya, harus yg lebih creamy lagi. Tp ntar jadi teh tarik malah.. haha :) Good attempt indeed.
Sekarang about bersih2. So today, gw mo nyapu ngepel kamar. Here is my best friend when it comes to cleaning all the hairs on the floor. Jadi ini adalah roller buat bulu binatang yg dijual di IKEA. Bisa beli yang kayak ginian dimanapun benernya, just that gw tau yang di IKEA bisa di refill aja, and murah :P heheh. This is very useful for me along the week, to not only pick those hairfalls, but also the light dust yg suka terbang2 ga karuan. Jadi kamar gw terjaga bersih rapih ciamik

This is how you peel the sheet after use, to get a new sticky sheet.
Hasil tangkepan debu satu rumah hari ini adalah sebagai berikut : (picture might be disturbing buat yg ga biasa bersih2)

By the way, this is how we put the sheet in. Masukin ke dalem trappernya yg ada di the cleaning stick.
Seharusnya gw show this earlier tapi lupa foto, so here you go.
And then, di sore hari gw maen2 make up. Mari gw pamerkan 22 sets of make up brush from coastal scents yg gw beli July kemaren kalo ga salah....apa Juni yah ? Somewhere dah...( time flies)....
Emang gua bukan make up artist, tp gw demen banget beli make up. Pasang make upnya mah cuman demen on weekend and on kawinan orang. Tp sekali pasang, full blast kayak wayang sometimes. HEHE :P
Waktu kecil sih centil. Kayanya gw pernah bilang kan kl waktu kecil gw ga mo ke TK kl Mama gw ga mo beliin gw lipstick. When I was young, I really cant wait to wear make up every day when going out. Udah giliran malah MALESH abish :P ahhaha
I use this base, beli pas Dian dulu masih kerja di Luxasia. It was on sale, kl ga salah jadi 12 bucks deh.
And now the usual gothic make up I always do. Yah gw cuman paling jago kl yg gini ginian deh...kl make up normal gw agak2 susah euy :P
Dan gw paling suka foto2 yang ini. Contrast cahayanya en kesan misteriousnya... (muji diri sendiri sebelon di comment)....
Biasanya kl liburan gini enaknya nganggur doang right ? Just males2an the whole day, makan tidur nonton, makan lagi, tidur lagi, nonton lagi ....
But not today...out of the sudden (kemaren).....I felt like sibukin diri sendiri today (not that 2012 hasn't been busy) So I came up with a plan to do the following :
1> bersih2 kamar and laundry (yang emang udah gua push to do sampe senen, biasanya weekend)
2> while doing so, ambil foto buat posting about cleaning home
3> make drinks (u'll see later)
4> and as usual fulfill my fetish appetite for make up
5> and the most important of them all...... fire all my thoughts that I've been wanting to blog about...
And all that thots are coming here .... so hang on coz this is gonna be a longggggg posting :P
Jadi ceritanya....minggu lalu gua reached a point of : fed up, "fu****-up" (pardon the language), mentally beaten up.....and so..... I was pushed to a point up....
Tired....capek.... tired of fighting, of the non stop demands to be a better person, to keep being positive, to keeping up with the tectonic shifts my work place & my life brings in 2012.... capek....
I really felt like giving up on 3 longest race I'm still running so far... guess for yourself what they are... I really just wanna quit these races....
So... gw sering insomnia kl depressed. Badan capek tapi pikiran ga mo rest. I'm sure u've experienced them in your life.... And so malem itu gw insomnia lagi. Puter kanan puter kiri, told my brain to stop thinking, just go to sleep, pipis, coba tidur lagi, pipis lagi....coba tidur lagi...all done with accompaniment of tears all da way.... well, dah lama I didn't have such "teenage tears" moment and like I always say : Thank God for tears! I think it's the best "letting go invention" ever created. And thank Jesus for associating tears with women....
Jadi dalam keputus asaan gw of my tiring life then yang bahkan buat tidur aja...the simplest thing a human can do....susah....kepikirlah gw that maybe this is a good time to write a song, you know ?
Those songs where the lyrics are close to this kind :
"Have you ever feel like giving up ? Where everything you wish to happen just never happen ? Where life just seems to go against you? And no one seems to struggle as hard as you? You feel so alone, as everyone else are standing just against you.
Well this is life. Shit happens, so just keep fighting on, coz you are not the only one fighting so hard just to hang on. Keep pressing on and you'll be amazed how much you can actually take on. And in the end you'll find yourself stronger, better, a fighter, and most importantly you are not alone in this fight you're fighting on. Things never happened without any good reason. And you'll finally see, there's a hero lies in you..uuu...uuu"
and blah ....blah.... blah....*text di atas bukanlah lagu yg sebenernya....hanya lampiasan marahan gw belaka*
You know ? Those songs ? Like : Hero by Mariah Carey, There can be miracle by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston, Stay the same by Joe Mac Intre (spelling need to be confirmed), and the most recent one : Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
Those songs that ask you to do just that : hang on, pressing on, fight on.... and for most of the time the conclusion of the song is YOU ARE STRONGER THAN WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE !!
And that night: I just want to say that those songs are really Bu**sh**s !! (marah neh ceritanya) Coz you know what ? No.... in the end I always find out that I'm not stronger than what I think am.... and No.... contrary to what you the songs says that every disappointment might make one person stronger, better, wad-ever.... they forgot to mention that they don't happen costless. There's full cost involved : scars in the heart, which seriously don't make you feel any better, if not tired .....and mostly....felt totally like up ! Fed up !!
So no, I'm not stronger or better, nor have I become a fighter !! And you know what ? I am alone (matter of factly....karena emang gw sendirian di kamar ).
So gw pikir, apa gw coba bangun and pen a song that says the truth that " Life's really suck sometimes ! And no, you're not getting stronger trust me" Kali aja gw bisa jadi song writer and reap up a fortune out of this ? Gw cukup yakin byk successful song writer jg started coz they have sucky life :P haha !! Yah perpaduan antara hyung hyung kecapean, mentally & physically, plus jam yg terus bergerak nearer to wake up time bikin gw mikir that I probably should write a different kind of song that says "I'm not strong enough".....sampe gw sadar lagi that.....there is such song :
"I know I'm not strong enough to be, everything that I'm supposed to be, I give up, I'm not strong enough..... Hand of mercy wont you cover me, Lord right now I'm asking you to be, strong enough, just strong enough, for the both of us"
Damn...there's goes my $$ !! haha !! And the song is well written and sounds super good writing song then. I decided to take warta BCS and read all the articles written....till past 2 am and I'm finally asleep..... so....there goes one of my sleepless night...
And I'm still not stronger, nor am I a better I will follow the song and rely on the hands of mercy to cover the imperfect me.
Now let's talk about sport...
Growing up, subject of sports doesn't really come close to my life. Yah bokap gw seh sll berusaha bikin gw jadi sporty through badminton dan yg lain2nya. Most probably coz badan gw yg cukup "bongsor" alias kata gendut, en pelajaran O.R (Olah Raga) di Indo is almost not fun. Ya mo gimana yak...maen Kasti gw takut kegebok, lari keliling SDK XII gw udah kayak Sapi di drag keliling Taman Safari, maen basket takut kena bola di kacamata gw yg minus 8 waktu itu, maen Volley tenaga gw kegedean tiap kali serve selalu keluar bolanya, sikap lilin, handstand, headstand gw kagak bisa.... dan yg lain lain lainnya dah. Gw cuman suka kl kita ambil nilai SKJ, ambil nilai modern dance (hebat yah Indo yg ginian masuk pelajaran olah raga), tiger roll, front roll back roll, and ambil nilai renang.
Yg paling gw sebel ? Apalagi kl bukan : ambil nilai lari !! Gila bete abish dah kl udah ini subject.... so who can ever tell that setelah 30 taon gw idup, gw suka bener lari sekarang, and the distance goes longer and longer ? Gw suka jalan... that's a fact... tapi run ? Not in my wildest dream :) Wad starts my hobby ? My company run last year...To be honest, wad happened last year was... I was quite surprised that I can finish that distance they set in less than 1 hour and I'm not that tired. From then on, gw coba untuk belajar jogging... and now I'm loving it...kinda addicted to running ...haha :P
Looking back, my fitness indeed has increased in the past 10 years ever since gw ditaroh di negara Singa ini. Mulai dari jadi dancer di BCS, then to be involved in musical dance followed by a series of dance classes (some are really life (and body & muscle) changing), to running now. Gw...sedikit nyesel that I'm only a little bit sporty di umur segini.....than dari kecil...but no time for regrets and nobody to blame. My father did his best to plan the interest on me, but .... well some ppl are late me :) ... so I promise myself... if one day gw punya a chance to have a family... I will make sure we are a SPORTY, DANCY, SINGY family !! Marooks haha :P
Lanjut to the third topic:
It's about perfect time ! I here believe that only God has a perfect timing for everything. It was proven again last week. Ceritanya ada seorang client yg terbang dari negara jauh yg beda time zone sama kita. Dia sampe di SG jam 3.50 PM sore. Dr jauh2 hari dia udah book mo ambil duit sebesar .....besar dah pokoknya....hihi :P Dia cuman di SG beberapa jem aja. Di hari yg sama jam 10 malem dia terbang out of SG. Jd waktu dia very limited en very mepet to our cashier's closing time which is 5 PM.
That day, gw monitor abis pesawat dia. Dia mendarat jam 3.45 PM, 5 mins earlier than scheduled. I'm crossing finger that dia bisa arrive on time. Gw call the cashier minta tolong mereka extend the closing time to wait for this client coz ini client terbang dr tempat yg jauuuhhh bener. So cashier kasih gw time limit jam 5.15 PM.
Jam 4.15 gw berhasil telpon sang client, en dia bilang dia udah di imigrasi (adooowww masih di imigrasi, padahal mendarat dari jam 3.45 PM). For the whole 45 mins sampe jam 5PM, gw beneran ga bisa concen kerja nungguin si client. In between telpon cashier nego nego jam bisa tetep 5.15 paling telat. Deket2 jam 5, gw mulai telponin lagi si client en guess wad ? No reception !!(bukan HP SG indeed). Non stop gw telpon dia sampe jam 5.10....ada kali 20 telp. Semua HP dia yg ada dr negara manapun gw telponin...en masih ga keangkat...seriously jantung gw udah lebih cepet daripada waktu nungguin roller coster di USS (padahal ga pernah ngantri si roller coaster emang....hihihih). By then gw udah bahasa roh aja, only God's miracle yg bisa bawa client gw sampe in 5 cuman mikir... wad can 5 minutes do right ?
5.14 PM, msh ga masuk HP nya !! OMG!! .... gw nyerah jg akhirnya, gw telpon Boss gw yg lagi cuti hamil, discuss gimana bagusnya kita handle this matter kl2 si client dateng jam 5.20 / 5.25 en kena rejected by the cashier.
While gw masih discussing, yg gw cukup yakin another minute has gone by,which mean itu udah jam 5.15 PM, tiba2 receptionist telp and THE CLIENT HAS ARRIVED !! TADAA !!! 5.15 PM. DOT !! PHEWWWWW !!!!! Wad can 5 minutes do ? It can change your life... just like 1 second can change the life of Korean fencing athlete in London 2012.
However, I'm also on a mixed feeling about it. On one side I'm fully relieved and thanking God, and amazed the He can answer on the RIGHT EXACT time. On another side I prayed that in my life He will not make me wait till 5.15 PM for all my struggles. My heart cant take it as it rather bears the fear of riding a roller coaster. Haha :P
However, I'm also on a mixed feeling about it. On one side I'm fully relieved and thanking God, and amazed the He can answer on the RIGHT EXACT time. On another side I prayed that in my life He will not make me wait till 5.15 PM for all my struggles. My heart cant take it as it rather bears the fear of riding a roller coaster. Haha :P
Now on Indonesia.
Jd tgl 17 kemaren ulang taon negara kite yg ke, 67 :) En tgl 18 kemaren ada acara di YRC, TLG Freshmen welcome. That day team PW nyanyi "Bagi bangsa ini, kami berdiri, dan membawa doa kami kepadaMU. Sesuatu yg besar, pasti terjadi, dan mengubahkan negeri kami. Hanya namaMu Tuhan ditinggikan, atas seluruh bumi"
You know I'm not the biggest fans/ devoter/ lover of Indonesia. Gw cukup tau kl at this point of time gua most probably ga akan balik untuk idup di Indo. Gw ga ngerti kenapa though, when I heard that song, I start to sob. Sobbing & praying for Indonesia, after 11 years. The last time I prayed & fasted for our country was on 2001. Since then, I kinda lost hope for our country. Feeling kinda distance. And I know that I never revived anymore hope for Indonesia.
But that evening I'm affirmed : there is hope for Indonesia, for our hope is in God and not in men. Lastly, I'm affirmed : deep down this heart can't never be taken away, from Indonesia. God bless my country !!
But that evening I'm affirmed : there is hope for Indonesia, for our hope is in God and not in men. Lastly, I'm affirmed : deep down this heart can't never be taken away, from Indonesia. God bless my country !!
So that's blah blah for last week...
Sekarang, time to show wad I do today :
Start with drinks. So gw mo coba bikin milk tea with earl gray tea + sugar + milk + ice, put them together to shaker, and tadaaaa....
The results. Yg kiri more earl gray, yg kanan more milk. Good ? Not really !! hahaha :) Ga boleh pake milk yg ini kayaknya, harus yg lebih creamy lagi. Tp ntar jadi teh tarik malah.. haha :) Good attempt indeed.
Sekarang about bersih2. So today, gw mo nyapu ngepel kamar. Here is my best friend when it comes to cleaning all the hairs on the floor. Jadi ini adalah roller buat bulu binatang yg dijual di IKEA. Bisa beli yang kayak ginian dimanapun benernya, just that gw tau yang di IKEA bisa di refill aja, and murah :P heheh. This is very useful for me along the week, to not only pick those hairfalls, but also the light dust yg suka terbang2 ga karuan. Jadi kamar gw terjaga bersih rapih ciamik

This is how you peel the sheet after use, to get a new sticky sheet.
And now, to clean the whole house, I will always start with this. This magiclean wiper can be found anywhere in NTUC. Harga sekitar 21 dollar and you can get the stick and 2 dry sheets & 2 wet sheets for trial. Sebelon gw mulai nyapu, I will always start my cleaning house routine with it, as it traps all the lightweight dust that will become a problem if I straight away start with the broom. Soalnya debu enteng itu bakalan terbang2 ga karuan kl kita langsung nyapu. And this stick, does magic to those dust, so waktu kita mulai nyapu, tinggal debu2 yang berat aja yg perlu disapu.
Hasil tangkepan debu satu rumah hari ini adalah sebagai berikut : (picture might be disturbing buat yg ga biasa bersih2)

When done, just take off the sheet from the stick, fold it, and throw it in the garbage bin :P
What I really like about this stick is that the mob itself is made of rubber. Jadi kl udah buang the dry sheets, you can wash the mob and dry it out.
And then, di sore hari gw maen2 make up. Mari gw pamerkan 22 sets of make up brush from coastal scents yg gw beli July kemaren kalo ga salah....apa Juni yah ? Somewhere dah...( time flies)....
Waktu kecil sih centil. Kayanya gw pernah bilang kan kl waktu kecil gw ga mo ke TK kl Mama gw ga mo beliin gw lipstick. When I was young, I really cant wait to wear make up every day when going out. Udah giliran malah MALESH abish :P ahhaha
I use this base, beli pas Dian dulu masih kerja di Luxasia. It was on sale, kl ga salah jadi 12 bucks deh.
The face after putting the above foundation only. Rambut masih basah en ga jelas.
Dan gw paling suka foto2 yang ini. Contrast cahayanya en kesan misteriousnya... (muji diri sendiri sebelon di comment)....
And so....there goes my busy monday holiday :)
Time to rest soon. Before that I'm gonna set myself another drink. U'll shall see the drink on next posting.
bombie {=^o^=}
Sunday, August 12, 2012
The difference
On China and other countries when it comes to winning medal...
is that ....even when I saw them winning gold medal on diving ....the coach and the swimmers were not smiling or dancing or taking their flag around....
when the Silver & Bronze medalist were screaming smiling partying celebrating
and when China win silver medal ...
they cried...
when the bronze medalist are dancing and swimming and jumping into the pool ...
hahahaha......this is sad for me...
If you remember one of the scene in Glee Season 3 early episode... Mike Chang got an A- in his chemistry test.
Guess what the father says ? "A- is an Asian F"
haha.....funny....and sad at the same time...
sad that sometimes......*if not everytime*... Chinese care so much about this "face" thingy... We don't get to celebrate when we are not the best.... the number one.....the world record maker...
haha....and why oh why am I born in such a race when I'm totally the non competitive, the no achiever...the "ai ya....big 3 is good enough lah....the process is what counts" ?
haha....hanya Tuhan yg tau...
haha....sedih gw buat the silver medalist....andai dia tau betapa special and jagonya dia :P
bombie {=^o^=}
is that ....even when I saw them winning gold medal on diving ....the coach and the swimmers were not smiling or dancing or taking their flag around....
when the Silver & Bronze medalist were screaming smiling partying celebrating
and when China win silver medal ...
they cried...
when the bronze medalist are dancing and swimming and jumping into the pool ...
hahahaha......this is sad for me...
If you remember one of the scene in Glee Season 3 early episode... Mike Chang got an A- in his chemistry test.
Guess what the father says ? "A- is an Asian F"
haha.....funny....and sad at the same time...
sad that sometimes......*if not everytime*... Chinese care so much about this "face" thingy... We don't get to celebrate when we are not the best.... the number one.....the world record maker...
haha....and why oh why am I born in such a race when I'm totally the non competitive, the no achiever...the "ai ya....big 3 is good enough lah....the process is what counts" ?
haha....hanya Tuhan yg tau...
haha....sedih gw buat the silver medalist....andai dia tau betapa special and jagonya dia :P
bombie {=^o^=}
Saturday, August 11, 2012
So.....2012 update
Let's start with what's close to my heart right now : OLYMPIC :)
Jadi gw cukup heran sm Olympic ini at the beginning karena, kok ga ada yg gembar gembor soal Olympic ini ? Kok kayak kurang hype gitu ? It's OLYMPIC my friend. Gw yg bukan sports maniac aja cukup very much excited hearing the word Olympic .... tp di tanggal opening Olympic which is 27 July, twitter gw lebih penuh sama Step up revolution punya premiere daripada Olympic opening :P
Then, luckily for a good companion in office, Xilin who is a sports maniac amped me up with lots of information on who to expect, what's happening, what's good and what not :) So kita kerjanya bahas olympic terus terusan ...en thanks for Olympics gw successfully kurang tidur coz keranjingan nonton sampe jam 1 malem ++.
Then, for this olympic...anehnya gw ga root for Indo or SG.... tp China or USA :P HAHAHAH :P soalnya 2 itu yg top player di atas so ... the game will be quite seru and it's mad to see the standard these 2 countries are setting. Gw jg suka Russia when it comes to gymnast ennn.....wad else : synchronise swimming
And now that the game is coming to an end, there's 2 things yg bisa gw simpulkan :
Gill pernah bilang kl she's a game person. Gill sukanya yg tanding, maen gitu. One on one or one group to one group. Karena itulah Praptanas berjaya di Bible Camp kemaren coz they are gamerz. They play very well... they are game. Dan....through this Olympic gw berhasil ambil kesimpulan kl gua : totally opposite :P HAHAHAH :P
Gw ga suka nonton yg game gitu, even though di dalemnya ada SG or Indo. Contoh: Badminton dulu .... dimana semua orang Indo kita berjaya dapetin gold medals, itu gw tonton karena bapak en emak gw dominate TV :P mereka maksa satu keluarga buat nonton :P selama nonton jantung gw naekkk turun lebih parah dari roller coaster. Kl menang, gw bahagia bener. Kl kalah, I'm more sad than the player. Krn itulah along the way gw cenderung nonton ke arah gymnast, diving (loncat indah), swimming, synchro swimming, athletic... apapun yg bukan game. I realize di olympic kl ini kl gw bener2 skip the game... :P
Now the second thing is : just when you thought you've seen it all, the fastest, the best, the most beautiful, the most agile.....there's always something better coming up. Sky is not the limit here... Universe is the limit I would say... dan gw di rumah cuman bisa melongo kayak kambing ompong ternganga nganga en do standing ovation tiap kali I saw sth amazing :P ahhaha :P gila ini orang2..
Mari kita lakukan some pale comparison: Jadi di taon ini Ieie & Vanya both has done their 10 K run. Ieie selesai 10K around 1 hour + dikit. Vanya sekitar 70 ? ga pernah 10K :p hahaha tapi for 6.4K gitu gw perlu sekitar 50 menit ...yup gw emang leletzz....
Those olympians : finish 3K in 10 Minutes... dan for 5 K ....mereka cuman butuh 15 menit !.... 15 MENIT sodara sodara !! dimana gw paling cuman 1.5 - 2K by then :P...gilaaa :P *nyembah*
Sekian olympic update gw... for those who miss it : go you tube Synchronise swimming by Spain, Rusia, China. Diving by China. Gymnast girls by USA. En malem ini sabtu August 11 midnite: jangan lupa nonton Brazil VS Mexico for soccer man final !!
That's all for now....till another 4 years to come :)
Let's start with what's close to my heart right now : OLYMPIC :)
Jadi gw cukup heran sm Olympic ini at the beginning karena, kok ga ada yg gembar gembor soal Olympic ini ? Kok kayak kurang hype gitu ? It's OLYMPIC my friend. Gw yg bukan sports maniac aja cukup very much excited hearing the word Olympic .... tp di tanggal opening Olympic which is 27 July, twitter gw lebih penuh sama Step up revolution punya premiere daripada Olympic opening :P
Then, luckily for a good companion in office, Xilin who is a sports maniac amped me up with lots of information on who to expect, what's happening, what's good and what not :) So kita kerjanya bahas olympic terus terusan ...en thanks for Olympics gw successfully kurang tidur coz keranjingan nonton sampe jam 1 malem ++.
Then, for this olympic...anehnya gw ga root for Indo or SG.... tp China or USA :P HAHAHAH :P soalnya 2 itu yg top player di atas so ... the game will be quite seru and it's mad to see the standard these 2 countries are setting. Gw jg suka Russia when it comes to gymnast ennn.....wad else : synchronise swimming
And now that the game is coming to an end, there's 2 things yg bisa gw simpulkan :
Gill pernah bilang kl she's a game person. Gill sukanya yg tanding, maen gitu. One on one or one group to one group. Karena itulah Praptanas berjaya di Bible Camp kemaren coz they are gamerz. They play very well... they are game. Dan....through this Olympic gw berhasil ambil kesimpulan kl gua : totally opposite :P HAHAHAH :P
Gw ga suka nonton yg game gitu, even though di dalemnya ada SG or Indo. Contoh: Badminton dulu .... dimana semua orang Indo kita berjaya dapetin gold medals, itu gw tonton karena bapak en emak gw dominate TV :P mereka maksa satu keluarga buat nonton :P selama nonton jantung gw naekkk turun lebih parah dari roller coaster. Kl menang, gw bahagia bener. Kl kalah, I'm more sad than the player. Krn itulah along the way gw cenderung nonton ke arah gymnast, diving (loncat indah), swimming, synchro swimming, athletic... apapun yg bukan game. I realize di olympic kl ini kl gw bener2 skip the game... :P
Now the second thing is : just when you thought you've seen it all, the fastest, the best, the most beautiful, the most agile.....there's always something better coming up. Sky is not the limit here... Universe is the limit I would say... dan gw di rumah cuman bisa melongo kayak kambing ompong ternganga nganga en do standing ovation tiap kali I saw sth amazing :P ahhaha :P gila ini orang2..
Mari kita lakukan some pale comparison: Jadi di taon ini Ieie & Vanya both has done their 10 K run. Ieie selesai 10K around 1 hour + dikit. Vanya sekitar 70 ? ga pernah 10K :p hahaha tapi for 6.4K gitu gw perlu sekitar 50 menit ...yup gw emang leletzz....
Those olympians : finish 3K in 10 Minutes... dan for 5 K ....mereka cuman butuh 15 menit !.... 15 MENIT sodara sodara !! dimana gw paling cuman 1.5 - 2K by then :P...gilaaa :P *nyembah*
Sekian olympic update gw... for those who miss it : go you tube Synchronise swimming by Spain, Rusia, China. Diving by China. Gymnast girls by USA. En malem ini sabtu August 11 midnite: jangan lupa nonton Brazil VS Mexico for soccer man final !!
That's all for now....till another 4 years to come :)
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