Saturday, August 11, 2012


So.....2012 update
Let's start with what's close to my heart right now : OLYMPIC :)
Jadi gw cukup heran sm Olympic ini at the beginning karena, kok ga ada yg gembar gembor soal Olympic ini ? Kok kayak kurang hype gitu ? It's OLYMPIC my friend. Gw yg bukan sports maniac aja cukup very much excited hearing the word Olympic .... tp di tanggal opening Olympic which is 27 July, twitter gw lebih penuh sama Step up revolution punya premiere daripada Olympic opening :P

Then, luckily for a good companion in office, Xilin who is a sports maniac amped me up with lots of information on who to expect, what's happening, what's good and what not :) So kita kerjanya bahas olympic terus terusan ...en thanks for Olympics gw successfully kurang tidur coz keranjingan nonton sampe jam 1 malem ++.

Then, for this olympic...anehnya gw ga root for Indo or SG.... tp China or USA :P HAHAHAH :P soalnya 2 itu yg top player di atas so ... the game will be quite seru and it's mad to see the standard these 2 countries are setting. Gw jg suka Russia when it comes to gymnast ennn.....wad else : synchronise swimming

And now that the game is coming to an end, there's 2 things yg bisa gw simpulkan :
Gill pernah bilang kl she's a game person. Gill sukanya yg tanding, maen gitu. One on one or one group to one group. Karena itulah Praptanas berjaya di Bible Camp kemaren coz they are gamerz. They play very well... they are game. Dan....through this Olympic gw berhasil ambil kesimpulan kl gua : totally opposite :P HAHAHAH :P
Gw ga suka nonton yg game gitu, even though di dalemnya ada SG or Indo. Contoh: Badminton dulu .... dimana semua orang Indo kita berjaya dapetin gold medals, itu gw tonton karena bapak en emak gw dominate TV :P mereka maksa satu keluarga buat nonton :P selama nonton jantung gw naekkk turun lebih parah dari roller coaster. Kl menang, gw bahagia bener. Kl kalah, I'm more sad than the player. Krn itulah along the way gw cenderung nonton ke arah gymnast, diving (loncat indah), swimming, synchro swimming, athletic... apapun yg bukan game. I realize di olympic kl ini kl gw bener2 skip the game... :P

Now the second thing is : just when you thought you've seen it all, the fastest, the best, the most beautiful, the most agile.....there's always something better coming up. Sky is not the limit here... Universe is the limit I would say... dan gw di rumah cuman bisa melongo kayak kambing ompong ternganga nganga en do standing ovation tiap kali I saw sth amazing :P ahhaha :P gila ini orang2..

Mari kita lakukan some pale comparison: Jadi di taon ini Ieie & Vanya both has done their 10 K run. Ieie selesai 10K around 1 hour + dikit. Vanya sekitar 70 ? ga pernah 10K :p hahaha tapi for 6.4K gitu gw perlu sekitar 50 menit ...yup gw emang leletzz....

Those olympians : finish 3K in 10 Minutes... dan for 5 K ....mereka cuman butuh 15 menit !.... 15 MENIT sodara sodara !! dimana gw paling cuman 1.5 - 2K by then :P...gilaaa :P *nyembah*

Sekian olympic update gw... for those who miss it : go you tube Synchronise swimming by Spain, Rusia, China.  Diving by China. Gymnast girls by USA. En malem ini sabtu August 11 midnite: jangan lupa nonton Brazil VS Mexico for soccer man final !!

That's all for now....till another 4 years to come :)

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