Sunday, August 12, 2012

The difference

On China and other countries when it comes to winning medal... 
is that ....even when I saw them winning gold medal on diving ....the coach and the swimmers were not smiling or dancing or taking their flag around.... 
when the Silver & Bronze medalist were screaming smiling partying celebrating

and when China win silver medal ... 
they cried... 
when the bronze medalist are dancing and swimming and jumping into the pool ... 

hahahaha......this is sad for me... 
If you remember one of the scene in Glee Season 3 early episode... Mike Chang got an A- in his chemistry test. 
Guess what the father says ? "A- is an Asian F" 

haha.....funny....and sad at the same time... 
sad that sometimes......*if not everytime*... Chinese care so much about this "face" thingy... We don't get to celebrate when we are not the best.... the number one.....the world record maker...

haha....and why oh why am I born in such a race when I'm totally the non competitive, the no achiever...the "ai ya....big 3 is good enough lah....the process is what counts" ? 

haha....hanya Tuhan yg tau...
haha....sedih gw buat the silver medalist....andai dia tau betapa special and jagonya dia :P 

bombie {=^o^=} 

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