So mari kita bahas per hastags
gw baru aja balik dari 2 minggu holiday dengan rute sebagai berikut :
3 - 8 Nov JKT
9 Nov SG
10 - 14 Nov HK
15- 16 Nov SG
17- 18 Nov Malacca
dan mendarat balik di SG 18 Nov...back to work today, and feeling so lost sampe2 gw sempet mimpi kl boss gw suruh gw cari kerjaan baru coz bakalan ada orang baru yg bakalan jadi atasan kita, and coz of that gw ga bisa dipromosiin :P so must as well cari kerjaan baru kata boss gw dalem mimpi
that aside, gw udah jalan2 for the last 2 weeks and it has been a very good round about Asia holiday....except for the fact that.....
*masuk ke 2nd hashtags
gitu gw balik Indo tgl Nov 3, gw udah officially : sakit.
Jadi pas gw balik Indo, gw seen in my previous posting bleeding. So kl udah dapet, cewek teh lemah.....lengkap sama capeknya gw after balik dari London en kejar office work and preparing buat the next round about trip....teparlah gw di Indo..
Biar kata foto instagram makanan indah semua, gw lost weight di Indo coz gw ga ngemil. Batuk parah, sampe tadinya mo ketemu Bayu jadi ga jadi juga...batuknya udah kayak kereta api. Parahnya lagi di Indo gw ga bisa belik obat gw yg ala Singapore so jadinya gw ga sembuh2. Tolak angin abisssh bisssh bissh ...sampe harus stock tolak angin yg baru.
gw udah kuatir aja gw ga bakal baek sampe di SG en lanjut HK....en betul sekali....walaupun puji Tuhan gw ga makin parah padahal super kurang tidur banget (jam 5 pagi gw dah sampe di Airport, on the day when we're flying to HK) plus all the nice food yg kita makan di hongkong itu definitely not throat friendly
and by the time gw selesai dari rolling around .... gw udah cukup recover dari sakit gw.....
tetep...kapok kl travel tapi sakit ah...
as we all know, well gw udah live independently alone for the past 12.5 years. Basically since gw move to Singapore lah yah... and I took that independence further and further.
Sama lah dulu gw layaknya ABG taon 2K (gila berasa nenek2 bgt dah gw), pertama kali gw masuk NUS ga bakal kebayang gw sanggup nonton sendirian di Bioskop, boro2 mikirin bisa travel around out from SG alone....pelan2 gw makin more daring and so the story goes
Dan kesimpulannya adalah, karena gw sering ngelakuin apa2 sendiri, basically gw jarang sharing things. Esp : sharing makanan....and that is what so refreshing about this trip....becoz for this trip, me & my troop ALWAYS share food, with a side note. That side note being : me getting my own cutleries set and got the food / drink last as I'm coughing badly :P heheheh :P
and...must I say : I LOVE SHARING...esp food. Kenapa ? Karena jujur...there are MANY times dimana gw ga sanggup abisin one set of food, en gw terpaksa harus tetep makan soalnya udah bayar satu set....
Sharing....esp just such joy. Terutama karena my troops jg makan sebanyak gw saja....if not slightly kita ga over eat, and kita ga under eat. Yg mereka ga bisa abisin, gw yg makan buat kenyangin gw :P And that makes this trip is very memorable for me coz beneran takeran sharing gw, my cousin Kaoru & Margie and my sis.... is just nice !! Perfect !! And by sharing, we always manage to taste more variety of food than eating alone.....also : size food gw jadi pas...setengah2 instead of full plate.....jadi gw ga makin gendut kl geto :)
Dan dari situlah gw jadi ngerti kenapa Gill selalu harus janjian dulu sama Raimond kl ngomongin makanan (biar bisa nyolong makanan partner :P heheheeh biar bisa sharing lah..... aw so cute.... hp anniversary btw)
And I really hope gw bakal be surrounded by more ppl yg willing to share and sepikir en sehati sm perut gw :) haha
and from this trip, we the cousins discover that we also share one same addition : OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Jadi kita cukup cleanliness kita make sure sepatu ga lewat dari certain line in the room. Then gw lanjut with wiping the floor with wet wipes in the evening. And all 4 of us, once we reach our room, park shoes, kita langsung cuci kaki en cuci tangan before going in to the room further. Then we use hotel slippers to move around the room.
Also, our normal daily routines remain : anything that has been used to go out of the Hotel room is not to be placed on the bed. So kl kita baru balik dari luar while nunggu bathing time, no one is to sit or touch the bed at all. Capek ? Sit on the floor !! I say this daily normal coz we practice this even in SG. Tiap kali pulang rumah, gw cuman slipin tas gw di kamar without even stepping into the room. Cuci kali dulu di kamar mandi, baru boleh masuk kamar. Same, nothing is to touch our bed, until we bathe.
haha :P en we were so happy to finally find girls/ people who understand this cleanliness level, only to find out that it's actually running around in our own family line all along :P HAHAHA :P en kita baru discover when we travel together
Then this OCD continue waktu kita ke Malacca. Tiap kali liat piring, sendok, garpu, kita wipe dulu sama tissue sampe bersih. Then tiap kali reach meja, first thing we do: take wet wipes and wipe wipe wipe all da way :P sampe2 Wing Kit, margie's hubby....was shocked when we have our first lunch. Sekali kita duduk, the next thing he saw is all 4 of us ambil tissue and lap lap lappppppp aja semua meja, piring ...en dia cuman duduk, shock, and stone...
and Margaret was so happy that Wing Kit got enlightened : this freakness run in the family....his wife is not the only freak around... haha
As for me : my signature cleanliness behavior, is whenever gw mo travel. What do you do before go travel ? Gw : gw make sure gw udah laundry semua baju en udah gw gantung di kamar, all setrikaan cleaned, and one day before I fly anywhere : gw harus make sure kl kamar gw di sapu & pel right before I fly off, so when I come back, ga bakal kotor2 banget en gw bisa do light cleaning pake wet wipes. Coz biasanya abis balik travel pasti i make sure i don't do anything extra...
That's exactly what I do before I went london kemaren. Pesawat gw jam 1 AM. Gw nyapu ngepel en do last round clean up from 9- 10 PM. Jam 10 gw istirahat bentar, en 10.15 baru mandi en siap2 ke airport :P and it's the same for all other trips...
and this ..... is the reason why gw suka kecapean before travel coz... on top of packing, I also got to do cleaning and laundrying....and the same goes when I touched down back in SG...
so for that gw conclude, much as I want to go for biz trip around the world, I don't think I can last...
or super jarang bolos ngepel kamar gw seminggu sekali (whenever I'm in SG) for the past 12.5 years gw di SG... it's less than itungan satu tangan alias 5 jari... karena gw bakalan so freak out kl kmr gw belon di pel / sapu seminggu sekali...jadi bete, mo marah, and felt like life is so not balanced :P
r u guys like that ? *Calling OCD friend out there
sekian.....laporan 4 hashtaghs saya malam ini
sorry for the jumping random topics
5 weeks to Xmas peeps !! JIA YOU !!
bombie {=^o^=}