Tuesday, November 20, 2012

#sharing #OCD #holiday #sick

Hashtags is in... Right ? 
So mari kita bahas per hastags

gw baru aja balik dari 2 minggu holiday dengan rute sebagai berikut : 
3 - 8 Nov JKT
9 Nov SG
10 - 14 Nov HK
15- 16 Nov SG
17- 18 Nov Malacca

dan mendarat balik di SG 18 Nov...back to work today, and feeling so lost sampe2 gw sempet mimpi kl  boss gw suruh gw cari kerjaan baru coz bakalan ada orang baru yg bakalan jadi atasan kita, and coz of that gw ga bisa dipromosiin :P so must as well cari kerjaan baru kata boss gw dalem mimpi

that aside, gw udah jalan2 for the last 2 weeks and it has been a very good round about Asia holiday....except for the fact that..... 

*masuk ke 2nd hashtags

gitu gw balik Indo tgl Nov 3, gw udah officially : sakit. 
Jadi pas gw balik Indo, gw dapet....as seen in my previous posting bleeding. So kl udah dapet, cewek teh lemah.....lengkap sama capeknya gw after balik dari London en kejar office work and preparing buat the next round about trip....teparlah gw di Indo..

Biar kata foto instagram makanan indah semua, gw lost weight di Indo coz gw ga ngemil. Batuk parah, sampe tadinya mo ketemu Bayu jadi ga jadi juga...batuknya udah kayak kereta api. Parahnya lagi di Indo gw ga bisa belik obat gw yg ala Singapore so jadinya gw ga sembuh2. Tolak angin abisssh bisssh bissh ...sampe harus stock tolak angin yg baru. 

gw udah kuatir aja gw ga bakal baek sampe di SG en lanjut HK....en betul sekali....walaupun puji Tuhan gw ga makin parah padahal super kurang tidur banget (jam 5 pagi gw dah sampe di Airport, on the day when we're flying to HK) plus all the nice food yg kita makan di hongkong itu definitely not throat friendly

and by the time gw selesai dari rolling around .... gw udah cukup recover dari sakit gw.....
tetep...kapok kl travel tapi sakit ah...

as we all know, well gw udah live independently alone for the past 12.5 years. Basically since gw move to Singapore lah yah... and I took that independence further and further. 
Sama lah dulu gw layaknya ABG taon 2K (gila berasa nenek2 bgt dah gw), pertama kali gw masuk NUS ...gw ga bakal kebayang gw sanggup nonton sendirian di Bioskop, boro2 mikirin bisa travel around out from SG alone....pelan2 gw makin more daring and so the story goes 

Dan kesimpulannya adalah, karena gw sering ngelakuin apa2 sendiri, basically gw jarang sharing things. Esp : sharing makanan....and that is what so refreshing about this trip....becoz for this trip, me & my troop ALWAYS share food, with a side note. That side note being : me getting my own cutleries set and got the food / drink last as I'm coughing badly :P heheheh :P 

and...must I say : I LOVE SHARING...esp food. Kenapa ? Karena jujur...there are MANY times dimana gw ga sanggup abisin one set of food, en gw terpaksa harus tetep makan soalnya udah bayar satu set.... 

Sharing....esp food...is just such joy. Terutama karena my troops jg makan sebanyak gw saja....if not slightly lesser.....so kita ga over eat, and kita ga under eat. Yg mereka ga bisa abisin, gw yg makan buat kenyangin gw :P And that makes this trip is very memorable for me coz beneran takeran sharing gw, my cousin Kaoru & Margie and my sis.... is just nice !! Perfect !! And by sharing, we always manage to taste more variety of food than eating alone.....also : size food gw jadi pas...setengah2 instead of full plate.....jadi gw ga makin gendut kl geto :)  

Dan dari situlah gw jadi ngerti kenapa Gill selalu harus janjian dulu sama Raimond kl ngomongin makanan (biar bisa nyolong makanan partner :P heheheeh biar bisa sharing lah..... aw so cute.... hp anniversary btw) 

And I really hope gw bakal be surrounded by more ppl yg willing to share and sepikir en sehati sm perut gw :) haha

and from this trip, we the cousins discover that we also share one same addition : OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Jadi kita cukup cleanliness freak...so kita make sure sepatu ga lewat dari certain line in the room. Then gw lanjut with wiping the floor with wet wipes in the evening. And all 4 of us, once we reach our room, park shoes, kita langsung cuci kaki en cuci tangan before going in to the room further. Then we use hotel slippers to move around the room. 

Also, our normal daily routines remain : anything that has been used to go out of the Hotel room is not to be placed on the bed. So kl kita baru balik dari luar while nunggu bathing time, no one is to sit or touch the bed at all. Capek ? Sit on the floor !! I say this daily normal coz we practice this even in SG. Tiap kali pulang rumah, gw cuman slipin tas gw di kamar without even stepping into the room. Cuci kali dulu di kamar mandi, baru boleh masuk kamar. Same, nothing is to touch our bed, until we bathe. 

haha :P en we were so happy to finally find girls/ people who understand this cleanliness level, only to find out that it's actually running around in our own family line all along :P HAHAHA :P en kita baru discover when we travel together 

Then this OCD continue waktu kita ke Malacca. Tiap kali liat piring, sendok, garpu, kita wipe dulu sama tissue sampe bersih. Then tiap kali reach meja, first thing we do: take wet wipes and wipe wipe wipe all da way :P sampe2 Wing Kit, margie's hubby....was shocked when we have our first lunch. Sekali kita duduk, the next thing he saw is all 4 of us ambil tissue and lap lap lappppppp aja semua meja, piring ...en dia cuman duduk, shock, and stone... 

and Margaret was so happy that Wing Kit got enlightened : this freakness run in the family....his wife is not the only freak around... haha

As for me : my signature cleanliness behavior, is whenever gw mo travel. What do you do before go travel ? Gw : gw make sure gw udah laundry semua baju en udah gw gantung di kamar, all setrikaan cleaned, and one day before I fly anywhere : gw harus make sure kl kamar gw di sapu & pel right before I fly off, so when I come back, ga bakal kotor2 banget en gw bisa do light cleaning pake wet wipes. Coz biasanya abis balik travel pasti capek....so i make sure i don't do anything extra... 

That's exactly what I do before I went london kemaren. Pesawat gw jam 1 AM. Gw nyapu ngepel en do last round clean up from 9- 10 PM. Jam 10 gw istirahat bentar, en 10.15 baru mandi en siap2 ke airport :P and it's the same for all other trips...

and this ..... is the reason why gw suka kecapean before travel coz... on top of packing, I also got to do cleaning and laundrying....and the same goes when I touched down back in SG...

so for that gw conclude, much as I want to go for biz trip around the world, I don't think I can last... 

or tepatnya....gw super jarang bolos ngepel kamar gw seminggu sekali (whenever I'm in SG) for the past 12.5 years gw di SG... it's less than itungan satu tangan alias 5 jari... karena gw bakalan so freak out kl kmr gw belon di pel / sapu seminggu sekali...jadi bete, mo marah, and felt like life is so not balanced :P 

r u guys like that ? *Calling OCD friend out there 

sekian.....laporan 4 hashtaghs saya malam ini
sorry for the jumping random topics 
5 weeks to Xmas peeps !! JIA YOU !!

bombie {=^o^=}

Thursday, November 8, 2012

London III end.

Kl Allah Bapa adalah Allah Tritunggal 
Pernikahan yg baik adalah pernikahan yg melibatkan suami, istri dan Roh Kudus (bukan mertua) 
Dan kalo KeTuhanan adalah yg maha Esa (ga nyambung Jek) 
Dan SMP en SMA hanya dihabiskan tiap 3 tahun saja.....
Dan Lord of the rings, Spiderman, Batman, all played in Trilogy

Maka posting soal London akan di akhiri di London III (epiloguenya panjang bener) 
Becoz 3 is a good number....karena itu semboyan yg bener di Singapore seharusnya adalah "3 anak cukup, dan sangat baik" 

heheheehheeh :) 

Anyway : London last part (karena gw ngejar pesawat balik ke SG soon) 

Day 6 
Rabu October 17' 2012
Hari dimana gw accomplish more than my target jalan2 hari itu (sehingga ada waktu extra di hari lain but shopping lagi... HAHHAHAHAH)
Today's menu : Trafalgar square, buckingham palace, ST. James Park, Big Ben, Parliament house, Westminster Abbey, jalan balik through westminster bridge to London eye, done everything by 6 PM way earlier than what I thought so I surprisingly can go to Tower Bridge and Tower of London which is suppose to be Day 7 itinerary.

Yah karena hari ini jalan2 doang mah, gw kasih foto aja yah :) Nothing much to say except : soaking in the beauty of bright sunny day in a wintery cold london with a wonderful view and  a very peaceful heart. 
Gw pulang early on this day, coz in the evening, it was raining heavily. Which is good, so I rest early and enjoy time di Hotel (super holiday lazying mode) 

Oh ini : King's cross station, tempat filming Harry Potter :) 

So now Day 7 : St Paul, Borough market and then shopping began :)
Yah hari ini gw masuk ke St Paul cathedral, which is famous buat tempat marriednya Prince Charles and Lady Di. Pertamanya gw pikir gw ga mo bayar masuk sampe dalem ah soalnya kemarennya gw masuk ke westminster abbey, en udah bayar GBP 16.00 pound buat masuk, liat2 en dapet phone guide gitu.

Nah : Westminster Abbey itu tempat weddingnya yah sapa lagi kl bukan Prince Will and Kate, yg rame2 kita tontonini di hari ulang taon David Chandra yg ke sa-chap (dan gw bolos rayain ulang taon David demi nonton kawinan ini) Nah kesan waktu nonton kawinan Will and Kate itu kayak Abbeynya panjangggggg bener. Pas datengin, lah udah cuman segini ? Kok di TV puanjang bener ? ashtaga :P 

Terus, kesan dari Westminster Abbey is : so dark !! En serem euy, gw ga ngerti gimana caranya suruh ibadah disana with banyak nyak nyak bener kuburan kelilingin ruangan ibadah. Saking banyaknya sampe katanya Abbey udah ga bisa dipake buat gali kuburan di bawah lagi (kl bodynya ditaroh di atas tanah en dibikin batu nisan yg cakep2 bener gitu rata2 yg nobleman : Kings, Queens, Lords), karena udah penuh bodynya di bawah, jadi ga bisa gali :P weuw.... sereemmm gw. Ada tuh 100 - 200 body orang terkenal disana ... 

So coming from there, gw mikir gw ga mo masuk en bayar St Paul deh ah. Eh tapi giliran udah sampe halaman depan, ngintip ngintip, tertarik jg gw masuk en bayar GBP 15.00 (murah 2 dollar SGD). Dan ternyata : St Paul jauuhhh uhhhh uhhhh lebih gede en lebih megah banding Abbey.  Lebih wuah gitu !! Lebarrrr and puanjannggggg bener (pantasan Charles & Diana married disana). plus kuburannya semua di lantai basement :) ahhahah :) Jadi ga serem :) ahhahhaha :) 

Terus pas di St Paul, kita bisa naek ke dome nya (kubahnya) yg rata2 ada total 560 ++ tangganya ke atas. Gw berenti di stop an ke dua : 389 anak tangga, kecapean, keringetan, en diketawain sama anak2 yg lagi study tour dari German kayaknya :) Some of them join me rest half way, bilang I company you. I'm tired too. Well thank you gw jawab. HAHHAHAH :)

Gw ga lanjut sampe paling atas pada dasarnya karena : ga sanggup en... seremh banget euy !! Itu gedung dari taon 1400an en gelap gitu :P mana tangganya sempit en kecil, mesti nunduk euy... kayak felem2 horror day !!!  En gw liat udah ga ada manusia yg mo lanjut ke lantai paling atas itu :P HAHHAHHAH :p masa gw sendiri ? Ga mikir 3 kali... turun grak !!

So abis gw jalanin si St. Paul, lanjutlah gw to my next destination : Borough's market !! Ternyata ini market yg gw SUKA BANGET !! Coz what's inside is aaaaalllllll food :) aaaaarrrrgggghhhh..... I should have discovered this place from day 1.  Gw ga pergi si borough ini dari awal2 soalnya on weekdays dia tutupnya cepet. Aih, this is the paradise of food I should have discovered earlier. So setelah beli hot dog, I make a promise that I will be back on Saturday before I fly back to SG ....ehuaheua :) karena gw mo makan English Pie and Paella :)

Finish Borough : gw lanjut with kejarin shopping list. Today's to do : oleh2 mode. Jadi gw lari ke Harrods, ke V&A, lalu ke Primark lagi :) heheheeh

Malemnya I finally manage to meet Boss Tanjaya Tan lah, mamanya, dedenya, en Lily. We had dinner at Gourmet Burger Kitchen.

Day 8 Friday : October 19' 12
Benernya this is shopping day. Tapi karena gw belon ke covent garden, gw sempetin ke Covent garden dulu. The name of Covent Garden is what made me decide to go London. Waktu Lily type the name Covent Garden,  my heart melts langsung : let's go !!! ahhaha :)

And bener ajah. Sampe sana, it is not a garden, it's a shopping mall yg open space kayak Bugis junction geto. Ada street performer yg juggle gergaji listrik yg bikin gw merem ga mo liat. Then as usual banyak yg jualan antics.

But the best (and the craziest part) of this covent Garden is, ada satu group kwartet (Violin, Cello, Bass, en....apa yah ? mending tanya Jojo...harusnya 2 violin seh)  3 cowok and satu cewek. Mereka perform di one corner, and mostly are songs yg popular classics jd bukan yg susah deep2 classic geto. Mereka perform  four seasons Vivaldi (bener ga Jo?) geto kl ga salah... en other songs as well... The good thing about them is, mereka perform sambil joget2 Irish gitu. So they are basically jumping around, gw kayak liat kurcaci2 and fairys2 dari negri dongeng nongol.

And I just spend 20 minutes looking and listening to them, soaking in the weather, the warmth, the english charm, and thanking God for a VERY GOOD RESTING period I've got from this holiday. Off course kasih duit jg. Ahhh, it just soothes my heart. The craziest part, is this. Ada satu waktu, 2 anak cewek kecil cute2 datengin mereka, mo ngasih duit. Mereka langsung berlutut dong di depan anak kecil itu. Terus gitu anak kecil itu balik ke mama dia orang, mereka ber 3 kejar anak kecilnya and they kneeled again and play in front of the children and the mom.

Percaya ga ? Gw nangis !!! Ah...gila, berasa bego di tengah Covent Garden liat Kwartet performance alone, nangis !!!

I cried : coz my heart says : Happiness, is this !! Happiness, is being able to breathe in the air, each moment we're alive, to experience one good warm Friday afternoon in Covent Garden, and be awed by small little kindness, naiveness, beautiful sceneries around. I'm happy ! And I cried because it doesn't take much to make me happy:) Just this, and I ... am ...truly ... happy (nah ini dah mo nangis lagi dunk)

Jujur : seumur umur gw travel ke US yg my dream land, I didn't get to cry the way I did in UK. Gw ga tau kesambet apa hari itu.... but that day make me think :

Selama ini kl ada temen pergi ke Europe, atau kl gw sendiri mo pergi kemana gitu, to my closest friends gw bakal nanya "do you want anything ?" Kl yg nanya closest friends yah, gw ga berasa itu beban buat find the stuffs and buy for them. Sometimes, gw malah feel cukup sedih kl mereka ga nitip. Contoh yg paling ga suka nitip is : Miss Gillian Sastra :P ahhaah :) Dia selalu, ga usah lah Bomb gapapa. Padahal gw tau dia suka banget Cath Kidston. El juga ga mo nitip apa2.

Gw so far nitip cuman ke Lydia sista waktu dia honeymoon ke Europe. Ampir nitip Shandy kemaren itu, tapi mikir resehnya, susahnya, ah kasian dah ga usah...

But from this trip, I learn to know the feeling of going there and buy it ourselves, which come with the experience of living in the land and breathe the air, eat their food, which seriously comes to nothing else, bahkan sampe kejadian sepet2 gw sama orang london pun, it's experience. Because there are still good people who smile at me, offer me to take pictures, offer the show me the road. The memory, is irreplaceable. Apapun yg kita beli pun jadi much more precious geto. Dan gw jadi ngerti napa Gill kl jalan2 ga belanja2, tp experience the land and the beauty. Which, mo di paparkan pake sejuta kata di blog pun, ga bisa dibandingin with the real experience :)

Dan karena itu udah hari Jumat, yg gw tutup dengan shopping lagi di Primark, kali ini gw udah punya strategi bener buat belanja di Primark (yg akan gw ceritakan laen kali).. dan Sabtunya gw jalan2 setengah hari sama Lily ke Borough market (makan Paella and English Pie), terus jalan2 ke Oxford Street, Fortnum and Mason en balik ke Covent Garden lagi before finally setting off to fly back .....

maka dari itu, postingan London gw jg kelar. Foto2 lengkap bisa diliat di Facebook :) Comment gw jg di facebook.

Terima kasih atas kesediaan sodara2 sekalian to bear with me with my London TRILOGY ;) next destination : Hongkong starting from 5 AM tmrw morning :P urrrgghhhh

footnote : catetan kaki
Gw ga tau napa, tiap malem di London gw kerjanya cuci underwear terus2. Sampe2 gw beli deterjen di London demi cuci2 :P AHHAHA :) padahal gw ga keabisan underwear.

Terus jg, Tune Hotel itu ruangannya emang ga gede2 banget. Tp in half an hour gw sampe, udah gw sulap ruangannya, sampe gw pindahin mejanya, biar jadi sesuai hati gw :P Jadi berasa kayak kamar sendiri geto :P HAHAHAH :)

Done :)
London : I WILL BE BACK and paint the town Red !!
This time around, I'm ready with your rudeness though :) hahaha

bombie {=^o^=}

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

London II

My time in Indo is limited so mari kita lanjut cerita si Londie (panggilan sayang Owen buat London)

Day 3: Notting Hill, Shopping, Hillsong London (meet Lily) and spend the evening with Lily:)

So pagi2 gw berangkat ke Notting Hill buat ke Portobello Market.
If you read all London travel guide book, they always recommend a visit to their market. And Portobello Road Market is one of it, especially somewhere in summer annually, dimana ada Notting Hill festival. Lily pergi ke festival itu. Jalanannya kecil geto tapi festivalnya ruameeeeee abbbbbiiiiisssshhhh Lily bilang.

Pas gw dateng ga ada festival itu. Tapi barang2 yg mereka jual tetep interesting. Banyakkk banget antics, yg kl emang kita tinggal disana, pasti abis deh duit borongin keramic Teh atau bungkusan bantal yg so pretty, so vintage, and so classic. Banyak barang anticnya itu perkakas rumah, jadi ga bisa dibeli. Ngeliatin aja sambil ngeceshhh......

Portobello market itu panjang, yah ada lah 1.5 nya gank kelinci. Gw jalanin market2nya all da way sampe mentok in the hopes of finding some food on the way, which I did, but only right at the very very end, and gw dah kelapheran :P So I grab anything I can eat. Pesto ball lagi :) Terus, gw jalan balik lawan arah buat cabut for the next destination (honestly, rata2 semua tempat yg gw pergiin di London itu erm.....sizenya agak2 slightly smaller compare to US yg kayak...HAH ?? Masih ada lagi ??? sementara di London....hah ? Udah neh ? Weeeehhhh masih bisa ke tempat laen dunks) Pas cabut pulanks, mulailah gw belanja... ehheeh:) Belanja kaos london, tas notting hill, terus karena gw masih laper belilah gw Nutella Banana Crepes yg harganya 4.5 P (9 dollar SGD bok).. mahal tapi enak anget2....

Lalu, coz I still have time, masih jam 2.30 geto...gw decide to go to the shopping paradise....Oxford Street. Awalnya gw ga tau kl Oxford street itu kayak HEAVEN, sampe gw keluar dari stationnya en melongoooo.... Topman, Topshop, H&M, River Island, Dorothy Perkins, Zara....yg gede2 semua tokonya nangkring di muka gw.....jaw gw drop !! 2.30 en jam 5.30 gw mo ketemu Lily, mana sempet ini ?

So langsung gw hajar seadanya liat2....sambil cari jalan ke Tottenham Court Road where Hillsong Church is. I spent a long time di RiverIsland....coba berulang ulang...en come out with.... haha.....with NOTHING :P Ga tau napa gw ga jadi beli...terus jalanlah gw cari sign Primark, karena kata Lily ...this is what I should be looking for. Gw liat ada yg pegang kantongnya..gw tanya dia....follow her sign en Tadaaaaa ....ketemu Primark.

By then udah jam 5, karena Primark deket sama Hillsong, sebrang sebrangan doang...gw liat2 sampe jam 5. Kepikiran to just grab and pay first coz pasti ada return policy di Primark, en karena gw udah keburu SHOCK liat harga en potongan dia yg...OMG !! Murah en bagush and.... mad dah.

Nah, kl udah baca blog gw, tolong di google Primark !! and be awed !! be amazed !! be shocked and be surprised at this brand !! Gila murah and bagusnya !! Forever 21 and H&M is fully knocked out by this !! Testimony, please ask Elrica :) ahahha

Gw ga sempet beli apa2 that day, I'm only making a promise that I'll be back !!!

Terus ketemulah gw sama Lily, right before the service starts. Masuklah kita ke Dominion Theater and I had some awesome time in Hillsong. Awalnya gw beneran takut canggung banget soalnya, gw bukan anggota PW so otomatis gw ga updated with Hillsong's song. But God and His presence is the same where ever, when ever, how ever and what ever. I was soaking in the beauty of the Praise and Worship. En mereka nyanyi Cornerstone. Malemnya pas gw check email, ada email dari BCS PW suruh pelajarin lagu baru from Hillsong : Cornerstone :P ehehheeh :)

Abis dari Hillsong, gw dinner sama Lily @ Chinatown. Awalnya mo makan this chinese noodle, yg taunya udah tutup, so we moved to Vietnamese Pho. And it's nice :)  Even nicer for the fact that Lily ngotot bayarin gw :P Thank you Ly.

Then kita mo cari drinks, but most shops are getting closed. We only manage to find this Italian place yg penuh with so many Italian chefs. They even speak Italian all across the restaurant. Me en Lily order tea and coffee and one cake to share. And we talk till they are closing :)

Lalu pulanglah gw dan Lily. And surprisingly, Lily ga biasa naek Tube. Dia lbh familiar with Bus. So karena gw naek Tube, gw yg jelasin ke Lily gimana caranya to go back to her station : Barbican.

Day 4: The British Museum, Hyde Park (pass by Kensington Park), Royal Albert House, Royal school of music, Harrods

For this days, gw have nothing much to say. The point is all up there. ahhahah :)So I just let the pictures do the talking :) 

Semua di atas are British museum Pictures 

 The one and only phone booth that I used in London. 

 Harrods bags :) some has nicely landed in my relatives hands.

Then malemnya I had dinner with Lily karena gw finish early and she can meet up :) Kita makan di Pizza express. Abis itu she brought me to this gem, rooftop where St Paul's dome is like just right in front of your eyes. The view is simply amazing. Kata Lily ini tempat dia and Boss Tan merenung, just looking at the view.   

So Day 4, Monday October 15' 2012 is over. 

Nothing much to tell on Day 6 October 16' 2012, no photo also, because that's my SHOPPING DAY !!! AHHAAHHAAH :) jadi yah sodara2.... next time saya lanjut, will be day 7 :) 

sekian London part II. 

bombie {=^o^=}