Wednesday, April 9, 2008

antara aku, kau, dia, dengan - nya can be really a joker

First, there were me and him
my heart goes out to him till it hurt so bad
then there you were, standing all along beside me
and so you join me in fighting him..
guess wad ? You win...

then there was she
a company of him .. growing closer to me
I push her out of my picture...for sometimes it bothers me too much to care
my bad... or my luck ? I can't say...

so now that you win...
and he and she are out of our dreams...
I thot I'll be happy... juz thots

yet out of no where, he returned again..
this time around...he shake ur presence...
in fighting him....I pull your help unknowingly...
in fighting you......he push his help...unwillingly...

but it's all my selfishness...
as long as I am saved....
coz both of you...are never actually aware that you guys are in the fight...
sorry guys....this I say : my bad..... but seriously : u both loose nothing
only me...shattered :P

then in this final battle.... he draw her back in the picture...
wow ? ... is this all a joke ? coz I saw it as it is..
and in his view.......our story is a joke too...
how painful is that ? when all is real to me......
the sorrow, the fight, the tears, the years I wasted...
and I have not settle it right with u....
these ....are all jokes right ? I wish....

antara aku, kau, dia, dengan-nya...
sudah seharusnya ga ada apa apa...
sudah saatnya tuk lupakan saja..
dan kita melangkah hadapi dunia
yg penuh tanda tanya....
kan apa yg terjadi dengan cerita kita
yg benernya.... biasa aja
cuman penuh bumbu en merica...
diselipi tawa dan air mata
serta seruan yg kadang ceria
namun tak jarang penuh derita

antar aku, kau, dia, dengan-nya
semoga cepet endingnya
and finaly biar kita baik2 aja...
sampai selama lamanya...

bombie {=^o^=}

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