Sunday, April 3, 2011

the beginning of a new decade

Jadi ulang taon gua minggu lalu went like this:

Kamis March 24:
never thot of this. Tp my colleague had a surprise for me.
So intinya gua dibawa ke lunch sama my usual lunch partner Alice. Jadi gua ga suspect apa2 waktu mo nge lunch, even though tumben2an dia mo makan Pasta di Riccotti bareng gua. Biasanya mah susah bener ajak dia makan bule di tempat yg agak sedikit lebih mahal just for lunch only seh.

En wkt nyari tempat duduk, gua heran napa dia belok ke dalem padahal di luar banyak seats. Taunya pas gua ikutan belok, masuk ke dalem, a total of 4 friends have waited for me there. They are a mixed of my closest colleagues throughout my 7 years, yg masih lasted in our team..

It was quite a nice surprise, the fact that susah buat gua to imagine gathering them altogether buat duduk & makan bareng. Each are close to me, tapi kl digabung, well.. ga smua cocok lah. So to see them gather together...yah.. seneng lah yah :P

Then Jumat March 25
I was on leave. So I decided for lil journey to the west : homey NUS. Took train to harborfront, naek 143 dari sana, berenti di Fong Seng, beli Ice Milo, passed by Eusoff hall, jalan towards Arts from LT 13, all the way ke Arts canteen yg udah kena Reno, langsung head straight to laksa stall and order as much as I want (9 Item laksa with rice) for just : guess !! 2.7 Dollar !!

Gilee kan murahnya. Abis makan, jalan2 along Arts fac towards Central Library. Sepanjang jalan lg ada bazaar so iseng2 gua beli stuffs that you cant find to be so cheap outside.

Then I landed at CO-OP :) And beli lagi barang2 yg gua suka dari CO-OP: Food :) hahahha :) And then I head home to prepare dinner :) Friday nite, sacred society gather di rumah gua for eat pray love session.

and pass midnite : gua minta sama membersnya especially not to buy cake. Just pray for me will do karena gua akan masuk denial mode kl gua udah.....well .. u noe lah berapa :P

Saturday March 26
The deadline. Wake up, gua change my mind from going to message appointment jam 10.30 yg ga bisa gua datengin on time. Gua cancel appointment gua, terus gua decide to catch a movie to NEX at 10.45 AM. Kosong :) happy :)

I watched Morning Glory. Review says it's not good. But, I cried and I enjoyed the movie so much :) Coz: it filmed in New York, and I love TV. So a movie about TV business is definitely interesting :) Lesson learnt : review doesn't always count as a good gauge.

Selesai nonton gua lanjut ke Kenko Spa di Esplanade. Did a full treatment that tooks 2.5 hours. By 5, gua selesai feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

Then..gua bingung mo kemana :) Yg pasti gua mo ke Orchard. So gua harus naek bus dong dari Esplanade? nah di saat seperti itulah, fate brought me back to where I should be : ohgs !!

bus 36 berenti di depan mata gua at esplanade bus stop exactly when I stepped into it. Sampe di dhobby ghout, tiba2 naeklah Mooya yg nyapa gua kenceng2 : Ci...Happy Birthday !!
Satu bus ngeliat..... sutralah =P ahhahaha :P

Then gua denger dr Mooya kl hari itu yg khotbah : Chris Long. Wuih, sutralah. Destiny brought me to OHGS for a good time. Coz rencana awalnya gua ga bakalan visit OHGS at all.

Sampe di OHGS, ketemu Gill, Raimond, Ieie, Menthol, de el el yg nyalamin gua.
Terus cabut ke Tony Romas sebrangnya OHGS for a jolly good time with my family :) Dinner, lalu pulang.

There... how I spent a good 2 days of celebracion.

Another surprise on Sunday : a gift from TLG Danz-ers
Thanks Girls... Pasti gua pake soon hadiahnya en show it to you girls :) ahueauhe

i'm 30

bombie {=^o^=}


Pinkbuble said...

ah talking abt ur sms lu dr jakarta..and gez wut..nomor lu di hape gw ga pake +65..mana nyampe yah bomb???

bombie {=^o^=} said...

send again El