Monday, May 3, 2010

On maturity and singleness

hahahaha...I've read all the comments on my previous blog and I kept laughing.
Seriously why do all of you want to stay young so much ?

Surely, we love our tighter skin, youthfull strength & energy. But to say that I make a better decision when I was young, well....

And why do I appreciate maturity ? Coz it's not easy to attain it, and it's only received by those who learnt to let go.

Let's admit this: we were once so naive when we are that young. I made lots of bad, rush decision. We thought we know everything and so ready to take the world. Well...we are not.

But that's not to blame as we have not known as much then. And that's the tough key part of being mature. Having to know too much info, been there done that seen all, yet having to keep the childlike faith, keep hoping for the best, and dreaming for dreams just to swallow another day coming by, knowing time is no longer on your side........let's admit is tough...

It's definitely not for babies and teen. This game called life can only be won by adults.
And yesh, I love to say that I'm an adult, happy to embrace my maturity (and the lines drawn on my face...) and I'm still a one person who got so so much to learn:)

So friends, the sooner we embrace this maturity, the sooner will be for us to reach our goals :) 21 dont rock in my world:)

Tapi sekarang mungkin saatnya gua jadi anak kecil lagi ;) Or at least gua akuin kl gua ga pernah dewasa dalam hal ini :P
Kemaren malem di channel 5 ada acara yg namanya Singapore Talking. Topicnya: is marriage for you.

Yg nonton gua and Depot. Pertama tamanya menarik, lama2nya makin nyebelin. It seems that there's always these wrong conceptions on single woman, or singles mostly.

Which is : satu judgment yg bilang kl kita2 yg single itu kurang usaha buat jadi ga single. Gua plg ga tahan with this judgement. Apalagi kl selanjutnya dibilang kita choosey. Adoh.. seakan satu belati ga cukup, dateng dua. Bagai ditusuk didepan, en digorok dari belakang... erm...kejam yah perumpamaannya ? heheheeh :)

Mari kita bahas : kita2 kurang usaha buat dapetin pasangan. Okie, men & women being equal, coba dipikir: kl cowok demen ngejarin cewek, dibilang buaya cap kacang. Kl cewek rajin ngejarin cowok, dibilang buayi kegatelan. Kurang usaha ? Kl boleh gua tanya, apa seh usaha orang2 yg udah jadian or married sekarang, buat akhirnya dapet pasangan ? Jujur ajah deh, so far dari temen2 yg gua kenal, belon gua denger tuh yg sampe pergi ke biro jodoh, or clubbing, or ke China, or Vietnam buat cari jodoh.

Everything happen just like in other ordinary days, it's just that their times happen faster than us who are still single till now. So tell me, apa gua salah kl gua jg pengen cerita cinta gua suatu hari terjadi sebagaimana terjadinya di teman2 gua ? With faithfull prayer and wishes, coming true ? instead of gua ke Gunung Kawi minta wangsit ? Or ke China cari groom ? What is it that make us so different that we have to fight, search, pay 1000 over dollar a year ( oh yeah someone told me that's how much u pay for membership at "makan siang sebenernya" ) to get hooked on ? Our sin or what ? Was it ever wrong for me if I just wanna be another of my friends who does it the old fashion way ?

Terus, next judgement, kita choosey. Mari kita refer balik ke kasus temen2 gua. Apa waktu mereka married or cari pacar, mereka ga set certain criteria dari pendamping idaman mereka ? Gua rasa kita semua iyah makanya kita pernah end up being broken hearted or ...mungkin pernah broke ppl's heart too. I hope they can differrentiate between choosey and demanding.

Guess we have to be choosey dalam tahap pencarian kl emang kita ga mo end up with the wrong person. But we should, and ought not be demanding, before and after marriage. Ini opini pribadi gua, tapi gua tau kl alkitab jg udah set the base for us to be choosy, karena alkitab udah menganjurkan kita untuk memilih....memilih dengan yg seiman, sepadan, dan yg memang udah didoakan dan disiapkan Tuhan. Bukan ala kopi tubruk.

Tapi alkitab ga pernah bilang kl Tuhan adalah waiter yg terima order pasangan idaman. That's when we turn from selectively choosy to demandingly choosy.

Nuff said, semoga posting ini bisa menjauhkan semua prejudice yg pernah dijatuhkan dengan salah sama kita kita yg masih single. Terutama sama kita kita yg sadar dengan sangat baik on our life choices that has made us stay single till this date, and never regreting every single steps of broken hearts that we have embraced and every chance on love we have took on, and still...... please remember this... STILLL : being so happy about this beautiful single life and still keeping an open heart and mind for the answered prayer to arrive anytime.

Now try to be in our singles shoes, or at least my shoes who has never been into any relationship till date, and still keeping that amount of faith. Tell me if it's easy to do what we are doing right now. It's certainly not. But we are ....still so happy :)

Coz seriously, you don't want me to brag about the freedom and independence that we singles have. Now that's my bragging rights and...I'll keep it for now coz I do not want to ruin ppl's happy couple life :)

bombie {=^o^=}

1 comment:

gillsunshine said...

haha alesan gw mau forever young soalnya biar masih boleh ikutan gadis sampul, bomb ;)masih penasaran gw pengen ikut gadis sampul hahaha ;))

gw setuju banget soal harus choosey!!
hidup choosey! :)