Sunday, March 1, 2009

He's just not that into me

watch it last week

It's a line that I have understand for the longest time.

Yet it takes one guy, one Sex and the City scene, and finally a book.
To make all the ppl
who have comforted girls in love by saying things like as if guys have hidden meaning when they act/ react badly towards the girls feelings for them, when actually the guys, meant exactly what they do
realize what they say to the girls, is wrong.

I've read the book in Uni days. It's not a WOW eye opener. It's just something that confirms me that we shouln't try to say nice things to comfort a girl in love,
when what she needed is a painful crush of a needle called truth, sewn deeply into her heart. Might be painful for a while, but this needle is what keeps the heart from breaking apart in the long term by the sweetness of lies that rottens her heart, stopping it from hoping, wishing, and keeps on believing.

It's just right. Those not into you, are just not worth the time and tears.
Save it for the right one who will really be so much into you, undeniably, undoubtly, unquestionably, unconditionally.
And never ever think you are one of the exceptional, till times prove that you are.

He's (they were) just not that into me. And all is and were fine :)

bombie {=^o^=}

1 comment:

Jenita Darmento said...

mari cari laki2 yg into us..! ahhahahahahaha..