Thursday, March 19, 2009


This week... particularly
I've heard that sentence many many times..
"u look really tired, better go get some rest"

I wasn't feeling that tired actually..
but then....I'm on MC for 2 days now...
new record, just 3 mths into 2009 and I have taken total 3 days MC
while last year, I took just 0.5 day....I felt so bad :P

And the worst is this morning.
After plenty of sleep yesterday... I wake up hoping I can go to work..
I was preparing my breakfast when I suddenly felt the world spinning around....
My eye sight getting blur en blur... and tadaaa...
I know that it was symptomps of me going to pass out soon..

So I quickly settled my breakfast preparation
Run to my bed room in 2nd storey...
and sleep my way out...

heh :P... Strange..
words have power
Even when I rejected the MC for today, my doctor said: Well I just give you 2 days MC just in case....okay ?

Somebody pls say " You look very fresh bie... and u loose weight *try my luck*"
and I'll say amen to that....and it shall happen...

bombie {=^o^=}


Grady said...

Bie, Seger'an! :D gih olah raga biar keliatan capek dikit :D

wei said...

You look very fresh bie... and u lose weight hhehehe