Tuesday, March 31, 2009

life is good

You called today, and you asked how's life
my answer : life is good

To my surprise, you were surprised by my answer. I asked you why ?
You said: sounds too optimistic. Most of the answer you heard, is not that good.
I wonder if you have associated with my girlfriend who always look at the glass as three quarter empty when it's actually half full.

Anyway you went on to question whether I'm saying it for real by asking me the ultimate question: "Are you attached?"

"No I am not but what's that got to do with my life being bad or good? Yah, my life is good currently, or so far it has been good anyway. At least, I dont get cheated like last year, I still have my job thank God, my parents are happy, my sis doing okay, I have a 5 weddings to do and I'm really looking forward for TLG musical.....perhaps I'll reward myself with a bonus trip at the end of the year... why should I say my life's not good now?"

yup...life is good, and I'm happy that out of my consciousness, I said that FOR REAL :)

bombie {=^o^=}
gratefull for all the food indulgence and the happiness granted for my birthday week that lasted me till now.

btw: you forgot my birthday..... for the first time ever ...


Grady said...

Life is Good.. :) jd ikutan seneng baca nya :)
and YES, gw gk termasuk orang yg lu ketik di note terakhir yg "btw" hehe...
GBU bombie...

SupiQue said...

well... happy birthday then ... hahaha...

life is good... I love that also... :)

bombie {=^o^=} said...

ahuehaheuauhue Gradyyy grady :)

cepat kembali :) Life is indeed good Grad :) coz God is good :)

Thank youuuuuuuuuu :)

the PS is not referring to you :)
it's for someone whom for whatever reason, will nv even noe this blog existed...

bombie {=^o^=}

sista said...

ooooo icic.. hehe.. hope he remembered dech..