Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pro pe si kl kata hendro

So here i am
nunggu lagi
sampe step up 3 mulai

i wanna talk abt yesterday service
Prophets Diana Frost came and prophecy to each and everyone of us
blh tanya El en Gill apa prophecy mereka msg2... Seru dah

apa yg dia prophecy on me ? Here they are:
some of the things in your life have not happened the way you wantes them to happen
but it's all right, you don't need to be ashamed. Coz you are well covered by His

You will continue to reach out, guide and protect those who need you so that they will not faced the same hurt you faced.
You will continue to transform life. Be ready for God...


puas ? Ga puas ?
Ga tau deh... Campur aduk my feeling.
Sepanjang ngantri.. I have been asking holy spirit to be specific...
I'm in the place of questions... Junction.. I... am lost

i need some kind of yes or no.. Or specific profession to be mentioned or.. At least just one clear big arrow to somewhere somehow..
Throughout my life i felt God has loved me so much.. So much that He gave me sooooo much of free will and freedom
that i'm now lost on that specific matters... Specialized...

Ah.. Ga tau
lost... I'm lost....

Anyway: kl kalian liat gw El en Gill pas lg ibadah
udah kayak samudra di blkg....
Tissue segunung cengungukan..
Yg di prophecy org lain yg nangis kita....
Jreng jreng..

Selamat buat Hendro yg bkl punya anak 4
El yg punya anak segudang ( orphanage )
arip yg bkl naek mobil kuning batman
becky yg bkl jd chef
felix yg bkl break bricks
raymond yg ikutan olympics
gill yg buka creatip business
yoan yg bakal married to a preacher
willy yg bakal jd preacher
ieie yg bakal keliling dunia, jadi protector, a humble man, never be rejected anymore, and there will be book written about him.
Nadya yg bkl jadi designer
amanda ownly yg bkl jadi istri yg baik
nchep yg bakal lanjut ke second degree, lay hands on sick and be healed
ika yg has been called from her mothers womb
phanie yg bkl jadi nurse
venny yg jadi missionary
sherly off course dancer
jenita who has beautiful eyes and is very important in God eyes
jenny yg a walking sign board for God
stephen yg jd politician
jojo yg preach in front of thousand
hendry yg musically talented
alben yg bkl balik bandung
philip yg such a fun cool dude
kenny & cipto.... Wealthy businesman & woman..

byk yg msh belon gua sebutin but thats all for now..
Congratz guys.. Daku ngiri... Hehehehe
u guys are given specific prophecy...

bombie {=^o^=}

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