Saturday, August 14, 2010

su tress to my max

Gua stress
dan gua tau blogging is one good way to let it out....

haih...kerjaan .....
beneran ...there are times in office dimana gua ngerasa: what in the world did I think when I decide to reward myself with this job ?

seriously...kadang kl gua lagi super mellow, gua beneran ga bisa maafin diri gua sendiri to allow myself undergoing such a pressure, wasting my time with no....well....outstanding achievement....and even worst....let it go for so long....

okie...gua ga mo jadi ungrateful ppl yg ga count my blessings coz gua tau kerjaan ini udah kasih gua reward sedemikian banyaknya :
1> jalan2 gua ke Korea Bangkok China States
2> promotion reward
3> gaji bagus
4> taka Voucher segudang
5> segala macem hadiah fantastic dari boss2.... yg ga bisa gua sebutin disini
6> mereka bayarin ongkos dokter muka gua, dokter gigi gua, softlens gua, sampe ongkos dokter bonyok gua jg ditanggung..... , insurance, fitness, kacamata...dan lain lain nya
7> dan recently.... percaya ga percaya : gua baru tau kl mereka jg bayarin tiket pesawat gua kemana aja, ongkos hotel tinggal buat jalan2, sampe dance lesson jg boleh claim...

Yah ...I know you must be thinking ...gua gila buat ngomel2 untuk kerja di perusahaan yg demikian WOW nya....
Emang kadang gua jg mikir gua ini so ungratefull.... which is why gua masih tinggal....en tinggal...en tinggal...

tapi kl sepanjang taon ini ....gua ngerasa gua selalu butuh tempat pengeluaran buat semua stress yg gua adepin di kerjaan.....
apa yah masih sehat ? kl gua udah snep di kantor... bisa berasa loh yg namanya tekenan darah...slowly naek ..naek..naek...sampe kepala pushing mo DHUAR rasanya..

di kantor gua taon ini ....udah banyak fellow soldiers gua (colleague lah) yg berguguran..
3 berenti.....satu on the way buat pindah department.
sampe highlight of the moment : temen gua yg mo pindah department ini lari ke WC setelah banting telepon, sambil nangis bercucuran..... drama right ? padahal sebentarrrrrrrrrr lagi.....dia udah ga bakalan ngadepin semua nonsense ini......

tapi waktu gua liat dia lari, I know exactly what she felt...
gua ga pernah lari....tapi gua sering jalan cepet....tundukin kepala...sampe WC...dhuar.... nangis !! sepuasnyaaaaa......thats the only way buat loe dapetin new strength buat another battle lagi....
this kind of cries happens lots dari taon 2004...sampe 2010 now...

en akibat dari tangisan kayak gitu...biasanya dompet kasian jadi korban...jadi agak2 kebakar dikit...

Taon ini...waktu sebuah tangisan terjadi... dalam waktu 3 jam kedepan nya gua decide to go to starhub buat dapetin Iphone berapapaun harganya, berapapun lamanya gua harus nunggu.... just to menghibur diri gua (yg notabene berhasil dengan baik.... Iphone udah jadi pelepas stress gua so far)

di spanjang taon ini gua udah mikir buat take sudden cuti buat ngelariin diri ke Bali, zimbabwe, ato kutub utara..... just to run away... and de stress...
kl ini kejadian....gua ga mo kasih tau sapapun gua kemana..... gua cuman butuh being alone... diam dan merenung.....

and another one....udah jelas banget gua gemukan kan taon ini ? jangan salahin yg lain....gua tau the main cause... bukan patah hati gua...karena gua ga patah hati taon ini....bukan masalah keluarga...karena gua tau no matter wad happen to my family, God still be with our family.... tapi hanya karena satu hal : kerjaan ...

and the most ironic, bukan karena kerjaan ini makin demanding.... (dari dulu jg demanding), tapi gua ngerasa karena gua yg berubah...

gua udah mo 30..if I want to start or try anything new....this is the moment or there's no turning back....
selama ini gua kerja.... duit buat beli condo yg se mill aja belon ada.... yah gimana coba ?

if you wanna know how my work life is, as I have said and let me stress it again: simply watch devil wears prada.....

in my case: my devils eat prata... HAHAHA :)
no lah....boss gua ga devil... I have to say that.... mereka baek..
just the nature of my job.......

persis kayak dia..
she doesnt love fashion.....gua ga cinta financial market
she can do a good job being fashion assistant...... I know I do good too
I would love to have assistant like me for sure..
she enjoy the benefit of being in fashion world.....she get make over ... she become more fashionable....she enjoy the high life of being in frontline of europe fashion week
I do too... I love my travelling, wine & dine, shopping guiltless..and the enjoyment of treating/ buying sth good for family and friends is amazing.

but in the end what she love is just being low key journalist....
being just who she is doing what she love the most......

that goes the same to me..

ya udah...gua udah puas doing my blogging destressing verbal diare point...
hope it helps me surviving another week of disasterss... and last me long enough till my due time...

lastly : doakan my sanity please...
pray for my capacity to embrace lil peace in a world war zone I face each day... that I can at least smile (usually gitu pergi lunch I'm all smile... took me 10 minutes of ngomel2 to my lunch finally... si mi le )
pray for heart to still be grateful to see the paycheck in my account each month
most importantly ....doain supaya this area of my life that's on fire ...... ga ngebakar area2 lainnya.... en pray that gua ga destressing by eating out.....or simply ngomel2 ke temen2 gua terus .....

doakan spy gua cepat kembali
ke bombie yg dulu ...
yg all smile...all energetic...all humble.. all grateful

yg pasrah
bombie {=^o^=}

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