Friday, December 18, 2009

High School reunion

In Changi terminal 2 currently

Inget pelem2 about high school reunion dulu waktu kita sma ?
well...I'm about to have one soon tommorrow :P

gile...udah 10 taon...
though I felt like that serial is exaggerating on how scarry a high school reunion can be
where past skeleton and unpopularity is digged out in a mean way....
ketemu temen lama, musuh lama, cinta lama, pacar lama... blueh:P

somehow....gua jg....jadi agak2 serem ngadepin besok :P

serem coz simply :
I don't really have great High school moment to be said
kl org lain masih bother to keep contact with their HS frenz
I don really bother, unless temen baek bener kayak Wiwid umbul..
kyk pengen burry my teenz gitu :P

The better of my life begins in Singapore
Accidentally.... I met God in Singapore...
Accidentally ? hehehee :) Nah...
It's all in His perfect plan

Anyway : apapun yg terjadi besok...
bakal gua ceritain lagi deh :)

we'll see bakalan se drama rama mama anak2 bandel dulu ga...
or sepi2 aja kayak my boring teen dayz

bentar lagi boarding :P

bombie {=^o^=}

1 comment:

Pinkbuble said...

Kapan reuniannya Bomb??